OFFER #2 ~ Workshop Bundle: From ‘lost’ to LIVED multidimensionality
OFFER #2 ~ Workshop Bundle: From ‘lost’ to LIVED multidimensionality
- Value: $308
2 Payment Option Available
ITEM #1: Embarking on the Journey Together ~ Intention Call (Live group Zoom call experience) + PDF
(Value: $55)
We’ll gather as a group to create our safe, sacred space of the Crystalline Chamber of Light; I’ll share about the orientation and program of our journey together, the schedule and resources; you’ll receive detailed instructions for your preparation for both workshops (also in PDF); we’ll set our intentions with 3 Power Claiming Keys (also in PDF); you’ll receive an Orb of Grace & Infusion of Grace in your Heart, for a grace-full journey together.
ITEM #2: Grounding in Unshakable Faith ~ Workshop (Live group Zoom call experience) + PDF
(Value: $88)
In the safe, sacred Space of the Crystalline Chamber of Light, we’ll call forth the power of Archangel Michael & his Flaming Sword of Transmutation to clear your blocks to
- KNOWING the presence of the Divine
- FEELING (seeing, hearing, sensing, experiencing) the presence of the Divine
- EXPECTING the presence of the Divine
as well as the emotional, mental, energetic side effects of past lack/loss of Faith.
You’ll be guided and supported to choose Faith, fully committing to Faith and making your Heart the Home of your Faith.
We’ll amplify and magnify your new decisions with a transmission of the Orb of Grace & Infusion of Grace in your Heart; there, you’ll receive 5 Power Claiming Keys for Unshakable Faith (also in PDF)
You’ll have established Faith as your Foundation, Solid as a Rock!
ITEM #3: The Quest for Lost Treasures ~ Workshop (Live group Zoom call experience)
(Value: $88)
In the safe, sacred Space of the Crystalline Chamber of Light, you’ll be guided and supported to
- Clear the experience and imprint of suppression and loss
- Remove the illusion of loss of Knowledge, Wisdom & Mastery ~ clearing the side effects and consequences of this illusion (mental, emotional, energetic, the struggle, difficulty, frustration, guilt, self-blame, shame, despair… ~ and any other residue)
- Revoke any vows and spells of suppression of your power, gifts, mastery
- Restore the conditions for your ownership of the treasures of your lineage (Worthiness, Dedication, Alignment, Integrity) and claim your Readiness to embrace your Rightful Inheritance
- Celebrate with your Lineage, proclaiming the restoration, recovery, and commitment to the Found Treasure, your Rightful Inheritance
- Anchor in your Future Timeline, walking your Highest Path with Knowledge, Wisdom & Mastery, on a solid ground of Faith
- Experience an Ethereal Cocoon for deeper, further exploration and discovery of your Lineage’s Treasures
You’ll have Unlocked, Uncovered & Embraced the Lost Treasures of your Lineage!
ITEM #4: Ethereal Cocoon for Exploration & Discovery ~ Audio (MP3 file)
(Value: $44)
Be guided into the experience of an energetic incubator for the exploration and discovery of your multi-dimensionality ~ yours, for as many iterations, as far and as deep as you want!
ITEM #5: BONUS: Orb of Grace & Infusion of Grace in your Heart ~ Audio (MP3 file)
(Value: $33)
An offering of the Orb of Grace & Infusion of Grace in your Heart, for you to enjoy at your convenience… How about a daily treat of Grace for your Heart?!