Mastery Empowerment Course: Pleiadian Light Codes for a New Era of Light

Mastery Empowerment Course: Pleiadian Light Codes for a New Era of Light


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In this 5 week journey following up the Aqualorian Crstalline Light Healing Golden Keys to Light Being, we now will be opening up to and making extra terrestrial, or interdimensional being, contact with their Galactic Federation family members the Pleiadians extra terrestrial group.

They will assist in bringing in new light codes to prepare for a new era of Light that is swiftly building and approaching us with Pluto coming into Aquarius beginning of next year ushering in 20 years of a new era of Light. We will do 5 sessions connecting to the Pleiadians for Light encoding and seeding to assist us in this transformation and evolution to a new level of Light.

The Pleiadians are a star family group that are part of the greater Galactic Federation or Galactic Federation of Light. The GF assists all of humanity with its advancement into 5th density frequency being and includes all civilizations in our galaxy connecting to our Original Earth density roots often referred to as Lyra. They assist with leveling up our Divine Blueprint.

Each of the sessions will be conducted in the Akashic Enlightenment energy field in the shamanic practice of opening up higher dimensional realms connecting to the benevolent spiritual realms and Universal Source Consciousness with Ascended Masters  and Archangel Metatron as our guides. We will be connecting through your Akashic Records and the multiuniversal and multidimensional knowledge of the Book of Truth ranging from 5th density to 12th density frequency (full Ascended Master) consciousness. As a Twin Ray aligned and assigned on Earth to help it to ascend into New Earth the sessions will also connect to Sherry’s completed Twin Ray helix formation allowing you to advance your consciousness DNA helix.

5 90 minute sessions with 5 30 minute energy transmissions in the Akashic Enlightenment field with the  Pleiadians, after an introduction and followed by a discussion, sharing your experiences and any questions.

Not required, but if you wish to enhance your experience and you already know how to open your Akashic Enlightenment, you are welcome to do so. If you don’t already know how you can easily learn how in Sherry Mosley’s book “Akashic Enlightenment Akashic Records & Book of Truth for Divine Knowledge, Healing, & Ascension” available on her website or Amazon and via the Akashic Enlightenment trainings she teaches.

Benefits of these sessions:

  • Receive new Light codes swiftly coming into our New Earth field
  • Awakening and align with
  • Step into your higher alignment
  • Awaken and align with a new level of Light swiftly coming into our Earth field
  • Shift your frequency to a higher level of Light and Being
  • Connect with the Pleiadians, members of the Gaalctic Federation (Pleiadian, Arcturian, Andromedan, Orion, Lyran, Sirian)
  • Connect to your star seed connections and star family Earth members
  • Receive any higher knowledge aligned for you at this time from your starseed connections to the Pleiadians
  • Elevate your Light frequencies
  • Accelerate your consciousness for the new Light frequencies expanding your capacity to unfold with it
  • Accelerate your DNA activation
  • Connect to 5th-12th density frequency
  • Connect to the Akashic Enlightenment field and your Akashic Records and Books of Truth