Mastery Empowerment Course: Aqualorian Golden Keys to Light Being, Part 1
Mastery Empowerment Course: Aqualorian Golden Keys to Light Being, Part 1
2 Payment Option Available
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Be a Leader of Light by Being your True Light
Are feeling called to awaken more deeply at this time? Do you feel like you are being called to shift with a swiftly shifting world? These sessions will assist you with aligning with your new Core Light field that is now available as our earth swiftly shifts to a new level of Light. The Aqualorians will assist you with their Crystalline Light Healing to come into your awareness as the Light Being you are to hold a new frequency of being allowing you to level up your frequency to the new threshold unveiling your role as a Light Being.
These are split into 2 groups, Part 1 & 2. It is recommended one do both. If you only feel truly called to one then you can do that but doing both are recommended. They can be done in any order.
The first 3 sessions will be to align your role as a Light Being. As the level of Light shifts so does your role as a Light Being. The next 3 sessions will be to bring in a new grid of Light that wasn’t previously available on Earth and now is here and available to be leveled up to. These sessions together allow you to understand who you are now as a Being of Light here on New Earth as it goes through rapid accelerated Ascension to a higher frequency.
Each session will include a 30 minute Aqualorian Crystaline Light Healing energy transmission bringing in frequencies of healing and awakening on all levels of being, spiritual, causal, mental, emotional, etheric and physical, affecting all of your auric field resonances to your outward material world experiences and rebalancing and clearing your toroidal field.
The Aqualorians are a 9th density ancient builder race of Cosmic Consciousness and Divine Resourcing Angelic level extra terrestrial group (Angelics to the Galactic Federation) that Sherry Mosley met in Mount Shasta in 2018 where she was attuned to their healing modality over a series of years. Their Cyrstalline Light Healing connects to the ancient Grail Line Frequencies (held by Grail Line Keepers) here on Earth via the Essene (who taught Ascended Master Jesus before he Ascended) and those before them. They are assisting us in healing on all levels of being primarily focusing on shifting consciousness to lead to a better quality of life in peace, joy and alignment with higher self or your True Soul Self that is aligned with Source and Universal Consciousness. They have already achieved this state and level of being and thus now teach us.
Aqualorian Crystalline Light Frequency being a 9th density frequency returns one back to their cellular memory in form incarnation back to it’s Original Blueprint, ‘out of linear time’ sequence and back to Source, healing and upgrading your toroidal field and oscillation rate and realigning the consciousness to it’s highest possible level at the present time it is applied. This allows for healing on all levels.
Each of the sessions will be conducted in the Akashic Enlightenment energy field in the shamanic practice of opening up higher dimensional realms connecting to the benevolent spiritual realms and Universal Source Consciousness with Ascended Masters and Archangel Metatron as our guides. We will be connecting through your Akashic Records and the multiuniversal and multidimensional knowledge of the Book of Truth ranging from 5th density to 12th density frequency (full Ascended Master) consciousness. As a Twin Ray aligned and assigned on Earth to help it to ascend into New Earth the sessions will also connect to Sherry’s completed Twin Ray helix formation allowing you to advance your consciousness DNA helix.
3 90 minute sessions with 3 30 minute energy transmissions in the Akashic Enlightenment field with Aqualorian Crystalline Light Healing, after an introduction and followed by a discussion, sharing your experiences and any questions.
Not required, but if you wish to enhance your experience and you already know how to open your Akashic Enlightenment, you are welcome to do so. If you don’t already know how you can easily learn how in Sherry Mosley’s book “Akashic Enlightenment Akashic Records & Book of Truth for Divine Knowledge, Healing, & Ascension” available on her website or Amazon and via the Akashic Enlightenment trainings she teaches.
- Access and align your Light Being template
- Align with your new role as a Light Being on New Earth
- Step into your current alignment as a Light Being
- Awaken to a new level of Light swiftly coming into our Earth field
- Shift your frequency to a higher level of Light and Being
- Connect with the Aqualorians, these beautiful Angelic level E.T.’s as many connected to the Gaalctic Federation (Pleiadian, Arcturian, Andromedan, Orion, Lyran, Sirian) feel called to
- Elevate your Light frequencies
- Receive Twin Ray advanced Light frequencies and activation
- Accelerate your consciousness for the new Light frequencies expanding your capacity to unfold with it
- Accelerate your DNA activation
- Connect to 5th-12th density frequency
- Connect to the Akashic Enlightenment field and your Akashic Records and Books of Truth