Mastery Empowerment Course: High Vibrational Shift to PEACE

The Power of Voice for Inner Calm

Mastery Empowerment Course: High Vibrational Shift to PEACE


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Your inner compass knows and desires peace. It is the frequency of HOME. During the course, High Vibrational Shift to PEACE, you will receive a therapeutic sound journey with vocal energy work to activate your inner calm. There will be a vibrational detox in place to support you in releasing your blocks to daily peace. What if your inner peace was easier to sustain? How would that create positive shifts in your relationships, in your business, and in your neighborhood? How would you show up each day if you found yourself tuned to peace daily? THIS is where you start … being the change in the world you want to see and your voice can lead you.

In this chock-full 2 hour course:

  • Receive vocal energy work through a sound journey to activate inner calm
  • Detox dense frequencies with your own voice
  • Learn 5 tips to open your Voice and be sung by Peace
  • Learn 2 Peace Chants to affirm the peace vibration every day
  • Intend world peace through the portal of your own heart and voice

Bonus: Self-Care Through Vocal Sound, Guide

This guide will get you started on using your voice for daily practice to keep your vibrational frequencies clear and high so you feel content joy and inner calm. And the best part is you will learn how to get there even on the hardest days of your spiritual awakening.