Mastery Empowerment Course: The Matariki/Pleiades Transmissions

Mastery Empowerment Course: Gene's Latest Arcturian Transmissions


2 Payment Option Available

October 19, 20, and 21

12 pm PT / 1 pm MT / 2 pm CT / 3 pm ET / 7 pm GMT

Downloads available 24 Hours after the final event

In this series of transmission we will be connecting to the nine stars associated with the Pleiades through the lens of the Maori Healing Spirits and Forces.  Gene just returned from a 14 day spiritual tour and initiation process in Aotearoa/New Zealand where he and a group of participants connected with the land energies and spiritual beings of the Maori.  The Maori name for the Pleiades is Matariki and each of the nine stars has a legend or spiritual significance behind them.  They are personified as spiritual beings or gods and goddesses.  In this series of three meetings we will be connecting to Matiriki, the mother goddess, in general and two or three of her offspring stars in each session.  The overall intention is to download information and energies that can help us prosper and move forward in our spiritual path as well as help the planet in this important time.

Below is a general summary of each session and the Maori understanding of which each star represents.

In all three sessions we will be connecting to the main star, Matariki.  In the Maori cosmological understanding, she gave birth to the eight other stars by mating with Rehua who is the star Antares.  Matariki’s qualities include well being, good fortune, and health

In the first session, we will also be connecting to the following other stars in the Pleiadian constellation.

  1. Pohutukana-connected with the dead and helping the dead transition to their next life; depicted as female
  2. Hiwa-i-te-rangi-promise of prosperous season; wishing upon a star, new year’s resolution

In the second session, we will be connecting with the stars associated with abundance and nourishment.  These include:

  1. Tupuanuku-female, food grown in the ground; to grow in the earth
  2. Tupuarangi-food that comes from the sky; birds; harvesting of birds, fruits, and berries from trees; male

In the third and final session, we will be connecting to the remaining three star children in the Pleiades that are associated with the water element.

  1. Waiti-female; sweet; fresh waters and creatures that live within rivers, streams, and lakes
  2. Waita-male; oceans and salt waters; control of the tides
  3. Waipunarangi-rain; water that pools in the sky; female

In total there are 9 star transmissions in this Matarike/Pleiades transmissions.  It will be a deep dive into connecting with the cosmic energies associated with the Maori and a deep connection with our own soul and higher self.  We will also have ample time to unpack the downloads we receive both during the in-person event as well as in our dream space.  We will also learn additional Maori based spiritual energy techniques and ideas learned during the trip taught to Gene by traditional Maori healers.

This is an on-line event.  Everyone who registers will receive the mp3 recordings of the session.

Enjoy this Bonus with this Course

Bonus: The Fields of Divinity: the Solar Sun Transmissions

3 Sessions in Audio & Video File

with energy transmissions extracted into individual audios.

Join us to receive the downloads and transmissions from the recent visit to Peru and the sacred sites there.  We will be focusing the three days of this Mastery Empowerment Course to tune in and receive the energy and information from the etheric Golden Sun Temples anchored physically in the Peruvian Sacred Sites.  Gene will be returning from 12 days of touring the various sacred sites in Peru.  We will focus on the subtle physical etheric realm called the Fields of Divinity.  This subtle physical realm or astral dimension close to the physical world is supposedly where the Incan Spiritual Teachers and Forces went to after disappearing from the physical world.  This Fields of Divinity of the Incan Spiritual Tradition sounds very similar to a term coined by Samual Sagan from the Clairvision Meditation School called the Fields of Peace.  The Fields of Peace, taken from an Egyptian world called sekhet hetepet, is a subtle realm close to our physical world where Masters and Spiritual Schools operate to help raise the frequency and vibration of our planet.  The three days of transmissions, discussions, and learnings in this Mastery Empowerment Class on the Fields of Divinity will help us to connect to this location in the inner world and the Masters there.

The three days are broken down into the following transmissions and topics:

1) Day 1-The Galactic Center/Father Sun Transmission-here we will be connecting to Light on all levels.  We will receive the light in our heart and connect it to the light of the Father Sun and the Galactic Center.  The transmission will increase our Light Power and allow this to radiate out to all beings, all dimensions, and all ley lines on the globe.  We will learn solar Andean practices to imbibe this Light into all of our being.  We will also go over ley lines emanating from Peru into other sacred sites on the planet.

2) Day 2-Golden Serpent/Kundalini Transmission-Here will focus on imbuing our energetic spine with the golden energy of the serpent who then flies in the inner world.  We will learn how to do these practices and anchor this spiritual golden energy into our energetic spine and brain.  We will connect with the universal pattern of the Caduceus and the serpent power that runs through the ley lines of the planet.  This process will help raise the overall frequency in our system and the greater grid structure on the planet.

3) Day 3-The One Eye Spiritual Vision Transmission.  In the Andean Tradition the third eye is referred to as the One Eye or First Eye.  We will learn Andean Solar Practices to cleanse the energy of the physical eyes and the third eye tunnel and energy structures.  This will allow us to see more deeply into things and situations and to allow our hearts to read what is needed during any one time or period.

Please join us for these unique transmissions as we connect to the Andean, Incan, and Pre-Incan Masters and Teachers.  This will also deepen our connection to the Divine and our current Guides, Teachers, and Spiritual Forces guiding us now.  We will be bringing through a whole new pattern of energy for this next cycle on the planet.

This is an on-line event.  Everyone who registers will be part of the group energy field and receive the energy even if you cannot make the live sessions.  Everyone who registers will receive the mp3 recordings of the session.