Mastery Empowerment Course: Arcturian New Cycle Program Transmissions
Mastery Empowerment Course: Gene's Latest Arcturian Transmissions
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Please join us for a deep dive to work with the energetics of the New Year by preparing our consciousness and subtle bodies with new patterns for hope, manifestation, good health, longevity, prosperity, and spiritual acceleration. We will be working directly with the Divine, Our Guides and Teachers, the Masters on the Inner Planes, and the Arcturians to download the energies and information for the coming New Year. This Mastery Empowerment Course is separated into three transmissions and themes with associated best practices to bring through these energies into our life.
The first session is focused on longevity, rejuvenation, and good health. This is the bedrock of all prosperity and abundance. We can enjoy and share these new energies when we are in good health and happiness. The transmission will focus with the help of the Arcturians to return lost, stolen, or depleted soul energies from the previous year or years. We will also be restoring and balancing the five elements in our body (earth, water, fire, air, and space). Finally we will be clearing any energies that are blocking our vitality and rejuvenation. After the transmission we will go over best practices to continue this process for ourselves as well as a discussion on what people experienced during the 1 hour transmission.
The second session focuses on prosperity, good fortune, and manifestation in the New Year cycle. We will be experiencing a transmission to clear our seven subtle bodies to be a clear channel for the Divine Light to manifest into all dimensions and in particular the physical dimension. We will be downloading the new prosperity energies, frequencies, and patterns from the Arcturians and our Guides. We will also go over best techniques for thought form creation such as the spheres of energy creation technique and crystal charging techniques for manifestation. Finally, we will learn ways to instruct our subconscious mind to assist us in the overall prosperity and good fortune thinking generated by the transmission.
The third and final session will focus on the rebirth, renewal, and death/resurrection cycle. We will be working with similar energetic patterns from the Egyptian Book of the Dead and the Tibetan Book of the Dead on the resurrection and impermanence patterns involved in these morphic fields represented by these sacred texts. The Arcturian transmission will download these patterns of energetic information into our energy field to allow for acceleration of our spiritual path during these new and accelerated times. By downloading these patterns we can take advantage of the accelerated frequencies reaching the planet at these times. We can ride the energetic wave rather than being burdened or overwhelmed by it. After the transmission, we will unpack these texts and how to use them in our daily lives.
Also, during each session, we will have ample time for discussion and unpacking of each transmission.
This is an on-line event. Everyone who registers will receive the mp3 recordings of the session.
Enjoy this Bonus with this Course
Mastery Empowerment Course: Building the Immortal Body of Light
In this new Mastery Empowerment Course, we will be utilizing the brand new Arcturian Healing Method Level 11 frequencies to build your Immortal Body of Light. The Immortal Body of Light is an astral structure that you create with your intention, imagination, and pranic winds that defies the shattering of the subtle bodies at the time of physical death. You can use this astral vehicle to travel during your life in the astral worlds, also while dreaming, and finally in-between lifetimes. These new frequencies are part of the downloads that will be occurring for the Arcturian Healing Method Level 11 that will occur during the Winter Solstice 2022. This is the first time these frequencies will be used in a public setting.
Below is the description of the three days, the processes used, and the frequencies that you will be exposed to.
Session 01: Building the Immortal Body of Light’s Central Channel, Microcosmic Orbit, Brain and Spinal Cord. Below are the frequencies used during this session.
1) Arcturian Divine Forms Frequency for the Central Channel-This frequency will build fully the central channel of energy in the IBOL.
2) Arcturian Divine Forms Frequency for the Microcosmic Orbit-This frequency will build the Microcosmic Orbit in the IBOL which consists of the front channel (Conception Vessel) and the back channel (Governor Vessel).
3) Arcturian Divine Forms Frequency for the Brain and Spinal Cord-This frequency builds an astral brain and spinal cord in the IBOL. This allows a more full transfer of consciousness into the IBOL.
Session 02: Building the Immortal Body of Light’s 5 Yin Organs and Senses. Below are the frequencies used during the session.
4) Arcturian Divine Forms Frequency for the Organs-This frequency builds in the IBOL a body of light version of the kidneys, liver, spleen, heart, and lungs (the 5 yin organs).
5) Arcturian Divine Forms Frequency for the Senses-This frequency builds the eyes, ears, nose, and mouth of the IBOL for complete sensing.
Session 03: Building the Immortal Body of Light’s Transpersonal and Thunder Chakra (chaka right beneath the root chakra). Below are the frequencies used during the session.
6) Arcturian Divine Forms Frequency for the Transpersonal Chakras-This frequency builds the upper and lower transpersonal chakras in the IBOL.
7) Arcturian Divine Forms Frequency for the Thunder Chakra-This frequency builds the Thunder Chakra in the IBOL.
Also as part of the third session, we will go over the Microcosmic Orbit meditation that you can perform inside your Immortal Body of Light in order to continue to charge and build this astral structure.
Also, during each session, we will have ample time for discussion and unpacking of each transmission.
This is an on-line event. Everyone who registers will receive the mp3 recordings of the session.