Experience for yourself why tens of thousands from all around the world have reported eliminating Chronic Physical Pain, Depression, Anxiety, Chronic Fatigue, Trauma, Battles with Binge-Eating, Insomnia, Migraines and MANY other “Mysterious” Chronic Symptoms and Conditions….even when nothing else worked!
The Day of HighSpeed Healing Immersion® is a One-Day, EXPERIENTIAL, Online Workshop LIVE with Debora Wayne, Founder & CEO of The International Chronic Pain Institute®. This Audio Only Virtual Event can be accessed from any device and is designed to accelerate the releasing of your pain (pain of ALL types – physical, mental, emotional, even spiritual and financial) and to help you get your Energy and Life back on Track.
You’ll have the opportunity to be with and learn from Debora for over 5 hours (LIVE) that day, ask your toughest questions, and receive her world-renowned HighSpeed Energy Healing™ sessions (twice in one single day!). Throughout the entire day, Debora will share her expert guidance, and offer tools and tips to help you Finally get UNstuck, stop struggling and move past the blind spots that may be blocking you from the joy, energy, love, freedom, and health that you seek.
Many people who had already tried everything to eliminate their pain, patterns, and symptoms have reported that attending The Day of HighSpeed Healing Immersion® changed the direction of their entire lives. Let’s add YOU to that list!
On the DOH ….
- You’ll Discover the 3 EXACT THINGS you MUST DO if you want to live pain-free (applies to ANY type of pain, pattern, or problem – not just physical pain symptoms).
- Debora will Reveal the TOP 13 HIDDEN REASONS FOR ALL PAIN, patterns, and symptoms so you can finally stop searching and trying to figure out what’s wrong.
- You’ll Be Guided by a true Expert who skillfully helps you to break through your Blind Spots and finally get UNstuck!
- If you are ready for more ease, joy, and freedom, take this affordable first step forward.
- The DOH® is PERFECT for anyone with a super busy life and is an IDEAL FIRST STEP if you are new to Debora’s work.
- The DOH is also a GREAT “TUNE-UP” for those that have worked with Debora in the past. You will see, hear and feel things you weren’t able to access previously as you move to a new level of awareness and higher state of consciousness.
- This is also the MOST affordable way to go deep with Debora all in a single day and has the potential to completely turn your health, energy, and life around in a new, positive direction!
- THE DAY OF HighSpeed HEALING IMMERSION® – A 5+ hour LIVE Virtual LIVE Event with Debora ($1000 VALUE)
- Two ( 2 ) Full HighSpeed Healing™ Sessions designed to help Rapidly Release Chronic Pain, Depression, Anxiety, Trauma, Battles with Food, Weight, Binge-Eating, Insomnia, Headaches, Chronic Fatigue, and many other Chronic Conditions and Patterns including Money, Relationship and Career Pain! ($1000 VALUE)
- LIVE Q & A with Debora – GET UNSTUCK – Have the opportunity to ask your questions & work with Debora on the call receiving direct help
- Bust Through Your Blindspots
- Clear Limiting Beliefs
- Release Stuck & Suppressed Emotions that lie at the root of almost ALL dis-ease, pain, and symptoms ( yes, even accidents, injuries & chronic conditions)
- Fastest, Safest way to Release Trauma from your Past (ancestral, past-life, birth trauma, trauma from accidents/injuries/surgeries)
- Re-program & Replace Old Cellular Memories that hold Past Trauma
- Huge Benefits for YOU as Debora works with others in the Live Group
- Get Your ENERGY and life back on the right track
- NO pills, supplements, PT, or giving up all the foods you love
The Day of HighSpeed Healing Immersion® is NORMALLY $497
HALF OFF for NEO community – ONLY $247
Take a look at what the Day Of HighSpeed Healing ImmersionTM has in store for you…
- At 10 AM Pacific, you’ll connect via phone or internet. You will have DIRECT ACCESS to Debora.
- Discover the 3 EXACT STEPS YOU MUST TAKE if you want to Get Your Energy & Life Back on Track, Get UN-Stuck and Learn to Live Pain-FREE.
- Debora will reveal to you the TOP 3 HIDDEN REASONS that lie at the root of all pain and suffering… She’s discovered these after working with tens of thousands of men and women in 150 countries and recovering from her own personal “health hell” over 30 years ago.
- EXPERIENCE FOR YOURSELF how a little-known scientific discovery has the potential to rapidly find and release the hidden root cause of your pain more rapidly than any other available methods.
- You will experience the first of TWO full sessions of Debora’s leading-edge method known as HighSpeed HealingTM ($1000 VALUE!)(Debora will describe this in detail before we begin – just know for now that you don’t have to do anything to prepare and that it’s been been shown in a science lab to provide 6 times the pain DECREASE and energy INCREASE when compared to other healing methods. Past clients and participants have reported complete elimination of Chronic pain, Depression, Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Chronic Fatigue, Trauma, Battles with Food, Weight, Binge-Eating, Insomnia, Immune Weakness, Seizures, Spinal issues, and MANY other chronic conditions… and even when nothing else they tried had worked).
- You’ll be guided to discover the hidden reasons for your particular type of pain, and how to release the real root cause, so your body, mind, emotions, and energy can finally come back into balance.
- LIVE Q & A: There will be opportunities to ask Debora your toughest questions where you feel stuck, blocked, hopeless, or confused. She will work with as many people as time permits in the morning and afternoon and you’ll benefit from everyone on the call. We’ll wrap up at approximately 12:30 Pacific Time (sometimes we run over).
- You’ll have a break to allow everything you experience to sink in and deeply integrate. You’ll receive an assignment to contemplate and complete during the break so that your healing continues and new awareness will surface for you. (It’s highly recommended, if at all possible, that you take the entire day off and declare this a Special Day of Self-Care just for you. A time for new awareness, a time to slow down, and most important… a time to finally heal.)
- We’ll come back together at 5PM pacific time for a second call. This is NOT a repeat of the morning session.There is a cumulative effect as you go further and deeper together. There will be more Q & A with Debora’s years of experience to help you get UNstuck, and another full session of Biofield Healing Immersion®.
- Debora will take more volunteers through their challenges and areas of pain and she’ll help you to finally get answers, experience relief, and feel hopeful that you, too can really heal. You’ll have another opportunity to have your questions answered and work 1 on 1 with Debora before the day wraps up at 7:30 pm Pacific Time.
- Don’t worry if you can’t make it to the live call! You’ll receive a recording of the ENTIRE DAY (both sessions morning AND evening) and you’ll have 5 full days of unlimited access to listen again and again AND receive HighSpeed Healing® Sessions. Register anyway even if you cannot attend live since the recordings are just as powerful! Some people actually prefer the recorded version!