Special Offer: Group Power Healing® Live Session

Accelerated Healing: Addressing, Healing, Clearing Father Issues and Issues with the Masculine

Mastery Empowerment Course: Group Power Healing®

  • Accelerated Healing: Addressing, Healing, Clearing Father Issues and Issues with the Masculine

2 Payment Option Available

Downloadable Replay Now Available

Important things to know about Ambujam’s Group Power Healing® replays and how to get the most out of them: Replays are extremely powerful and are just like attending live sessions. They work with many aspects of you at once. Treat each replay like a live session and bring your choices for healing and Spirit will work with these as well as what occurred during each session. No driving or doing anything that needs your focus while listening.

Father issues, issues with the masculine… interesting topic for this week right?! Yup, we’re goin there…here we go…

Spirit shows me this Saturday is a point in time that addressing underlying father issues and issues having to deal with masculine energy now is important because of where you’re going on your path of self empowerment over the next 3 months. With the Eclipse Season on it’s way + your next levels of empowerment will call forth your next underlying father/masculine issues you’re truly ready to face and deal with so you can be empowered and free on these levels.

Spirit wants to address this topic now for you, to give you a head start and ease your healing-awakening path as you’re uncovering your next levels of self strength and empowerment more deeply over the next 3+ months…

You all will bring so many specific details and themes to cover that I won’t even attempt to go into them now :) So let’s dive deep in there together and help these many parts of you feel met, seen, received, validated, empowered and welcomed so they can heal easier-faster on countless human and multi-dimensional levels for your dad issues and your relationship with the masculine.

All you need to do is just be and the session will do the rest!

  • We’ll meet your present and next levels of where you’re more deeply empowering yourself right now.
  • Your inner strength, knowings, wholeness and sovereignty will bring the specific information, layers of healing and themes ready for faster-easier healing for the root causes of father issues and issues with the masculine.
  • Receive deep emotional healing and spiritual healing to free up, clear and bring deep completion to old father issue cycles, momentums and your no-longer-serving ways of being.
  • Release root causes of additional life-themes related to this topic stemming back through significant lifetimes.
  • EFFORTLESSLY let go of past inner consciousness and energy, cellular past denser consciousness of your Soul History, complete past choices and support current empowering choices, support, empower and align in your new up and coming phases and life changes.
  • Receive specific information, empowering guidance and teachings for how to navigate your new changes, your spiritual quickening and living your highest path of deepest inner truth at this time.
  • We’ll partner with the current energy activations, spiritual shifts and what’s up and coming to move you through your changes as easy as possible.