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Enjoy this Quantum Conversation with Mahalia Michael

Timelines | Swim in the Timeline of Water World Whispering with Whale Power & MU Magic for Mermaidia Miracles with Mahalia Michael

Dream Bigger, Dream Sexier, Dream with GOD


You are a Miracle Maker and you are a sentinel guardian of MU
yet life has not been easy and there have been struggles going
on behind that scenes of your life that know one knows about.

There have been glimpses of something more beyond the veil, a desire
to melt the matrix yet you have felt at times like a sunken treasures due to painful
experiences. How do we cut the anchor from our past and sail off into the sunset?

Remember, you have access to Whale Power & MU Magic yet the dream has been blurry at times
or blocked by unconsciousness. The old paradigm can be paralyzing yet there is utter bliss just on the other side!

Have you been hiding the rare gem of your Starseed success in the closet of fear and indecision?
Have you wanted to share your special gifts with the world but not sure how or if you will be ‘accepted’?
Have you experienced ‘miracles’ with those you love and or clients yet may be hesitant to share yourself publicly?

The Universe is calling for your expansion and your courage and your consciousness as you grow in your ability to be in your Whale Power
& MU Magic to share your extraordinary spiritual knowledge and energy on this beloved planet Gaia.

Are you ready to Quantum Human Quantum Leap with me?

What is Whale Power & MU Magic?

Whale’s are the biggest 3D heart, biggest sound, biggest LIGHT of Mother Gaia. They carry the Rose Records for all of humanity and share their
knowledge lovingly and freely with us yet are we listening. Whale Power is GOD Power from the Ocean of Devotion that combines with our 3D hologram to manifest miracles!

MU is the endearing true Hawaiian name for the ancient heartland of Lemuria. Lemuria is the Queendom of Heaven
where beings live with compassion, cooperation, unconditional love, trust, faith, safety, respect, care, creative expression and divine reciprocity.

You are a child of MU and She is calling you back home. She has extra special gifts & treasures for you, MU Magic
to activate and illuminate your soul’s divine expression. Once you fully align with this Heavenly oasis of MU your miracle making
magic unlocks and you can proudly surf the kahuna waves with wind in your sails.

Where do we start? How do we Manifest Miracles with Whale Power & MU Magic?

We think outside of our current brain box
and go SEXY BRAIN!

That’s Right, Sexy Brain!

Your body is made of pure endless GOLD due to the living vortex of your brilliant heart connected to the Grand Central Sun pipeline.
You have a natural, deep bond with the Gaia LIGHT body with your Star LIGHT body which makes you a multi-dimensional mojo machine.
You are already a water whisperer and the Divine Holy Supreme Source Creator wants you to cast bigger spells of LOVE!

Simply put, it is time to DREAM your alignment with your Starseed Success and that is BLISS on every area of Health, Wealth & Happiness!

Let’s do this!

Let’s cannonball into the SEXY OCEAN OF DEVOTION with our SEXY BRAINS together! :)

Enjoy this Quantum Conversation Special Offer

Special Offer: The Lyran Lotus 90 Day Experience

Special Offer 1: The Lyran Lotus 90 Day Experience


Unleash Your Light Body & Rock Your Radiance on Lyra!LIBERATE your LUMINOSITY with our 90 day All-Access pass to the Lyran High Council of Angels.  We are beaming with gratitude to offer YOU our luxurious HIGH FREQUENCY SONIC SCALAR SPA where you can enjoy your very own Lyran Lotus Love Pod.

The Lyran Angels are here to nourish you in their reverent, tender acoustics with your willingness to ENERGIZE your manifestation magic. The Lyran Lotus Experience is a futuristic one of a kind sonic scalar wellness sanctuary elevated high in the sky at the doorway to the Grand Diamond Central Sun.

Receive 90 days of 24/7 DNA Energy Body radiance.By saying ‘YES’ and registering for your Lyran Lotus scalar spa staycay, your DREAM BODY is INSTANTLY taken on our stellar teleportation beam to Lyra where you will be CRADLED, NOURISHED and RECHARGED! No lifting a finger, just 24/7 soothing support in our stellar sanctuary.



Claim your free bonus gifts of Mermaid Dreams MP3 plus 33 pre-recorded videos of Ocean Gold Infinity Pod once you enter your Lyran Lotus VIP member portal.

Special Offer: Bonus Offer: Sexy Brain Bootcamp Online Event 'Turn off the Doubt, Turn on the Superpowers’


2pm PT | 3pm MT | 4pm CT | 5pm ET | 9pm GMT


Where do we start? How do we Manifest MU Miracles with Whale Power?
We think outside of our current brain box
and go SEXY!
That’s Right, Sexy Brain!
Your body is made of pure endless GOLD due to the living vortex of your brilliant heart connected to the Grand Central Sun pipeline.
You have a natural, deep bond with the earth Gaia body and the star bodies which makes you a multi-dimensional mojo machine.
You are already a water whisperer and the Divine Holy Supreme Source Creator wants you to cast bigger spells of LOVE!
Let’s do this!
Let’s cannonball into this sexy ocean together! :)
As a magical being, one who thinks WAY out of the box and has rare, sacred starseed knowledge that serves the illumination for humankind here on earth, there are challenges that go way beyond ‘normal’ 3D life.
Prophet Mahalia has experienced a complex range of ‘distortion’ dealing with a humanity that has swayed far from the natural order of love, kindness and compassion that she knows as TRUTH on MU & Lyra and among the frequencies of our beloved whale and dolphin families of light and sound.
Check what resonates with you on your journey through this material based matrix overlay:
  • not fitting in
  • not feeling welcome
  • being misunderstood
  • being too highly sensitive among insensitivity
  • hiding or isolating from the rest of the world
  • embarrassed about your other worldly abilities
  • loss of dear friendships and family members due to your unusual nature
  • energy attacks and jealousy
  • inability to communicate clearly and fearlessly due to fear of rejection
  • trauma mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually, sexually leaving you lost and stuck on repeat
  • strong desire to ‘bond’ with others and mutual affection only goes one way
  • incredible gifts and abilities that go unnoticed and uncelebrated

About Mahalia Michael

Celebrating 3 decades leading human mastery transformation, Mahalia Michael (Mermaid Mahalia) is a Medical Musician, Author, Thought-Leader, Galactic Guide and Visionary CEO of the Lyran Lotus, Brain Bliss Technology and Academy with its multiple mastery level programs. Recognized globally as a sound healing authority and trauma recovery expert she has served countless students to break free from their trauma vibes and into their dream life. Mahalia reunites us with the Ocean of Devotion Supreme Creation Consciousness where we thrive from our genius level illumination. Her cosmic connection to the Lyran High Council of Angels, her gift of multi-dimensional Whale and Dolphin communication, her life experience in concussion and PTSD recovery, her vocal tuning in the 432 ‘universal healing frequency’ and her unwavering dedication to awaken our innate ‘birthright of bliss’ has transformed mountains into fountains of manifested miracles. Are you ready for a Lyran Lotus LIFT?

The Lyran Lotus 90 Day Experience
