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Enjoy this Quantum Conversation with Egan Sanders

Timelines | Revising the Past to Create a Higher Future with Egan Sanders


What universe would you like to live in? You do not have to be trapped by your own past history or what you see in the mass consciousness. You can live with others in a world of hope, abundance, goodwill, and cooperation. Many realities and timelines exist side by side. But how can you vibrate into your highest future and earth?

Egan Sanders will create a space for you to step into your ideal reality. He has been consciously creating his own higher reality for over 30 years by working with the Law of Attraction. The simple tools he has learned allows him to help others more easily manifest what they prefer.

In this presentation, Egan will briefly share how he successfully shifted how own life to experience wonderful new levels of abundance, love, success, and fulfillment through the Law of Attraction. This will be followed by a powerful meditation journey to mentally and emotionally rewrite the parts of your past history that you would like to change. Like a powerful wave that ripples back in time, this positive revision will change your current reality, beneficially influence your future destiny, and add light to the world. More exercises to create the life you prefer will also be shared.

Enjoy this Quantum Conversation Special Offer

Special Offer: 1 Hour Life Coaching Session

Whether you are looking to improve your finances, be in a satisfying career, find inner peace, have happier relationships, or let go of old issues, you can benefit from the support of a skilled transformation coach. My coaching specialties include:

  • Life Coaching
  • Law of Attraction Coaching
  • Anxiety Coaching
  • Highly Sensitive Person Coaching
  • Psychosomatic Healing
  • Energy Clearing
  • Light Body Coaching
  • Spiritual Mentoring
  • Starseed Support

In these sessions we can transform a particular concern or life area (i.e. relationships, prosperity/career, overcoming a specific fear, getting unstuck, finding solutions to a past/present conflict, creating more joy in your life, or making an important decision) or these can be used as a more general life “tune-up.”

Special Offer: 1 Hour Session


2 Payment Option Available

Enjoy Egan's Past Mastery Empowerment Courses

Mastery Empowerment Course: How to Access Future Life Memories

Mastery Empowerment Course: How to Access Future Life Memories


2 Payment Option Available

Downloadable Replay Now Available

Your current life was once a future life in a past life! What would it be like to step forward in time and tap into the wisdom of a future self? What if that knowledge could empower you now in this life?

This session will offer a supportive and loving space through exercises, meditations, and sharing to tap into your own power to access future life memories. The facilitator has had this ability for over 20 years and can access several of his future lives. You can step into the future. Anything is possible!

As souls on a journey through Earth life we incarnate many times. Each life is an opportunity to explore a unique perspective, time period and physical form. Some lives are short while others are long. All contain enriching information for our growth in this life if we access these memories.

In this course you will explore:

  • Easily accessing future memories via future life regression and other methods
  • How to work with future memories for your highest good
  • Discovering who you will evolve in to and what your role will be
  • Receiving energy and guidance from your future self and bringing it back into the present time
  • Seeing the future lives of others and the future history of society

Mastery Empowerment Course: How to Access Alternate Lives

Mastery Empowerment Course: How to Access Alternate Lives


2 Payment Option Available

Downloadable Replay Now Available

Are you ready to expand your potential by exploring the field of infinite possibilities? What if you could meet, learn, and grow from different versions of yourself living in alternate universes?

Quantum mechanics reveals that multiple states of existence are all possible at the same time for a single particle. In the multiverse concept our universe is just one of many that exist. It’s as if you could look into endless mirrors and see your reflection into infinity. This is the field of your own infinite being.

This session will offer a supportive and loving space through exercises, meditations, and sharing to help you to tap into your own power to access other you’s living in alternate realties. You are an infinite being. Anything is possible!

In this course you will explore:

  • Accessing and sharing consciousness with different versions of yourself that exist in alternate realities
  • How to work with alternate selves for your highest good
  • Blending with a self from an alternate universe to acquire new skills, abilities or to improve an area of your life
  • Aligning with alternate selves that have already successfully mastered whatever you are seeking to accomplish
  • Receiving energy and guidance from alternate selves and bringing it back into the present to enhance this reality
  • Seeing other paths you have taken in alternate realties

Mastery Empowerment Course: How to Access Past Life Memories

Mastery Empowerment Course: How to Access Past Life Memories


2 Payment Option Available

Downloadable Replay Now Available

This session will offer a supportive and loving space through exercises, meditations, and sharing to tap into your own power to access past life memories. The facilitator has had this ability since he was a child and can recall over 25 of his past lives.

What would it be like to step back in time and tap into the wisdom of a past self? What if that knowledge could empower you now in this life?

As souls on a journey through Earth life we reincarnate many times. Each life is an opportunity to explore a unique perspective, time period and physical form. Some lives are short while others are long. All contain enriching information for our growth in this life if we access these past memories.

In this course you will explore:

  • Easily accessing past memories via past life regression and other methods
  • How to work with past memories for your highest good
  • Learning your unique past life themes and patterns
  • Integrating the wisdom of your past lives
  • Seeing the past lives of others
  • Resolving current life challenges by understanding the past
  • Seeing future and parallel lives
  • Experiencing the multidimensional nature of your soul

Mastery Empowerment Course: Attracting a Soulmate Relationship

Are you ready for a loving soulmate relationship with a partner that you can evolve with?

Do you feel it’s too challenging to make the soulmate connection you desire?
What if there were shortcuts to manifesting love?

On a deeper level we all desire soul love in a relationship, a steady, consistent radiation of the universal presence of love. This is the very essence of the universe. True love comes from this state of being part of the oneness – where you are accepted and where you accept, where you are loved and where you love, and where you feel connected to the greater whole of which you are always a part.

Lightworkers born during this time of planetary transformation were not meant to be alone or lonely. As we live in a higher consciousness we deserve right companionship with a partner who enhances who we are. You can have the relationship that you seek! This workshop will expand your awareness on a deeper level and open your heart to attract a soulmate relationship through powerful processes and meditations.

In this course, we will learn:

  • How to first make a deeper connection to your own soul and its infinite love
  • The way to connect with a potential soulmate on a higher plane before meeting them on the physical plane
  • Clearing beliefs and energies that may be blocking you from the loving relationship you desire
  • Myths and truths about relationships
  • Tools to keep your heart open and love constant

Mastery Empowerment Course: How to Grow Younger by Tapping into The Fountain of Youth

The concept of creating our reality is gaining traction worldwide. If we truly create our reality then perhaps we also create our bodies? As our society evolves we can learn to relate differently to the material world and our bodies.

Current mainstream thinking is that human ageing flows only in one direction. It’s generally accepted that every day a person grows weaker and older due to the passage of time. While drugs or other therapies may slow down the process, it is seen as inevitable. But what if this was not the case?

It was claimed that Ponce de León found an actual fountain of youth in Florida that reversed ageing. There are also spiritual traditions such as Taoism which promote immortality and Qigong and yoga which are seen as a youthing practices. But what if there was an even deeper truth? What if there was a fountain of youth within us? What if our consciousness affected our bodies and ageing?

From the groundbreaking 1979 Counterclockwise Study and the recent Harvard Medical School research on the human body clock that can speed up or reverse the aging of cells, the field of Gerontology is gathering momentum. We are heading into an exciting age of human development unlike any before.

In this course, we will learn:

  • How to transform your consciousness and transform your body
  • Simple practices and attitudes that slow the aging process while leading a happy, fulfilling life
  • Take a guided meditative journey into the DNA of your cells to reprogram, youth and heal your body form
  • How to tap into unlimited physical strength, vitality, health, youth, and vibrancy
  • The easy way to heal, change and rejuvenate your body via a psychosomatic approach

Mastery Empowerment Course: How to Create your Ideal Life and Highest Reality

Humanity is at a crossroads. Some want to leap fully into the Age of Aquarius and create Heaven on Earth, while others remain stuck in old paradigms, unwilling to shift into the new Golden Age we are rapidly entering.

Every day the world is changing for the better. We see signs everywhere. Technology is releasing greater power and mobility to humans worldwide. Spiritual awareness is blossoming in unusual and unexpected ways. We are reaching out to the stars and creating a new society of light. The old must be released to allow for a higher reality.

How can you personally ride these accelerated and expansive energies coming into the Earth plane to create your own ideal life and highest reality? What would that be? What would that look like? How can you attract a life of health, abundance, love, and enlightenment?

What if you could glimpse your own life 5 years, 10 years or even more into your own ideal future and world? Time is a circle. It is possible to transcend the current moment to peer into future probabilities and pathways.

In this course, we will learn:

  • How to become magnetic to your own ideal life and highest reality
  • Simple tools to navigate the chaotic mass consciousness as higher realities are birthed
  • Take a guided meditative journey forward in time to see your own personal future
  • How to open to receive unlimited support, love and guidance from your soul and the masters
  • The easy way to consistently vibrate with ecstasy, grace, ease, and empowerment on a daily basis

Mastery Empowerment Course: How to Navigate the World as a Highly Sensitive Person

Are you a highly sensitive person or “HSP” who tends to overthink or feels things much more deeply than other people? Have you ever hid from scary social situations or relationships to emotionally protect yourself? Do you feel bombarded with unsettling news stories or social media that make you anxious? Do you find yourself easily triggered by an unpredictable and confusing world?

If so, that is quite normal for an HSP. It’s not easy to be sensitive but it can be managed. You don’t have to be controlled by fear, overwhelm, worry, anxiety or doubt. Even if the outer world doesn’t make sense you can remain inwardly centered and at peace. And you can continue to grow spiritually and find meaning no matter what the outer world looks like.

In this course, we will learn:

  • How to quickly clear your energy of unwanted thoughts and emotions
  • Tools to remain consistently calm and relaxed
  • The art of understanding what you are feeling and why
  • Managing upsetting people or situations in your life with ease and wisdom
  • How to live in a higher state of conscious awareness to experience more love and support

Mastery Empowerment Course: Fourth Density Self-Healing

Your body is a just a symbol. It can be transformed by listening to the messages it delivers to you. What new possibilities might open up if you knew your body was actually within your consciousness and could be easily changed/healed?

Our planet is shifting out of the physical limitations of Third Density. We are collectively entering the Fourth Density where we become conscious that we create our reality and physical bodies.

Explore the power of beliefs, emotions, self-awareness, and the symbolic nature of your physical body. Immediately apply tools through meditation, discussion and exercises to shift your perspective into wholeness, well-being and radiant health.

In this course, you will:

  • Transform beliefs, emotion and stories around health and aging
  • Learn to quickly reestablish physical equilibrium
  • Raise your awareness of your natural healing power
  • Let go of resistance to excellent health and well being
  • Experience the blue bubble healing meditation

Mastery Empowerment Course: How to Master the Law of Attraction

Consciously creating the reality you prefer can be like handling a slippery fish. Sometimes it’s profoundly magical and easy. At other times, it seems like an impossible task to get it right!

The Law of Attraction is called many things depending on who talks about it: faith, prayer, visualization, magic, spiritual science, belief, witchcraft or wishcraft, metaphysics, quantum physics and chanting, to name a few.

You are an explorer of reality. Your Law of Attraction power is infinite because you are infinite. There are shortcuts and strategies that can enable you to be the master of your own fate.

In this course, we will learn:

  • How to set powerful intentions and manifest easily
  • Tools to quickly shift beliefs and emotions
  • The art of preparing yourself to receive what you truly want
  • Managing the myths and truths of reality creation
  • Remembering to have fun as you create new and wonderful things

Mastery Empowerment Course: Being Energetically Clear in a Chaotic World

Have you ever felt like your daily life is a battlefield of energetic bombardment? Our relationships, media and political discourse can feel more like a form of combat than a healthy way of connecting. Luckily, there are skills and strategies to keep you energetically clear and in a state of well-being no matter what the outer world looks like. This two hour webinar will empower you to stay in your own positive energy as you move throughout the day.

Bundle of Egan's Mastery Empowerment Courses

  • All of Egan's $33 Mastery Empowerment Courses

About Egan Sanders

Egan Sanders has worked with thousands of people since 1990. He is an intuitive counselor, coach, and author.

He was born with intuitive abilities and has always been able to empathically experience the thoughts, images, and feelings of other people. This allows Egan to tune into and deeply understand a person and create a space for rapid emotional healing, clearing and positive change.

He has taught throughout the United States and internationally, founded two holistic associations and organized numerous holistic events. Egan’s articles have appeared in several publications and he has authored two books. Egan is also the developer of the Worry Whisperer Method™ and creator of Attract It! The Law of Attraction Game.

With his fun, energetic, insightful style, Egan is an inspiring and yet down to earth guide for people wanting to understand themselves, grow personally and spiritually, and move forward in life.  As an accomplished teacher, coach, and counselor, he is also a great resource for advanced souls looking to reach their next level of spiritual evolution.

Mastery Empowerment Course: How to Access Future Life Memories


Mastery Empowerment Course: How to Access Alternate Lives


Mastery Empowerment Course: How to Access Past Life Memories


1 Hour Energy Session


Bundle of Egan's Mastery Empowerment Courses

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