Enjoy this Quantum Human Session with Tena Cacic
The Quantum Human | Reclaiming Your Divine Self with Tena Cacic
Have you ever felt other people’s feelings rather than your own? Like, you listen to your partner talk about his distress at work and you cannot sleep that night because you are fretting about his problem? If you said yes, there is a high possibility that your wounded inner child sabotages your adult life.
Do you find yourself disappointed in one relationship after another, looking for the perfect lover who will fill all your needs or no matter what you try to do for your partner, it is never right? if that applies to you, your wounded inner child needs to be heard, seen and acknowledged.
We are in transition from 3D to 5D level consciousness. It’s also called ascension. To successfully ascend we have to do our homework – heal our wounded child from infancy to adolescence. Most of us grew up in dysfunctional families where our developmental needs were not met.
What we now understand is that when a child’s development is arrested, when feelings are repressed, we grow up to be adults with an angry, hurt, sad child inside of us. This child spontaneously contaminates our adult behavior. Much psychological research showed that this neglected, wounded inner child of the past is the major source of human misery. Until we reclaim, protect, and empower that child, he will continue to act out and contaminate our adult lives.
Enjoy this Quantum Human Special Offer
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Heal Your Infant, Toddler, Preschool, School-Age and Adolescence Age Self, so You Can Reclaim Your Divine Self
6 Live 75 min Learning & Energy Clearing Modules
Have you ever felt other people’s feelings rather than your own? Like, you listen to your partner talk about his distress at work and you cannot sleep that night because you are fretting about his problem? If you said yes, there is a high possibility that your wounded inner child sabotages your adult life.
Do you find yourself disappointed in one relationship after another, looking for the perfect lover who will fill all your needs or no matter what you try to do for your partner, it is never right? if that applies to you, your wounded inner child needs to be heard, seen and acknowledged.
We are in transition from 3D to 5D level consciousness. It’s also called ascension. To successfully ascend we have to do our homework – heal our wounded child from infancy to adolescence. Most of us grew up in dysfunctional families where our developmental needs were not met.
What we now understand is that when a child’s development is arrested, when feelings are repressed, we grow up to be adults with an angry, hurt, sad child inside of us. This child spontaneously contaminates our adult behavior. Much psychological research showed that this neglected, wounded inner child of the past is the major source of human misery. Until we reclaim, protect, and empower that child, he will continue to act out and contaminate our adult lives.
The purpose of the „Reclaiming Your Divine Self“ 6 module program is to teach you why you and other people around you have trust issues, intimacy dysfunction, nondisciplined, offender, and compulsive behaviors. It will show you why we may feel empty and spend life magically thinking that if we have money we’ll be ok or that a piece of paper (a degree) will make us smart.
This program aims to heal our spiritual wound –the loss of I AMness – our Divine Child – Divine Self through infancy to adolescence.
We will heal our spiritual wounds by clearing negative archetypes and embodying positive ones. Archetypes are like organs of our psyche, comparable to the skeletal structures of our body. They are congenital psychic predispositions derived from inherited patterns created in past generations.
We will clear specifically:
- negative aspect of the mother archetype: a mother who smothers, devours and destroys her children and we will embody the positive: nurturing, and life-giving mother
- negative aspect of the father archetype: tyrant who, fearing the loss of his power, keeps his children in bondage and refuses to pass on the traditions and embody the positive aspect: father that protects and sets limits for his children and passes on the laws and traditions of the culture
- negative aspect of child archetype: selfish, childish, and resists emotional and intellectual growth and embody positive: vulnerable, childlike, spontaneous, and creative child
- toxic shame that lives in the core of our spiritual wound – it severed our soul, pierced us to the core, brought us feelings of being flawed and defective, brought us feelings of distrust, ugliness, stupidity, doubt, worthlessness, inferiority, and unworthiness
- Module: Reclaiming Your Infant Self
In this module, we will learn how we experience the world at the infant stage of development, what our infancy needs are, and on whom our destiny depends. We will learn about the foundation for all our future relationships.
We will dive deep into the cause of our emotional deprivation and abandonment and clear:
- source of ingestive addictions
- trouble trusting your ability to get your needs met
- believe you must find someone to meet your needs for you
- trust issues
- feeling that you must be in control at all times
- failing to recognize body signals of physical need (eating when you’re not hungry or/and not having an awareness of how tired you are; neglecting your physical needs; ignoring good nutrition or failing to get enough exercise; going to doctor or dentist only in an emergency)
- deep fears of abandonment
- feeling desperate because a love relationship has ended (your lover has left you; your spouse filed for a divorce
- feeling that you don’t truly fit in or belong anywhere
- feeling that people don’t really welcome you or want your presence
- trying to be invisible in social situations so that no one will notice you
- continual and obsessive need to be valued and esteemed
- trying to be so helpful (even indispensable) in your love relationship that the other person (friend, lover, spouse, child, parent) cannot leave you
- being gullible – accepting others’ opinions or “swallowing things whole” without thinking them through
- feeling that it’s not worth trying to have a relationship
At the end of a group clearing, we’ll have an inner infant affirmations where your Higher Self/Divine Adult – Nurturing Divine Mother will welcome your Divine Child to the world.
- Module: Reclaiming Your Toddler Self
In this module, we will learn how we experience the world at the toddler stage of development, what our toddler needs are, the importance of holding on and letting go in developing healthy willpower and discipline. We will see how we develop a good sense of balance in expressing and suppressing emotions when it’s appropriate.
We will clear and learn why we have issues with:
- knowing what we want
- fear of trying out new experiences or waiting for someone else to try them first
- great fears of abandonment
- longing for someone to tell us what to do in difficult situations
- feeling that we ought to follow someone’s suggestion
- being present
- unhealthy worry
- being spontaneous
- finding ourselves in frequent conflicts with people in authority
- stinginess with money, love, showing emotions, or affection
- obsessiveness about neatness and cleanliness
- fear of anger in other people and ourselves and avoiding conflict
- feeling guilty when saying no to someone and/or avoiding saying no directly
- inappropriately letting go of all control
- excessive criticism of other people
- enjoying success or even believing in your accomplishments
At the end of a group clearing, we’ll have an inner toddler affirmations where your Higher Self/Divine Adult – Nurturing Divine Father will love you unconditionally and nurture your Divine Child with healthy boundaries.
- Module: Reclaiming Your Preschool Self
In this module, we will learn how we experience the world at the preschool stage of development, what our early identity needs are and how we learn who are we, how we want to live our lives and what intimate relationships and sexuality should be.
We will clear and learn why we have issues with:
- identity problems & knowing who are we
- trying to be macho or sexy
- guilty feelings when having sex in a legitimate context
- identifying what we are feeling at any given moment
- communication with the people we are close to (spouse, children, boss, friends)
- trying to control our feelings and of those around us
- cry when we’re angry
- raging when we’re scared or hurt
- expressing feelings
- believing that we are responsible for other people’s behavior or feelings
- feeling guilty for what has happened to our family members
- magically believing that if we just behave a certain way, we can change another person
- magically believing that wishing or feeling something can make it come true
- accepting confusing messages and inconsistent communication without asking for clarification
- acting on guesses and unchecked assumptions, treating them as actual information
- feeling responsible for our parents’ marital problems or divorce
- striving for success so that our parents can feel good about themselves
At the end of a group clearing, we’ll have an inner preschooler affirmations where your Higher Self/ Nurturing Parents will love you unconditionally and encourage your Divine Child to think for herself, to think about her feelings and have feelings about what she’s thinking, to express curiosity about sex and differences between boys and girls. They will encourage her to ask questions and explore who she is.
- Module: Reclaiming Your School -Age Self
In this module, we will learn how we experience the world at the school – age stage, how we develop the knowing that we are capable, so we can be what we choose to be. We will re-cleaim our inner school-age child: a delightful, playful, charming little person, who loved to be connected with his friends and is eager and curious to learn. We will also learn why the wounded inner school-age child will defend his parents, teachers, and abusers.
We will clear and learn why we have issues with:
- comparing ourselves to other people and finding ourselves inferior
- wishing we had more good friends of both sexes
- frequently feeling uncomfortable in social situations
- feeling uncomfortable in being part of a group
- excessive competitiveness
- feeling like we must win
- frequent conflicts with the people we work with and/or with the people in our family
- negotiations: either we (a) give in completely or (b) insist on having things our own way
- priding ourselves on being strict and literal, following the letter of the law
- procrastination and/or finishing things
- believing we should know how to do things without instruction
- intense fears about making a mistake
- experiencing severe humiliation if we are forced to look at our mistakes
- frequently feeling angry and critical of others
- basic life skills (ability to read, ability to speak and/or write with good grammar, ability to do necessary math calculations)
- spending lots of time obsessing on and/or analyzing what someone has said to us
- feeling ugly and inferior and trying to hide it with clothes, things, money, or make-up
- lying to ourselves and others a lot of the time
- believing that no matter what we do, it is not good enough
At the end of a group clearing, we’ll have an inner school – age self affirmations where your Higher Self/Wise Adult will assure your Divine child that it’s okay to learn to do things your own way. It’s okay to think about things and try them out before she make them your own. You can trust your own judgments; you need only take the consequences of your choices. You can do things your own way and it’s okay to disagree.
- Module: Reclaiming Your Adolescence & Divine Self
In this module, we will learn how we experience the world during adolescence, how we establish a conscious identity and what becomes our most conscious identity if we grow up in a dysfunctional family.
We will clear and learn why we have issues with:
- frequently being in conflict with authority figures (bosses, police, other officials)
- feeling enraged by “senseless rules and regulations” that others seem to accept
- falling quickly into the role of the obedient (or rebellious) child when we visit our parents
- being confused about who we really are
- feeling superior to others because our life-style is off beat, spiritual and/or nonconformist
- unquestioningly following the religion of our youth
- being able to form close relationships only with people of the opposite sex
- having all our non-work relationships with the opposite sex sexual or romantic
- being a dreamer, preferring to read spiritual books and taking courses rather than taking action in our life
- finding it almost impossible to speak our opinion when it goes against an accepted norm
- rigidly following a guru or hero, or being deeply attracted to spiritual cults or secret groups
- talking a lot about the great things we are going to do, but never do them
- believing that no one has ever been through the things we’ve had to go through, or that no one could really understand our unique pain
At the end of a group clearing, we’ll have homecoming meditation where you will, with the guidance of your Higher Self, integrate all parts of yoursellf —your infant, toddler, preschooler, school-age and adolescence self. Through that meditation, you will reclaim your inner family system and come home to your divinity – Divine Self.
- Module: Forgiveness & Q&A
The last module is dedicated to forgiveness. You will remind yourself why forgiveness is important and you will go through forgiveness process with your lineage. We will also dedicate the last module to sharing participant’s experiences, transformations, Q&A and mini 1-1 trigger release sessions.
The session will be 40 minutes, starting from your scheduled time. Please, prior to the call, check the connection. To receive the most benefit from the session, please, think about a situation, person, thing or an event that triggered/triggers you lately and caused/causes unpleasant discomfort in your body when you think about it. That could be the starting point for our session. Blessing you with the pure Source energy. Love.
About Tena Cacic, Ph.D.
Tena Cacic, Ph.D., a writer, speaker, scientist and teacher in love with vibrational communication, has a remarkable story. Before the intensive journey into the deepest corners of darkness, Tena mainly lived happily and in love with life. However, challenges started when she met her husband. That relationship showed her the mother’s pain of losing a three-day-old baby. It taught her the rage of a wife whose husband gambles and the heartbreak of a woman whose beloved man almost dies mentally ill. In just seven years, among other things, Tena journeyed to a hell of helplessness, fighting to save her disabled daughter. Finally, the essential sentence dad told a five-year-old girl in Lybia when she imagined a balloon, which magically appeared, led her from the ninth circle of hell to a blessed life in heaven on earth. She proved what her father said was true: “You only have to wish; it comes true.”
A PhD in communication blended with innate intuition helped Tena find solutions for extremely intensive emotional intensities. She explored and tested numerous personal development techniques, protocols, and modalities to find the three most effective. Furthermore, Tena explored many scientific theoretical approaches to clarify inner and outer worlds. She (re)discovered and learned that humanity is in transition from victim/scarcity/separation/materialistic to sovereign/abundance/unity/integral-vibrational paradigm.
Today Tena, who lives with her husband (same one) and two children in Croatia, continues to research vibrational communication and explore business and education in the integral-vibrational paradigm. In addition, she creates educational and vibrational clearing programs in English and Croatian language followed by presentations and workshops at international conferences.