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Enjoy this Quantum Human Session with Peter Hansen

The Quantum Human | The Age of Enlightenment, Challenges and Opportunities with Peter Hansen


Prepare for another fun and light-filled Q&A Quantum Conversation with Lauren and Peter.

In this LIVE Q&A Session, we will reconnect with the Angelic Realm through direct guidance from Archangel Gabriel. We will discuss the many phases of spiritual Ascension, shifting realities, personal growth, wisdom, knowledge, and DNA blueprint activation—building blocks for the quantum field transformation and embodiment.

Every Live Event is a Unique Angelic Experience with one-of-a-kind questions and topics on listeners’ hearts. Now is your chance if you haven’t been on one of these fantastic live streams. Prepare questions and join Peter Hansen, Psychic Angelic Channeler, and Lauren Galey on this upcoming Quantum Conversation.

The LIVE event with Lauren, Peter, and AA Gabriel is for listeners interested in spiritual awakening, enlightenment, and discovering one’s higher purpose in life.

Enjoy this Quantum Human Special Offer

Special Offer: A 60-minute Sacred Quantum Activation Session with Peter and Archangel Gabriel, Special Offer + Bundle

Special Offer 1: A 60-minute Sacred Quantum Activation Session with Peter and Archangel Gabriel, Special Offer + Bundle


Treat yourself to a full hour of one-on-one channeled messages and personalized DNA activations uniquely designed for your highest alignment.

Angelic frequency tune-up establishes a sacred, deeper inner conscious connection with the latest high-frequency energy and light codes available to be accessed in your body and field to align and sync up your entire energy body and life., for greater harmony and direction moving forward.

A 60-minute Sacred Quantum Activation Session with Peter and Archangel Gabriel, Special Offer $199.99

Special Offer: Mastery Empowerment Course Bundle

Mastery Empowerment Course Bundle


Item 1: Opening The Doorway For Your Quantum Transformation Through Your Sacred Heart

With Archangel Gabriel, channeled through Peter Hansen

We’re turning a corner and being guided in a new, exciting direction this year, 2023. In this interactive Workshop, we will elaborate on “What’s the Sacred Heart” and how you can access and start remembering to think through the Heart vs. the Mind—allowing your Heart to do the thinking and align you seamlessly with the most desirable, light-filled, expansive timelines, flowing with the Divine.

“Everything in your outer Reality (seen through our physical eyes) is a direct projection of what’s believed to be true on the inside. Your consciousness at any given moment transmits a vibration that creates a reality in a vibrational match. Your physical Reality won’t change until you shift from the previously limited beliefs and your consciousness changes.”

Our souls are awakening, and a mass ascension is underway as higher and higher dimensional light frequencies fill our world. While this beautiful transition is happening, we reach a point where very little makes sense anymore. We struggle profoundly with navigating and thriving with no clear sense of direction, having difficulty finding happiness and overall purpose in our daily lives. As the multidimensional higher realms come into our experience, the questions become many, and the answers you’re looking for can’t be comprehended or accessed by the human Mind. The physical eyes can only see what the Mind believes is possible.

That’s where divine trust, present moment awareness, and going inwards become essential tools to master.

Lauren and Peter, who channel Archangel Gabriel, are excited to do another organic, fun, and interactive Workshop with you all. They share divine consciousness and guidance on communicating and living in a higher dimensional new world of zero-point Reality and delivering channeled frequencies and wisdom straight to the hearts of all participants.

We share and create in a unified, unique way, encouraging LIVE Questions with Channeled Answers to the group as we explore the topics together. As always, we strive to make it a playful and powerful experience that will activate and challenge the status quo.

This intensive Workshop with Archangel Gabriel includes a Guided LIVE Angelic Diamond Light Meditation and calibration to align you with your Sacred Heart Frequency.

  • Everything you need is within you, through your consciousness and connection with your source: or your soul self, the same thing.
  • Going within you, not your partner or someone else, can create problems and emotional triggers; it can feel shameful to do that or selfish to the traditionally thinking human Mind.
  • The Reality you get will be what you believe at any given moment: reorient yourself, focus on yourself first, and learn the importance of staying in your lane.
  • The energy you’re transmitting is bringing forth a matching reality.
  • Shifting from the Mind to the Sacred Heart and Entering New Earth.

Item 2: Take Your Spiritual Practice to the Next Level

Includes Angelic Group Healing Attunement

With Q & A

Through my work with so many over the years I have a wealth of wisdom to share from my work. I will facilitate the building blocks in this course to create a new template or foundation that allows the participants to magnify their creative potential and success and build their dreams with a desire for freedom and living consciously without any limitations.

  • Connecting with your angels, guides and gather your council.
  • What does it mean to learn through your own life’s journey and teach by example?
  • Walk your talk and always be ethically and consciously aligned.
  • How to gain your client’s trust.
  • I will outline what healthy boundaries as a business operator look like through my experience.
  • Observe, let go and re-align yourself at all times.

My clients come from all parts of life, and it’s primarily awake or newly awakened souls ready to take the spiritual journey to another level with an experienced guide by their side, learning to manifest the lives of their dreams. It doesn’t matter what work they do; what is essential is their deep desire to share their light and co-create a better world. Some examples include published authors, business owners, professional healers and readers, actors and celebrities, therapists, reiki masters, sound healers, and higher-ups in big and small companies.

Item 3: Changing the Story, From Emptiness to Everything Makes Sense

In this particular workshop with Peter and Lauren, our focus will be on a better understanding of the spiritual transformation we all are experiencing through Love and grace to best navigate the changes and challenges we are currently facing. Making connections that will open one’s heart, mind, and soul, allowing you to see the world in whole a new way—through unity consciousness, being at service, and coming together united by Love and raising the collective consciousness. Creating better understanding through Love and grace to best navigate the changes and challenges we are currently facing.


  1. Changing the Story from emptiness to everything makes sense.
  2. Collapsing unwanted negative thoughts about others as it’s unfolding in your mind’s eye. (Aligning your whole being, your words, your thoughts)

    Example: You are out on a hike and pass a person or a small group on the trail, you say hi or good morning with a smile, but they don’t even notice you. How you acknowledge people you run into who are not present in your present reality, and how important it is not to make up a story about them being bad or less than you in your mind. And not making excuses or judgments about them and assigning them to a category (separation timelines.)

    You would want to be a Being a conscious observer without any attachments. Divinely Trusting that they Most likely didn’t even see you, to begin with, but were too distracted and occupied to notice anything outside their busy mind.

  3. Leaving Old Realities Behind.
  4. Guilt and Manipulation, others in your life still living in lack and fear. Suffering and holding themselves back, and you too if you allow it!
  5. You left your job, partner, the old life; now what?
  6. The importance of meditation and sleep.

This offer includes assisting Video Upgrade plus a Bonus Guided Nighttime Meditation.

Item 4: From Me to We

Our Souls Communicate through Quantum light (language), connects and communicate as energy and frequency.

This workshop includes a guided recorded meditation to assist with calibrating and activating the alignment with your sacred soul light frequency.

Lauren and Peter, who channel Archangel Gabriel, are excited to do another organic, fun, and interactive workshop with you all. They share divine consciousness and guidance on communicating and living in a higher dimensional new world of zero-point reality and delivering channeled frequencies and wisdom straight to the hearts of all participants.

We share and create in a unified, unique way, encouraging LIVE Questions with Channeled Answers to the group as we explore the topics together. As always, we strive to make it a playful and powerful experience that will activate and challenge the status quo.

  • Becoming a fountain of source energy and creating space for the frequency to come through.
  • The frequency we hold, the frequency behind our words, the purity of the LOVE we carry.
  • Phases of Soul Embodiment.

This workshop includes a guided recorded meditation to assist with calibrating and activating the alignment with your sacred soul light frequency.

Item 6: Finding Your Voice, Activating Your Divine Blueprint, and Being Seen Without Reservation” with Archangel Gabriel.

How we show up makes a difference, and what we do and engage in significantly impacts what direction our lives flow. In this interactive Workshop, Lauren and Peter, who channels Archangel Gabriel, will share an expanded view of what’s available in the field and assist all participants with activating new levels of consciousness and divine DNA light codes.

Your vibration will speak for itself everywhere you go. It always indicates what dimensional plane of conscious awareness you operate in.

Showing anyone you get in contact with your true values—the purity of your heart, how you love, what you allow, or disallow. What you create space for is all reflected and communicated through the frequency of your voice and the consciousness you embody.

Are you fighting for something or emanating peace, love, and balance? It shows where you are on your path, your purpose and mission for being here, and what you have mastered or are in the process of mastering. All important soul lessons and all a part of the planned divine journey back to the source-given gift that you truly are.

Have you stopped fighting for everything in life? Are you manifesting through your embodiment with your expanded soul self instead, god, your higher self, or whatever you want to call it? Are you ONE with the whole, One with the One, the I AM.

This intensive Workshop with Archangel Gabriel includes a Guided LIVE Angelic Light-Body Tune-Up Transmission as a gift for all participants.

In this Workshop, we will work on the following topics:

  • Finding Your Voice and Activating Your Divine Blueprint, being seen without reservation, Stepping out in front of the camera, not hiding, playing small, or holding back out of fear, a new, fully conscious, and awake version of You.
  • Not seeking outside validation, communicating with/as source self within, as the “I AM.” I AM the Light.
  • Non-duality, “Not fighting anything,” No Evil, No Good, No Ego, No wars, no protection or protector, no victim or victimizers, all mind created, All Energy, and part of the Master Plan now being forgotten and written out of the script. It was never there, to begin with.
  • What Now? What to do after clearing the attachments, the needing, the wanting, the to-do’s, knowing that you created it all – is there still a purpose?
  • We share and create in a unified, unique way, encouraging LIVE Questions with Channeled Answers to the group as we explore the topics together. As always, we strive to make it a playful and powerful experience that will activate and challenge the status quo.

About Peter Hansen

Peter is an amazing embodiment of the divine masculine and divine feminine, intelligent and humble, kind and supportive. He is an Ascension Guide and Mentor of the highest caliber, and he truly wants to help you shine your light nice and bright. Well known for his abilities as an accomplished Psychic Angelic Channeler. Utilizing his unique connection with Archangel Gabriel, Jesus and other Ascended Masters.

As we grow into our multidimensional selves, we are called to rely so much on what we cannot see, on feelings that are just in their infancy, and on a sense of trust in our spiritual intuition that is continuously challenged by societal projections. Peter possesses the extremely rare gift to soothe and comfort during the most challenging internal storms of our spiritual growth. This sense of protection is invaluable and a vital element of this journey.

Utilizing his ability to protect, nurture, and empower, Peter provides one-on-one services ranging from isolated sessions to in-depth mentorship programs. Peter is able to meet each individual exactly where they are and offer exactly what is needed, whether that be occasional sessions to move through energetic plateaus and help elevate one’s perspective or regular healing work and the steady cultivation of a customized, continuous spiritual practice.

A 60-minute Sacred Quantum Activation Session with Peter and Archangel Gabriel, Special Offer + Bundle


Mastery Empowerment Course Bundle
