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Enjoy this Light Language Retreat Event with Vox Angelus

Light Language Summit | The Christing From Within with Vox Angelus

Awakening Through the Linguistics of Light and Frequency


I speak and transmit an ancient and primordial Language of Light and Frequency, which is the creative and expressive force of God (Source, Infinite Intelligence, Creator) that has been a familiar and guiding presence within my life since I was a young child. Everyone has the same level of access and ability to do similar work aligned with their own medicine and magic. It is your divine birthright.

It is not about attainment, because it is something that you already have available to you. It is about unmasking and revealing your own spiritual gifts for healing and transformation existing within YOU!

This Language of Light and Frequency is an ascension technology, initiating and accelerating what Elohim terms as the Christing from within. Humanities awakening is essentially, a collective opportunity to choose to experience this Christing, and to fully embody and express, the truth of who and what you are as ‘divinity in action’.

Through this process of awakening, we connect with the understanding that. . .

1) We are not separate from Infinite Source
2) Spirit is our natural state of being
3) This reflection of Consciousness in physical form, is connected and guided by our soul’s Higher Mind
4) Our reality, life experience, spiritual awakening, growth, and ascension is in alignment with our frequency and vibration
5) All that is available to us is here. NOW.

When you change your frequency and vibration, and you will attune to and magnetize something different within your life!




As an embodied conduit for Elohim, this Vocal Alchemy Transmission brings to the physical plane the highest available Heavenly Sound Signatures of sacred design and creation through vocal sound and spoken word, energetic emanation, and the etheric restructuring of DNA and cellular structures, as I work with sacred geometric constructs to clear, align, and elevate your frequency on all levels–physical, emotional, mental, spiritual and energetic.

I speak and transmit an ancient and primordial Language of Light and Frequency, which is the creative and expressive force of God (Source, Infinite Intelligence, Creator) that has been a familiar and guiding presence within my life since I was a young child.

This Language of Light and Frequency is an ascension technology initiating and accelerating the Christing from within. For those who have ears to hear, let them hear.

About Vox Angelus

VOX ANGELUS is a divinely empowered Invocational Vocal Artist, and Celestial Conduit of transfiguring, deeply haunting and visceral, Cosmic Soundings; performed onstage and online worldwide. She is a visionary entrepreneur, #1 best selling Author, Speaker, Mediumistic Seer and Healer in sacred resonance.

Working alongside Elohim, she receives, transcribes, and emanates the highest Heavenly Sound Signatures of sacred design and creation. Vox sings, speaks, writes, and transmits the frequency encoded language of Elohim—the Infinite Language of God’s Light—as sound, energy, and the etheric geometric constructs of sacred design and creation, that she then shifts to manifest change. Elohim refers to her as a “Transcendent Bridge” and divine vessel; capable of facilitating states of awareness and consciousness, above and beyond the range of normal or merely physical human experience.

Her Vocal Transmissions are alchemical invocations that help you to unravel and release emotional strongholds, perceived challenges, energetic distortion and imbalance, and the internalized influences that are keeping you from moving forward in alignment with your Soul’s mission.

Vox Angelus has presented and performed to acclaim for U.S. and international audiences. She has presented at many Conferences, Summits, TV and Radio Broadcasts including Disclosurefest, Portal to Ascension, Shift Network, The Awakening World & Sacred Sundays with Scott Catamas, Xtra Ordinary Experiences with Kasey and Brad Wallis on Xpnsion Network, and Awakening Code Radio. Vox is also a founding member of the Sonic Devas, a Sound Healing Orchestra featuring women who are world renowned Musicians, Sound Healers, and Wellness Leaders. Connect @ www.phyllisdouglass.com.

