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Enjoy this Light Language Retreat Event with Barbara Dominick

Light Language Summit | Spirit Leads Me with Barbara Dominick


My journey with spirit using Light Language.

Enjoy this Light Language Special Offer

Special Offer: Angel Light Language Healing via Zoom or Phone

Special Offer 1: Angel Light Language Healing via Zoom or Phone


Angel Light Language Healing is energy healing that the practitioner administers through gentle laying on of hands (unless the client chooses otherwise) that channels the unconditional love healing energies of the Angelic realm while also speaking Light Language which may be the Light Language of the client or simply the Soul language of the practitioner. This healing method uses vibrational energy and light codes to heal various aspects of the human spirit, mind and body. It also involves speaking or expressing sounds, words, or gestures that channel healing intentions, geometric patterns and light codes. Sessions are approximately 45 – 60 minutes. Each session is unique to the individual’s needs with the energies staying with them long after their session is over.

Benefits of a healing session may include:

  • Heart expansion
  • Expanded consciousness
  • Activation of spiritual gifts
  • Increased creativity
  • Increased empathy
  • Intolerance of old thought forms and behaviors patterns
  • Connecting with the Angelic realm
  • Activation of Soul language
  • Seeing beyond physical illusions
  • Receive channeled message
  • Restored balance to energy system
  • Personal/spiritual enlightenment

About Barbara Dominick

I believe I was anointed with the gift of tongues through my great aunt. She was a metaphysician who spoke in tongues, did hands on healing, and she offered spiritual readings using a regular deck of playing cards. I was intuitive, but not allowed to speak about the things I ‘saw’. In my moments alone growing up I would speak in tongues and dance to Latin music. As I grew older, I became disenchanted with the Church and sought spiritual paths that I felt comfortable with. Bahai, Buddhism, and Yoruba were among them. Studying the Yoruba tradition, I received another sacred anointing and was given the name Adeshina. It means “the crown opens the way”. I explored my own gifts of spirit and started reading the Tarot and doing hands on healing for family and friends. I later studied Reiki, and perhaps it was through this initiation that activated or shifted from what sounded familiar to me, to a language that sounded like an Asian dialect. I started my Reiki practice but didn’t speak the language with clients until after I was attuned to the Reconnection (Eric Pear Healing technique). During this time, I was also doing automatic writing. Deep meditations took me to another level where I started speaking light language in other unknown dialects. And, what followed was channeled messages from Beings of Light. During private sessions and my Angel Healing Circles all gifts came forth according to what was requested or the requirements of the Soul. Staying grounded in Love, my purpose is to be a loving conduit for people to find their way back home to the love that they are and to realize that we all have spiritual gifts. It’s in our DNA. And, now more than ever people can explore, discover and offer their gifts and share them with the world. Light Language is a wonderful activator, and so much more.

Angel Light Language Healing via Zoom or Phone
