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Enjoy this Light Langauge Retreat Event with Lola Singer

Light Language Summit | Intro to Light Language Sound and Movement with Lola Singer

The Importance of Setting Intentions


Light Language can be experienced in many forms: speaking, singing, writing, and even dancing.

One of these forms of spiritual expression may come more easily to you than the others. For the longest time, I convinced myself that I was meant to speak and sing in light language but that I could NEVER be one of those people who writes and draws codes. Other people had that talent. Not me.

For those of you who are new to light language, I am here to assure you that I was WRONG. One day I asked myself, “What if you CAN draw light language? That was all I needed to open the door. I just had to believe it was POSSIBLE.

In this video, I offer you support in finding your gifts with a very special guest: a spirit guide who wants to help all of you to believe in yourselves and to watch over you protectively as you begin (or continue) your journey of light language.

This spirit guide came through for the attendees of the Light Language Summit exclusively.

Who could it be? Find out in this video where you will see him (or her) in a special drawing I made just for you embellished with light language codes.

Added bonus: a song in light language to help support you as you expand your gifts.

I am honored to be part of your journey and I hope you have fun with the newest member of your spirit guide team.

Enjoy this Light Language Special Offer

Special Offer: Spirit Guide Drawing + Intuitive Session

Special Offer 1: Spirit Guide Drawing + Intuitive Session



These fun online sessions begin with a discussion of your spirit guide and why he or she was voted the one most helpful for you NOW.

The remainder of our session will be guided by intuition and may include Tarot readings to help you gain greater clarity, light language sound healing to harmonize your body, and/or Reiki energetic tune-ups to improve your flow and help you to feel more at ease.

How it Works:
Prior to meeting together online, I will connect with your personal spiritual guidance team and ask for the guide most helpful for you at this moment in time to come through for me to draw.

I will add channeled light language codes to your drawing to enhance the energetic presence of your guide and send you his or her digital image via email before we meet online.

Some guides are permanent members of your team while others are temporary helpers with the special skill sets you need to help you to overcome obstacles and get you to the next level you need to move forward on your spiritual journey.

Which guide is most aligned with you at this moment in time? Let’s find out!

Your personal spirit guide will work with me by giving me insights as to what service to offer you for the remainder of the session. I may receive the message to offer you some Reiki energy work, or to initiate you into your own unique light language, or to provide you more clarity though a Tarot reading. It may even be a combination of all the above.

You can even ask your spirit guide more questions. Some guides like channeling additional information through me. Yours may be one of them.

These sessions are fun and informative opportunities for you to deepen your connection with members of YOUR unique guidance team. No two sessions are ever alike because a different guide will come forth to be drawn each time you book a session. Who is helping you behind the scenes?

NOTE: Due to the time necessary to create a drawing prior to our session, please allow a minimum of 3 days between time of purchase and the date you select for our online meeting.

  • Connect to the guide most helpful for you at this moment in time
  • Receive a drawing of that guide to inspire you
  • Feel your guide through light language codes that match the guide’s energy
  • Get answers to question related to your guide and the path you are currently on using tarot and intuition
  • Receive light language energy healings to assist you on your spiritual journey

About Lola Singer


Lola Singer is a Light Language Artist, Thoth Tarot Specialist, Esoteric Scholar, Ordained Reverend, Reiki Master, and Student of Life with a Degree in Psychology. She works with individuals to empower people through intuitive art, energy healing, tarot, and light language song.

Lola began her journey with light language in 2011, Shortly after making the commitment to meditate every day, she noticed, her hands began making elaborate movements that called “mudras” that were shifting energy around her and in her body. Eventually, these movements were joined by spontaneous humming, toning. Then, much to her surprise, she started singing words she did not recognize but that was moving out old, stagnant energy from her system and revitalizing her body, Lola had opened up to her gift of light language.

She even officially changed her name to reflect who she had become:


Lola now shares her gift of light language song (and her advanced knowledge of tarot as well) in-person at metaphysical meetings, psychic fairs, and at monthly Light Language Drumming Circles in Washington State and you can find her online as well

She has also developed the ability to write and draw light language codes and loves to add them to artwork she creates.

Lola is now a full-time intuitive psychic and energy healer who combines her skills to create spirit guide drawings to help people to tap into their personal guidance team.
Guides show themselves in a variety of ways. Some are funny. Some are serious. Some are almost indescribable. Your guide could be a nature spirit, someone you know from a past life, an ancestor, or even a galactic friend. Each spirit guide drawing includes handwritten light language codes that match the energetic frequency of your unique guide. Lola asks for the guide most helpful for you at this moment in time to come through and will share any personal messages that guide provides.

For more information about Lola Singer and the light language services she provides, please visit www.lolasinger.com.

Spirit Guide Drawing + Intuitive Session
