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Enjoy this Light Language Retreat Event with Laura Pieratt

Light Language Summit | Going Beyond Transference to Quantum Resonance with Laura Pieratt


We will talk about the difference between 3D time that requires transference of energy and the 5D+ magnetic core energy of our true Stellar nature that operates through quantum resonance. With that preface, we will go beyond 3-4D time, mind, and matrix to experience the quantum resonance of Source Heart’s zero-point-now space of Being, where we can resonate awake and thus feel more of our True Self essence connection with Source with a light language activation of “Sin-Ta.” The Vibrational Essence of The Exquisiteness and Perfection of Life/Creation.

Enjoy this Light Language Special Offer

Special Offer: Source Heart Alchemy Offer

Special Offer 1: Source Heart Alchemy Offer


1 Source Heart Alchemy Session + A Daily Dose of Love Series, 192-Track Sound Alchemy Ascension Journey of Light Language & Divine Messages (E-book Digital Download)

Source Heart Alchemy Session (lasts 60 – 90 minutes on Zoom and includes a Zoom recording of our session.

In all of her work, Laura facilitates activations, explorations, and embodiment of the True Divine Self in support of the Divine-Human potential experience, and The New Earth reality co-creation. Beyond any modality, Source Heart Alchemy sessions are uniquely individual, divinely guided, powerfully transformative, self-empowering intuitive quantum alchemy ignition sessions. We will enter Source Heart Presence with our cosmic eyes upon the heart of possibility in the unknown space beyond time, mind, matrix, and anything yet imagined or intended!

Laura uses light language which bypasses the mind, allowing Source energy to communicate directly to your cells, soul, and spirit. All of this alchemically assists you to experience the greater peace, alignment, and presence of your True Self’s multidimensional energy, wisdom, and greater possibilities, as you bring more of yourself into your physical body (decension/embodiment).

We will address whatever you wish, bringing in fresh understandings, alignment, and integration with possibilities within the timeless Now/zero-point unity field of infinite possibility! Your True Self leads and informs the session as you allow self-awareness, self-healing, self-realization, self-activation and self-actualization of what you are ready for and resonating with in the moment.

Laura supports, shares, witnesses and encourages you to sense-feel, vision, and explore the extraordinary beauty, perfection, and magic of all that you are in truth and totality at your deep core of Being, which is ever one with the Source-Love’s essence and energy that sustains and animates all life throughout Creation.

A Daily Dose of Love Series
192-Track Audio Download with a 54-page e-book companion guide.
Listen to a 5-30 minute audio daily to experience a life-changing Soul Alchemy Journey of Awakening & Energy Activations as Light Language & Divine Loving Messages lead you through a 6 1/2 month Ascension Program.

This Special offer would normally cost $274 but is offered for $176 to Summit participants (a $98 savings)

Some of what you may experience in a Source Heart Alchemy Session:

  • Access what is pulsing in The Field to be known, realized, or ignited now from deep within your sacred core of being.
  • Return to Source/Love/Origin releasing old patterns that no longer serve your highest expression and heart’s fulfillment.
  • Invite dormant aspects, new capacities, and unknown aspects of your True Self to embody, guide, inspire and actualize.
  • Return wholeness and the Joy of Being (Ar-Ra-Ta) to your human experience.
  • Recognize and activate dormant keys, light codes, seed potential, New Earth creation templates, and more.
  • Update the physical body (hardware) supporting integration with the continuous influxes of higher consciousness (software) flooding the planet.
  • Whatever your True Self might unexpectedly gift us!

About Laura Pieratt

Laura’s embodied divine presence is integrated with her higher light aspects and guidance teams from all levels of multidimensionality through the Source Heart. As she opens into that space of totality, creation flows forth whatever is needed from Love’s Core to support humanity’s return to cosmic consciousness, and the realization of the Divine-Human embodiment potential.

Laura operates intuitively as light language sound alchemy, zero point presence, powerful quantum energy activations, and loving messages from spirit flow forth and ignite (resonate awake) more of one’s true divinity, which can then embody, integrate and actualize love/unity consciousness in our daily life and open us into New Earth reality experiences as the new normal.

Source Heart Alchemy Offer
