Enjoy this Light Language Retreat Event with Queen Mother Osunnike Anke
Light Language Summit | And The Ancient Mothers Said…Do YOU Know Who You Are with Queen Mother Osunnike Anke
The deeper I listened; the whispered echoes of the Ancient Mothers reverberated throughout my entire BEING… and their vibratory beams of sound waves began to weave the fragmented tapestry of my soul into a melodic mosaic of authentic wholeness.…my sister do you know who you really are? Do you really know? Are you willing to look beyond the veil of illusion into the portal of your own ancient wisdom and reenact your divine herstory? Slowly and deliberately, I began to remember, and The Ancient Mothers began to speak not only to me…the Ancient Mothers began speaking through me.
About Queen Mother Osunnike Anke
Queen Mother Osunnike is the founder of the “Healing Through the Arts” program. She
is a priestess of the Creation Goddess Osun and natural healer who utilizes her creative poetry, script writing, performing arts and training in psycho-spiritual counseling, drama therapy, energy, and sacred sound medicine to assist others in rewriting their life story.
She is also the Paramount Queen Mother, co-founder and president of the Institute of Whole Life Healing, an organization designed to assist individuals and groups in rebirthing their divinity and the founder of One Million Wombs United, a mission intended to ignite and unite the luminous light within the wombs of women across the world.
As a spiritual midwife and intuitive she believes emphatically that we are being called to give birth to a “New World” and that we have the innate POWER to do so. It is our inherent feminine birthright deeply embedded within the sacred womb.