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Enjoy this Quantum Conversation with GRACE GALZAGORRY

Energy Healing & Well Being | The Luminous Body Emerges with Grace Galzagorry

Embracing remembrance of vibrant health, wholeness and Union


Over time, in our patriarchal paradigm, we have learned to focus in our minds and distanced from our innermost selves, our hearts, our bodies, from one another, from all Life and from the planet Herself. In our habituated movement outward, we have become estranged from our own bodies, our organic connection to the rhythms of Life and from all other life forms. Our bodies reflect deep-seated patterns of seeking safety through self-protective shields, which also block our cells from receiving the sustenance, flow and safety of the Creator Mothers love, leading to all kinds of disease The return of the Ancient Mother calls us urgently to move downward to truly inhabit our bodies and lives so we can be fully embodied as love in instinctive gnosis with our beloved planet.

This organic and essential movement downwards is uncovering unprecedented layers of trauma, limiting beliefs and toxic separation, long buried in the cellular memory of our body’s cells. It is also awakening remembrance of the ancestral, restorative and nurturing essence of our Mother – the knowing beyond the mind – of the inherent communion and primordial wisdom available through the body. Instinctively we sense
the suppressed trauma serves to block the organic flow of life force or love in the body – crippling our health and welfare. We are exhausted from living at half mast, rejecting and judging our bodies based on indoctrinated objectification, blithely unaware of the nurturance and restoration we unknowingly deny within our very own body. We miss the critical opportunity to commune with the Universal language, wisdom and mastery inherent in our bodies. We seek linear healing outside self, often habitually avoiding our body’s instinctive rhythms, cycles of healing and connection to the Whole.

We have largely underestimated our miraculous bodies, adherent to physical separation, and denying the infinite field of consciousness and flow – interconnected with the Whole – that is our luminous body. In this session, the Feminine Christ Vortex of Love, powerfully transmutes ancient cellular trauma imprints, liberating our original blueprint of embodied primordial love and Oneness with the Flow of Life. Deep unconscious blocks to the flow of Divine love & harmony in our bodies will be lifted as we gently surrender to innate somatic remembrance of health, vitality, interconnectivity, abundance and joy Together, we restore the multidimensional blueprint of our luminous bodies, entering into a cohesive, mutually respectful inner communion with all Life forms, including Mother Earth.

Enjoy this Quantum Conversation Special Offer

Special Offer: Offer 1: Winter Solstice - Christmas Celebration of LOVE: Feminine Christ Healing Circle

Special Offer 1: Offer 1: Winter Solstice - Christmas Celebration of LOVE: Feminine Christ Healing Circle


Downloadable Replay Now Available

The organic inward calling at the Winter Solstice invites us to spiral deeper into the core of our being to restore our primal connection to the Eternal Mothers love. During this galactic alignment, we are being called to build a safe inner sanctuary where we can feel held, nurtured and secure despite our tumultuous outer world. However, deep unconscious inner barriers to love arising from individual, ancestral, and collective trauma and stored in the cellular matrix of the body, can often block our authentic experience of primordial love. Additionally, these traumas are often encased in habitual dissociation, fear and self-negating separation patterns that cause great ongoing discomfort and result in anxiety, helplessness and even despair. Our instinctive inner calling prompts us to heal these painful depths of separation & disconnection in our bodies so we may once again receive and anchor in Her love.

This sacred gathering harnesses the powerful momentum of the Winter Solstice and the sacred Christmas Light  to heal deep, painful disconnection from the Sacred Mother Womb held in our bodies as well as in the collective, ancestral and Earth body. Current and past life trauma – primal abandonment, absence of nurturance, gestational disruptions, rape, incest and sexual trauma – ruptured our primal cord to the sustenance, power and nurturance of the Great Mother (in our lower chakras) and led to profound disconnection with the body and thus disease. In this Zoom gathering, the high vibrational vortex of crystalline love combined  with current Feminine Christ teachings facilitates deep alchemical DNA healing and many report mystical profound transformation and shifts in health. The event concludes with a restorative, soothing immersion into the pure vibrational waters of the Sacred Womb of the Ancient Mother.

Special Offer: The Liberation of Self Love

The Liberation of Self Love


5 Zoom weekly class sessions
Saturday Mornings

9am PT | 10am MT | 11am CT | 12pm ET | 5pm GMT

Class Dates:
​Jan 25, Feb 1, 8, 15 & 22, 2025

We all suffer from a profound inner imbalance of the Masculine and Feminine energies. The deepest level of Self Love practice calls us to address this imbalance not only to heal ourselves but also for our lineages, the collective and Mother Earth. To change our world, we are being called to initiate a vital transformation in ourselves, to heal the chasm between our Masculine/Feminine energies, through a grounded, sustainable inner practice of Self Love.

​Self-love efforts prove challenging or even fail due to cellular imprints of past life trauma and unconscious patterns of self-sabotage, adopted through cultural and ancestral indoctrination. These lineage patterns include deeply engrained belief systems and behavioral addictions that reinforce our learned behaviors of self-sublimation resulting in hiding our voice and light to “please others” or “fit in.” Thus, we confuse egoic narcissism with authentic self-love, which arises from a foundation of embodied heart and soul engagement in our daily lives and draws on a balanced masculine-feminine state.

​The Liberation of Self Love is a program that offers practices informed by the Divine Feminine that gently carry us into the core of our being, dissolving fear and recovering life-supporting pathways in our body. These practices assist us in compassionately transforming our relationship with our Self – healing the chasm between our Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine – restoring health, joy and vitality in our lives. Healing our foundational relationship with Self organically heals our physical body and relationships with others, the collective and all life forms embodied by our beloved Mother Earth.

​Participants in this program receive ongoing, deep DNA cellular healing, which removes layers of unconscious patriarchal programming and internalized indoctrination that limits innate capacity for abundance, love and self-worth. Clearing cellular imprints of past life trauma and unconscious patterns of self-sabotage is expedited exponentially through the high-vibration group healing field we create together through heart commitment and focused intention.

​We learn to adopt self-affirming self-love practices in order to bring together the masculine and feminine energies in a mutually respectful dance of communion, united in purpose and attunement. Thus we progressively remove the inner obstacles to Embodied Union with the greater River of regenerative Universal Love and find our authentic birthright of deep inner peace and joy.

About Grace Galzagorry

Following the call of her Soul, Grace Galzagorry, RN MS NP, left a 25-year career as a nurse practitioner and UCSF professor to pursue a deep inward journey of the heart. A sudden and severe chronic illness challenged Grace’s every reserve of strength and unveiled a Feminine Christ Path, centered around self-love and the resolution of past life trauma. As Grace merged into a more profound and deeper Union, her healing work organically expanded beyond the healing of individual trauma to the healing of groups, lineages, the larger human collective, and presently, to the healing of planetary trauma. In profound Union with all Life, Grace also serves to heal many animal and plant species, the elementals, and the sacred waters and lands of our beloved planet. Through her multidimensional being and healing capacities, Grace is regularly called to mitigate outcomes from many of the natural disasters currently occurring on the planet.

In planetary and collective fields, her vibrational field permeates the deepest and most repressed DNA traumatic memories: the demise of Lemuria, Ancient Egypt, the Feline race, and all Christ-era violations. As an Ancient Creator Feminine Christ, she served in the creation of this planet and returns to support Mother Earth in each of Her pivotal evolutionary shifts. At Grace’s crystalline transition and birth, she awakened to a remembrance of her sacred contract, which is to anchor an ascension portal on Earth for humanity in communion with three other Feminine Christ Ascended Masters: Hathor, Mary Magdalene, and White Buffalo Woman. Together, the Feminine Christ group serves the awakening and healing of the Ancient Mother Womb of the Earth where they hold an alchemical restoration space for many to transition into crystalline consciousness. Through Grace’s embodied vortex of Universal Love, many receive miraculous womb and trauma healing.

Offer 1: Winter Solstice - Christmas Celebration of LOVE: Feminine Christ Healing Circle


The Liberation of Self Love
