With multidimensional bridge between Heaven and Mother Earth (Gaia)
Emmaray Kumara
Enjoy this Soul Shine Meditation
Soul Shine | Joyful Cocreation with Life! with Emmaray Kumara
Embracing Joyful Cocreation with life is a combination of unity invocations & activations along with angelic subtle body purification and a meditation to connect you more deeply with the realms of Nature and the Elementals, Devas and Weavers of Light who are all active members of the cocreation family.
Its overall purpose is the assist you in connecting more deeply with all the reams of Nature & cocreation both seen and unseen; to guide you in unifying with them more, and ultimately for you to step fully into the Unified Field of creation, cocreation for the highest outcome of your Divine Purpose and Mission personally, planetarily, and beyond. Enjoy!
Enjoy this Special Offer
About Emmaray Kumara
Emmaray Kumara is known primarily as a multidimensional bridge between Heaven and Mother Earth (Gaia); humanity & Nature, serving as a Light Warrior/Weaver and bringer of Truth to the Earth from the realms of Unity, Love and Light. Emmaray is founder and CEO of The Nature Whisperer and active member of the Bless All Life Council. She presents her services on Earth through her gifts as an interspecies & interdimensional communicator, teacher/trainer, writer/author, photographer, Divine alchemist, conscious communication/co-creation facilitator and holistic healer for all kingdoms of Life. “I am a walk-in and I came here 20 years ago to help others, one of whom might be you, to remember so much of what has been forgotten. In Gratitude I Am to be of such Divine Service to Life.” Namaste ~ Emmaray