Soul Shine | Joyful Cocreation with Life! with Emmaray Kumara2023-12-26T16:12:43-07:00

With multidimensional bridge between Heaven and Mother Earth (Gaia)
Emmaray Kumara

Enjoy this Soul Shine Meditation

Soul Shine | Joyful Cocreation with Life! with Emmaray Kumara


Embracing Joyful Cocreation with life is a combination of unity invocations & activations along with angelic subtle body purification and a meditation to connect you more deeply with the realms of Nature and the Elementals, Devas and Weavers of Light who are all active members of the cocreation family.

Its overall purpose is the assist you in connecting more deeply with all the reams of Nature & cocreation both seen and unseen; to guide you in unifying with them more, and ultimately for you to step fully into the Unified Field of creation, cocreation for the highest outcome of your Divine Purpose and Mission personally, planetarily, and beyond. Enjoy!

Enjoy this Special Offer

Offer 1: Channeling Life’s Genius into Form ~ the Process of Conscious Co-Creation

3 Video Programs

Offer 1: Channeling Life’s Genius into Form ~ the Process of Conscious Co-Creation


2 Payment Option Available

Item 1: Genius & the Guiding Forces of Divine Alchemy

Digital Format:  mp4, pdf

Length of Program: 1 hr 42 min

Have you ever noticed how Nature just seems to know what she is doing? Her ability to create/cocreate small and large miracles occurs seamlessly, indeed magically. Mother Nature is an example of Divine Genius constantly channeling into form. Throughout this program, Mother Nature and I cocreate to guide you through the awareness of this Divine process and how to joyfully apply it to your life.

As an entry point for Channeling Life’s Divine Genius into Form this module combines a guided meditation/invocation (mp3) with a teaching video, introduction to your CoCreation Journal.  The video delves into what Genius is and who the amazing realms of Divine Alchemy are, plus how they Serve and CoCreate, how to connect and cocreate with them.

Item 2: Honing Your Sensory Skills

Digital Format:  mp4, pdf

Length of Program: 1 hr 44 min

In day-to-day life most people are using our senses in a minimal way rather than opening fully to the pathways of cocreation that are available to us through there conscious and intentional use.  As we are more clearly aware now that what we focus on is what we create, the full utilization of our senses becomes an amazing asset to bringing inspiration into its perfected form.

In Honing Your Sensory Skills, Emmaray guides you are through all the major senses, how they interface with Divine Genuis energies, and how to be more aware of their independent and collective use in your day-to-day life activities as well as in communicating with your Creative guides, teachers, Devas, et al.

Item 3: The Inspiration and & the Divine Plan

Digital Format:  mp4, pdf

Length of Program: 50 min 44 sec

Here we get to the really fun part of the multidimensional process than is ongoing for every form of Creation. We receive inspirations in a variety of ways in our Earth physical forms.  But where to they come from originally?

Some come from the Earth plain and are offered up to the higher realms for consideration, designing and the initiation of their creation into form. All fulfilled inspirations go from idea to divine blueprint and then into form.  In this module, the elements of this process are discussed and explored.

Offer 2: Personal Guidance One-on-One + Offer 1

Offer 2: Personal Guidance One-on-One + Offer 1


2 Payment Option Available

This hour consultation is for those who would like one on one guidance/facilitation in connecting, or enhancing your connection, with your Body Elemental, the Body Elemental(s) of your animal companions, Overlighting Devas/Councils of your gardens or projects.

The elements of this consultation will include:

  • Evaluating and enhancing your method of connection and communication
  • Assisting in removal of blocks in your connection or relationship overall
  • Making friends and creating partnership

I look forward to assisting you with this/these wonderful relationships!

About Emmaray Kumara

Emmaray Kumara is known primarily as a multidimensional bridge between Heaven and Mother Earth (Gaia); humanity & Nature, serving as a Light Warrior/Weaver and bringer of Truth to the Earth from the realms of Unity, Love and Light. Emmaray is founder and CEO of The Nature Whisperer and active member of the Bless All Life Council. She presents her services on Earth through her gifts as an interspecies & interdimensional communicator, teacher/trainer, writer/author, photographer, Divine alchemist, conscious communication/co-creation facilitator and holistic healer for all kingdoms of Life. “I am a walk-in and I came here 20 years ago to help others, one of whom might be you, to remember so much of what has been forgotten. In Gratitude I Am to be of such Divine Service to Life.” Namaste ~ Emmaray

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