With Healer
Grace Galzagorry

Receiving the Ancient Mother’s Nurturance (meditation)

The Mother’s return awakens remembrance of womb consciousness at the core of every cell in our bodies. Softly and tenderly, we will fall into the Mothers embrace, awakening our dormant DNA to merge once again into Union with the web of life. She is here to birth us into a new era based on Universal Love, harmony, and communion. Together, we will bathe in a restorative, soothing immersion into the pure vibrational essence of the Great Mother’s love.

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Special Offer Includes:

Honoring Mother Earth in Love & Union

Special Offer: Honoring Mother Earth in Love & Union


2 Payment Option Available

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This sacred gathering harnesses the powerful momentum of the celebration of Mother Earth to heal deep, painful disconnection from the womb life cord held in our bodies, our collective, ancestral and Earth body, so we may receive and commune once again with the Ancient Mothers love. Our primal cord to the sustenance, power and nurturance of the Great Mother (in our lower chakras) has been ruptured by current and past life trauma— primal abandonment and absence of nurturance, gestational disruptions, rape, incest and sexual trauma—manifest in our cellular imprints, and carried through generations. On this day, we join in a unified sacred dance with all life forms, deep in the crystalline vortex of  Mother Earth, celebrating and honoring our beloved Mother. We shed centuries of trauma to be able to feel once again the restorative, soothing immersion of LOVE in the pure vibrational waters of the Sacred Womb of the Ancient Mother.

Special Offer Includes:

Healing Anxiety Held in the Sacred Waters of the Mother MP3

Special Offer: Healing Anxiety Held in the Sacred Waters of the Mother MP3


2 Payment Option Available

Held in a vortex of crystalline love, this powerful, guided meditation lifts & heals some of the deepest imprints of unconscious fear and hypervigilance held in the body, particularly the nervous system. The living consciousness of the sacred waters embraces and permeates the tension in the muscles, ligaments and nerves, softening and soothing areas of tension and dissociation in the body. With an open heart & willingness to receive, the pure vibrational love of the Feminine Christ magically transforms the tension, numbness and dissociation often associated with past unresolved violations, instilling greater trust in Universal flow and abundance.

What People Have To Say About Grace

I have spent the past almost 50 years studying with spiritual teachers of many persuasions and I can honestly say Grace’s methodology and teachings are unprecedented.  The work with Grace is all inner-focused, encompassing helpful practices to evolve to higher levels of awareness combined with profound DNA trauma healing that removes obstacles to loving and embodying my Self more deeply. Through Grace’s guidance and healing, I have been able to see and shift the myriad ways I sabotaged and sublimated myself . I am eternally grateful to have found such a conscious, gentle and loving teacher to help bring me home.”


Being with Grace one feels the presence of the Divine –through the fullness of her love and tenderness, the power of her Presence and the depth of her knowing.   When she teaches, her field of love permeates everyone and the healing begins immediately.  My digestive issues and my sinuses and painful joints have been healed. Emotionally, I have experienced a dramatic taming of an angry ego storm to a current level of deep calm and peace, Grace’s deep healing and firm guidance have taught me perhaps my greatest lessons– to love myself, trust Love and surrender. Along the way I have experienced immense heart openings, radiant womb awakening, a greatly increased capacity to give and receive love and am opening into Crystalline Consciousness.


I am in so much love and gratitude with Grace.

 In our last zoom class, I felt the river of love stream through my body, with amazing cellular nourishment pouring into my cells…

The river of love… I was lying in it. I got that all I had to do from now on is receive! Nothing else to do! I felt for the first time the love as elixir healing me as it started to touch my cells on the inside, running through my whole body. The classes take me a while to assimilate throughout my body but each class transforms and heals me so deeply as I learn to love myself and receive the love. Physically, I really felt the love highlight the part of my left breast tumor, all around its center, crystalline light flooding it!

I am so grateful!


About Grace Galzagorry

Following the call of her Soul, Grace Galzagorry, RN MS NP, left a 25-year career as a nurse practitioner and UCSF professor to pursue a deep inward journey of the heart. A sudden and severe chronic illness challenged Grace’s every reserve of strength and unveiled a Feminine Christ Path, centered around self-love and the resolution of past life trauma. As Grace merged into a more profound and deeper Union, her healing work organically expanded beyond the healing of individual trauma to the healing of groups, lineages, the larger human collective, and presently, to the healing of planetary trauma. In profound Union with all Life, Grace also serves to heal many animal and plant species, the elementals, and the sacred waters and lands of our beloved planet. Through her multidimensional being and healing capacities, Grace is regularly called to mitigate outcomes from many of the natural disasters currently occurring on the planet.

In planetary and collective fields, her vibrational field permeates the deepest and most repressed DNA traumatic memories: the demise of Lemuria, Ancient Egypt, the Feline race, and all Christ-era violations. As an Ancient Creator Feminine Christ, she served in the creation of this planet and returns to support Mother Earth in each of Her pivotal evolutionary shifts. At Grace’s crystalline transition and birth, she awakened to a remembrance of her sacred contract, which is to anchor an ascension portal on Earth for humanity in communion with three other Feminine Christ Ascended Masters: Hathor, Mary Magdalene, and White Buffalo Woman. Together, the Feminine Christ group serves the awakening and healing of the Ancient Mother Womb of the Earth where they hold an alchemical restoration space for many to transition into crystalline consciousness. Through Grace’s embodied vortex of Universal Love, many receive miraculous womb and trauma healing.

Special Offer: Honoring Mother Earth in Love & Union


2 Payment Option Available

Special Offer: Healing Anxiety Held in the Sacred Waters of the Mother MP3


2 Payment Option Available