New Earth Modalities with the Ascended Masters

Enter 2022 on Your Highest Timeline

12/12 Stargate 3 Day Global Retreat
December 10, 11, 12

Masterclass with Top Experts in New Earth, Spiritual Leadership & Highly Effective Modalities!

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Change agents, healers, coaches and spiritual leaders…

  • Access your energetic roadmap to living in the New Paradigm of 5D and beyond,
  • activate spiritual leadership codes, sovereignty, your highest mission
  • lift money, health, relationship and consciousness ceilings
  • and make an even bigger difference globally
  • Without the old paradigm hoo-ha of overthinking, going it alone or lack running the show

You’re called to embody your higher self to massively raise consciousness (yours and others) on the planet.

Go from 3D to 5D and amplify your spiritual potency (connected to Source and your Divine-self every day) TOGETHER.

  • Play an even bigger role in the evolution of consciousness
  • Regenerate your physical body to be congruent with high frequencies without the crash
  • Attract financial abundance, joyful relationships, and magical synchronicities
  • Experience next-level sovereignty, clarity, and inner guidance
  • Create time and energy surplus (go multidimensional)
  • Tap into your spiritual potency
  • And so much more!

Join us for a Virtual 3-Day 12/12 Stargate Retreat to:

Step into your Divine-self and be fully supported by the life-enhancing, purpose-championing energy of aligned re-Sources (radiant health, money, aligned purpose) so you can thrive as a way-shower leading New Earth living. 

We’ll Show You Exactly How To: 

CRACK the code to consistently living in 5D+ higher consciousness—the energetic shifts and tools to make your next heaven on earth leap easy and fast without selling your soul or being the bottleneck to letting it in. 

UNLOCK the energetic secrets to spiritual leadership of the new paradigm of higher consciousness (youthing your body through embodying your eternal nature, 24/7 connection to your inner authority and guidance, resources on the physical plane your mission requires) without energetic overload, burn out, visibility hangovers, or fighting with your spouse (kids, self…) because you’re popping in and out of unity consciousness again.

ACTIVATE the keys to living in alignment with the spiritual laws of infinite abundance, surplus, and expansion and multiply your spiritual potency. 

There is nothing to lose and everything to gain by joining, it’s our gift to you.

We’re calling in high-vibe, wildly woo and grounded, coaches, healers, and spiritual leaders in action who want to go from 3D duality to 5D unity while massively raising consciousness on the planet…

without never-ending inner work that doesn’t really work…

without the forcing, striving, scarcity…

without the “something is broken and needs to be fixed mentality”…

without overthinking things, overgiving, or playing small old paradigm hoo-ha…

…and with the least amount of time spent to get fully embodied in the New Paradigm of consistently living in states of higher consciousness and embodied divinity.

Are you choosing to be one of them?

If you’re ALL IN and committed to applying the energetics and wisdom we’ve curated for you, we’d love to have you join us…

We’re going to share the exact inner shifts and new paradigm modalities from the Ascended Masters that is the true magic sauce behind our and our clients’ success to consistently live and create from an elevated state of consciousness, receive aligned resources for their mission (money, energy, guidance) on the regular (and keep it), and change the lives of thousands.

See you there, it’s starting soon so if this is speaking to you act now.

YES, I’m all in, save my seat to jump onto my highest timeline and make a HUGE impact on the planet!

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Meet The New Earth Ascended Master Council

Hosted By Danielle Hoffman and her Guide Thoth and the Ascended Masters Legacy -Work Coach

Danielle Hoffman is a 7 Figure Spiritual Leader, Legacy-Work Coach, and International Channel of Thoth and the Council of Light, as well as the 3x #1 Amazon bestselling author of The Tablets of Light, The Council of Light, and The Temples of Light

She helps coaches, healers, and change agents to partner with Source (as Source) to create their legacy work (books, programs, businesses) and add 100k paydays from it whenever they choose without overdoing, leaving their zone of genius or taking years to get it done. 

Don’t Miss this Masterclass Series which covers: 

The new earth modalities required to finally kick the old paradigm to the curb and take full residence in the new paradigm.

Highly effective magical ascension tools, codes, and frequencies usually only available in the inner sanctuary of the temple.

What’s working now to create permanent shifts and open up higher dimensions of alignment. 

Spiritual Millionairess: Leadership Codes to Make Bank, Change Lives and Be Radiant

with Danielle Rama Hoffman

Shifting to the Golden Age Timeline of Self-Liberation and Full Realization
with Sophia Kryst

The Magdalene Embodied Path

with Delphine Rose

Your Innate Immune System, the Idea of Immunity, and Optimal Wellbeing 

with Virginia Dofflemyer  

Vibrational Attunement to Your Highest Expression 

with Raya Ma’at

Embodying Your Sacred “NO”—The Sword of Truth 

with Aaliyah Sophia Rose

Youthing and Physical Radiance with the Diamond Grace Galaxy 

with Terri Gervais

Connecting Through the Power of Your Presence 

with Lavonne

Treasure Hunt for the Light 

with Lisa Bogue

Stargates Activation: Crystal Clarity on your Multidimensional Mission

with Catherine O’Connor

Flower of Love: Dis-cover your Soul Blueprint 

with Kim van de Sande

Galactic Numerology as Your Magic Wand to Create Your Life 

with Denise Field

Healing the Divide Within 

with Barbara Bailey

The Higher Purpose

In planning this event, we recognize that there is a massive transfer of wealth and rise of higher consciousness underway and that high-vibe spiritual healers, practitioners, coaches, and leaders in action have a KEY ROLE TO PLAY.

This gathering is dedicated to showing them exactly how to unleash the power of hidden energetics and needle-moving strategies to sustain higher states of consciousness, money, and spiritual leadership.

So that together we can raise consciousness on the planet, one LEADER at a time.

Instead of passively watching, participants will be actively engaged, experiencing, and embodying this energetic transmission and roadmap to New-Earth.

Likewise, we are inviting all speakers to go beyond a regular “talk” or presentation, and offer something that will powerfully shift the attendees’ consciousness and create immediate and lasting income leaps.

Register Now for this Free Online Event & Claim Welcome Package