With Educator, Mystic, and Spiritual Alchemist.
Barbara Bailey, Ph.D
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Do you ever feel alone, disempowered, frustrated, held back, dissatisfied, or that you are here for a higher purpose? Do you live two separate lives, perhaps one foot in the “woo” and one in “mainstream”? Maybe on the outside, others think you are living the dream. You have a stable career, and your material needs are met. Or perhaps you are scattered, moving from job to job or relationship to relationship seeking happiness. Maybe you are or have experienced sadness, addictions, overspending, people-pleasing, and illness.
If any of these themes are running in your life, chances are you are experiencing a divide within. It is not surprising as the underlying current of our culture involves competition, the emphasis on “us against them,” and conforming to the dictated norms of the masses, resulting in spiritual amnesia. This 3D way of being has created wounds within many of us, resulting in the divide within.
New energies are flooding the earth, triggering a remembering, a calling for many. These energies are here to support us in healing and gaining wisdom
from divisive wounds so we may elevate our consciousness and that of humanity.
Yet, there may still be an underlying fear to step fully into who you indeed are.
The Arcturians share that there is immense power in wisdom. Wisdom of self and how our vibrational frequencies (thoughts/words/emotion/state of being) impact the collective consciousness. You gain wisdom by recognizing the illusion lies you hold onto, keeping yourself “safe” and hidden. When we are fractured, all we create is fractured, and fractured energy flows through that creation. You should not be surprised to see many social systems beginning to crumble.
When you heal that divide and move towards the 5th-dimensional vibration of love and unity, you can stand naked and exposed yet feel nurtured and safe, knowing that you are in your true power, which comes from within. Walking in truth makes you impenetrable. But getting there requires awareness, intention, and choice. Are you ready to heal your inner divide?
New Earth Modalities Marketplace for Leaders
Special Offer Includes:
Transcending Separation Consciousness: Wholeness through Heart Wisdom Package
Recording now available
Special Offer: Transcending Separation Consciousness: Wholeness through Heart Wisdom Package
2 Payment Option Available
Here is what you will learn:
- How to Connect to your Heart Wisdom
- Recognize when you are living in separation (self-defeating patterns, fear, etc.) and how to make the shift to Unity
- Define what You Desire to Express to the World
- Six Core Soul Truths from the Arcturians
Your package includes the following:
Item 1: Prerecorded Video: Tools to identify ways you may be denying your true self and living in separation consciousness, with guidance on how to build your
Item 2: Vibrational Expression Template (VET). Benefits of your VET
S.I.M.P.L.E. Truth Activation with the Arcturians: The live group zoom call/transmission (60 minutes) is scheduled for 1/8/22 at 11am Mountain Time. You will participate in a meditation where you will learn six soul truths from the Arcturians for personal embodiment. They have shared that the secret of moving from a state of victimhood to wholeness is “Simple” should we choose to make the shift. During the transmission, they will guide you to identify any resistance to these truths, placing your finger on the vibrational pulse of where you are now. Once identified, the Arcturians will use the Rose Quartz Ray to break up any energetic resistance to these truths. Opposition to the truth of who you are may show up in different ways. Resistance may show up in your body as aches and pains or illness or in your actions, such as holding back, playing small, not being able to say no, being busy, overwhelmed, and exhausted.
After the activation, there will be time for you to share your experiences with the group and ask the Arcturians any questions you may have regarding the S.I.M.P.L.E. truths shared with you. You will also learn how to further work with the Arcturians.
A recording will be available for those who cannot attend live.
Benefits to creating your Vibrational Expression Template (VET)
Benefits of the embodiment of the S.I.M.P.L.E. Core Truths
About Barbara Bailey, Ph. D.
Barbara Bailey, Ph.D is an educator, mystic, and spiritual alchemist. She utilizes her education, life lessons, and connection to the Inner Wisdom Panel to fully support those who desire to heal core wounds and transcend division so they may create their lives from a place of wholeness.
Special Offer: Transcending Separation Consciousness: Wholeness through Heart Wisdom Package
2 Payment Option Available