A Mastery Empowerment Course
With Practiced Teacher, Storyteller, and Humble Radiant of the Divine
Peter Panagore, MDiv.

Wisdom I Learned in Heaven

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In this free video, Peter Panagore shares on one of his 2 Near Death Experiences and how it offered him a perspective that Aims at the Oneness of off Life. Listen to his story, hear about his experience and allow this to give you a deeper understanding on how the universe operates.

Online Class with Peter Panagore – 2 Sessions (2 hours ea)

Part 1-Why Is There Suffering? Letting the Light In

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Everybody asks, “Why is there suffering?” In his numerous mystical trips into Heaven carried there by an Angel, including his near-death experiences, The Beloved showed him answers to the age-old question, which reset his self and his cosmic understanding.

Understanding how it is made will help you understand why it is as it is and how we can use it to grow.

Part 2-The Power of Metaphor, Nothing and Love

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Define nothing. Can you? The dictionary says, “Not anything. Not a single thing.” But what is the absence of thingness? Define love. How many types are there? It may be the only word for which everyone knows the meaning of but none can say it aloud exactly. If God is Love, if Source is Nothingness? How do we define it and talk about it?

Special Offer: Wisdom I Learned in Heaven + Bonus


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Aiming at The Oneness

Join Peter Panagore in a 2.5-Hour Course: Aiming at Oneness

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Breath. Focus. Intent. Listening. Opens a quietude of peace to carry every day. Practice carves oneself open, wider and wider, breath by breath making a cistern of the soul with a spigot to water the ground around you. Aim at the Oneness. Aim (without imagination) at chakras, turn them wide open. Thin your veil. Make yourself available.

‘Die little deaths before you die and you will never die.’ After forty years of silent and private practice, Peter Panagore has begun to teach his contemplative tools of tested practice. “I began selfishly,” he says, “out of desperation following my first Near-Death Experience. I was lost in the world and wanted Heaven. I hunted and found tools to help reconnect me. I refined my tools through decades of practice. They delivered as they promised with increased divine connection, a flow of peace, subtle energy of chi, or prana, or whatever name you wish to use, and so much more.”

Peter is a practiced teacher, storyteller, and humble radiant of the Divine. Learn 2 Meditation Practices and how to access your Chakras as portals to your Divine Essence.

Peter Panagore died while ice climbing in Banff Provincial Park in 1980. His consciousness was carried to Heaven by an intelligent and powerful being, where he encountered, Union with Love Itself, Healing, Wholeness, and Oneness. Peter choose to return to life to ease the pain of his parents who already had lost a daughter, his sister. He was radically changed by the experience which reoriented his life by driving him to study mysticism at Yale, and into forty years of centering prayer meditation practice and Kriya style yoga, and a life of service to others. Peter brings his wisdom to a worldwide audience in a variety of forums. He teaches centering prayer meditation, and runs Not Church Sundays (No dogma, no doctrine, just mysticism) on his YouTube Channel, and runs a global counseling service for mystics and seekers.

Special Offer: Wisdom I Learned in Heaven + Bonus


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What People Have To Say About Peter

Best workshop yet! I had ‘angel tears.’ They come out of the corners of my eyes when receiving intense energy. Lovely people attending.”

About Peter Panagore

Two-time near-death experiencer, Unitive State of Being Experiencer, and Kundalini Awakened Experiencer, with multiple Out of Body Experiences, Peter Panagore, MDiv, is an International Audible Best-Selling author, and public speaker with a thousand of public speaking events, before gaining tens of millions of views annually on his own daily inspirational broadcast TV, FM, AM, on NBC in Maine. Peter has appeared on dozens of popular national and international broadcasts and podcasts worldwide, including Fox and Friends, Coast to Coast AM, The Drew Marshall Show, on YouTube on Shaman Oaks, and Buddha at The Gas Pump. Peter was the Keynote Speaker at the Annual International Association for Near-Death Studies Conference 2020. He is currently starring on Amazon Prime, and on YouTube, in the documentary, Life to Afterlife 2: Death and Back. Heaven is Beautiful has been optioned for a film. After forty years of private Centering Prayer and Kriya Yoga practice and a Yale degree focused in the Classics, Western Mysticism Peter is ready to teach self-negation and illumination.

What People Have To Say About Peter

Peter Panagore is a genius with one foot squarely in the temporal and the other beautifully in the spiritual. 

Carmichael Productions

Peter has such a spiritual depth to his heart; excellent, thought-provoking speaker. 

Jeannette Beaulieau, AB

Reverend Peter Panagore is an inspirational story teller that speaks to all of us! 

Atomic Studios

Peter is one of those people that can lift the weight of the world off your shoulders, best chair lift riding partner ever

Sumquest Group

Peter is a beloved mentor, inspiration, and friend. His Heart-centered Wisdom knows no bounds, yet he remains a humble mystic in service to the Highest Good. All those that cross his path are blessed by his innate Light. Moreover, his “Not Church” Live streams are thought-provoking, authentic, and highly engaging. I am profoundly grateful for this truly luminous Soul. 

Brooke Groove Healing

Special Offer: Wisdom I Learned in Heaven + Bonus


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