Mastery Empowerment Course
With "Spiritual Trainer to the Stars"
Christel Hughes
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Mastery Empowerment Course: 6D Upgrade TRIANGLE DIVINE ‘Clairvoyance Dimensional Attunement’
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Claim your Intuitive Mastery and establish a Consistent Flow of Light through your Spirit Triangle with Increased Communication!
In the beginning the Triangle Centers needed to come 'online' and be activated -- Now to keep them online and available for that reliable, unwavering flow of light and information, we need to upgrade the chakras and surrounding organs that correlate to the Triangles.
You'll use Metatron's cube to create a sustainable sub-structure for Dimensional expression of your Soul.
We will access the 6D level which relates to your Triangle Centers of Intelligence.
We'll be Stabilizing the vibration of the Spirit Triangle center by creating a 'vibrational nesting place' with the corresponding organs and chakras to support your Being Master Intuitive Human with Multi-Dimensional access:
Triangle - Chakra - Body/Organ - Dimension
SPIRIT TRIANGLE (Clairvoyance) - Pineal + Pituitary Gland, Hypothalamus - 6th Dimension
The human mind won't easily "surrender" to Spirit, so we must upgrade = Higher multi dimensional Mind to Spirit resonance. We will prepare your energy body (corresponding chakra), physical body (corresponding organ) with the Triangle Center of Intelligence so that you are available and stable.
Then the substructure is sound enough to "hold" you in a way that allows for you to 'play Celestial music together' with the Cosmic Light - you as a divine instrument and the Light playing through you...singing your Soul Song.
'Dimensional Attunement'
6D Clairvoyance upgrade
In this inspirational Attunement Metatron's Cube will stimulate your 3rd eye at the 6D level to support you deepening your connection with your Higher level of Insight. This governs your intuitive nature and it opens you up to new perspectives, possibilities and Visions.
The Pineal Gland will open to the full capacity... with the help of the Spirit Triangle portal now engaging consciously. The attunement will certainly connect you with and deepen your relationship with your Higher Self so that you can see Beyond the Veil.
Most importantly, your brain will be cleared of toxic, calcified energies and instead be 'turned on' to awaken your Master intuitive nature...getting the Whole picture as a WHOLE Being.
Mastery Empowerment Course: Releasing Inflammation & Celestial Joint Revitalization Workshop
Embracing Multidimensional Awareness, Discovering Universal Secrets, Ancient Insights & Cosmic Understanding
Mastery Empowerment Course: Releasing Inflammation & Celestial Joint Revitalization Workshop
Downloads Now Available
with Christel Hughes and Amanda Hopkins
~ Dimensional Joint Upgrades to Relieve Pain & Inflammation
+ Embrace your Celestial Radiance
Your joints are incredible, infinite portals of light that are designed to keep you moving and evolving in your human form as a vessel of Celestial Energy and Light of Truth.
However when you're plagued with immobility, pain, stiffness and instability that accompanies chronic inflammation, your joints don't reflect their full Sacred capacities for you... you just want relief!
~ The Nature of Inflammation and Its Role in Healing
Inflammation is a natural and vital response of the body to injury, infection, or illness. It's the body's first line of defense, initiating the healing and repair processes. When an injury or harmful pathogen is detected, the immune system triggers an inflammatory response to contain and eliminate the threat.
This response involves increased blood flow to the affected area, bringing immune cells to fight off pathogens and facilitate tissue repair. Inflammation manifests as redness, warmth, swelling, and pain - all signs that the body is working to heal itself.
~ Chronic Inflammation: The Hidden Danger
While acute inflammation is essential for healing, chronic inflammation can have detrimental effects on the body. When inflammation persists over a long period, it can lead to a range of health issues. Chronic inflammation is often the result of unresolved infections, prolonged exposure to irritants, or autoimmune reactions where the body's immune system mistakenly attacks its tissues.
The consequences can include stiffness, inflexibility, and severe pain, potentially leading to incapacitation. Conditions like arthritis, heart disease, and even certain cancers have been linked to chronic inflammation.
~ Consciousness and Inflammation: The Energetic Perspective
To achieve true relief from chronic inflammation, it's essential to address not only the physical symptoms but also the underlying consciousness and conditions that contribute to inappropriate inflammatory responses. Chronic inflammation often reflects deeper imbalances in our mental, emotional, and energetic states. Stress, unresolved emotional trauma, negative thought patterns, and a lack of alignment with our true selves can all contribute to a state of chronic inflammation.
~ Resetting the Body with Celestial Light Frequencies
To remove inflammation from the body and restore optimal health, it's essential to reset the body's energy flow and infuse it with Celestial Light frequencies. These frequencies are high-vibrational energies that can upgrade the entire body's movement and flow, promoting healing and harmony on all levels—physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.
By addressing both the physical and energetic aspects of inflammation, you can achieve true relief and transformation. Infusing your body with Celestial Light frequencies not only alleviates chronic inflammation but also elevates your overall state of being, promoting a harmonious and vibrant life.
Inflammation is a natural body response and essential for healing and repair when faced with an injury or illness. Chronic inflammation however can have long-lasting, damaging effects on the body that leave you stiff, inflexible and even incapacitated at times if pain becomes severe.
For true relief, we must address the consciousness and conditions that are precursors to inappropriate inflammation responses in the body and that have you chronically inflamed - in pain + constriction that immobilizes your body to some degree.
Then move into removing inflammation from the body and resetting it to flow Celestial Light frequencies that seek to upgrade your entire body movement and flow!
You'll be guided through Soul Guided Visualization, processes and Sacred Light Activations to dissolve inappropriate inflammation triggers and chronic cellular habits that perpetuate chronic inflammation in your body.
3 Major Body Systems - Your Nervous, Endocrine and Immune Systems - all combine to play a role in your body's inflammatory responses.
Go on a journey through your body to reset the consciousness that has degraded your appropriate healing responses leading to joint swelling and pain. As you shift the energetic paradigms that lock inflammatoin in the body, you invoke the natural flow of Celestial Light that is meant to flow throguh these Sacred Access Points in your body!
Factors that will be shifted include:
~ Senescent Cells
Remove the primary perpetrator that has senescent cells building up and being held in the joints triggering inflammation.
Senescent cells are unique in that they eventually stop multiplying but don't die off when they should. They instead remain and continue to release chemicals that can trigger inflammation
~ Pain Perception and Central Sensitization
Identify and resolve #1 factor skewing accurate pain signaling between the brain + body - reset Nervous System for effective communication.
Dismantle Central Sensitization: brain’s response to pain is amplified - nervous system becomes hypersensitive to pain signals, leading to widespread pain and inflammation, including in the joints.
Dissolve Altered Pain Pathways: When the brain processes pain signals abnormally, it can lead to increased perception of pain and inflammation, even in the absence of significant physical damage to the joints.
~ Vagus Nerve Reset to Resolve Dysfunction
When the vagus nerve is not functioning properly, the body's ability to regulate inflammation may be impaired, leading to chronic inflammation in the joints and other parts of the body.
~ Stress & Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal (HPA) Axis
Cortisol Balancing: Dissolve primary stressor causing increased long-term increased cortisol levels in the body.
While small bursts of cortisol reduce inflammation, prolonged heightened coritsol levels lead to inflammation and weakened immune system so we must ensure appropriate Nervous System (especially adrenal) responses to external stimuli.
** Includes Endocrine System and Homornal Balancing processes.
~ Aura & Immune System Recalibration
Reset the Immune System and Auric Field Templates to recognize your unique Soul Resonance so the immune system can accurately identify when something is a mismatch and requires immuno-intervention.
~ Crystalline Light Infusions ~ Revive Nutrient Deficient Cells
Resolve #1 Consciousness Paradigm linked to Vitamin Deficiencies: Particularly deficient B12 and D in the body have been linked to increased inflammatory response and chronic inflammation in the body.
As we uncover the energetics that have led to inappropriate vitamin absorption or ineffective consumption of essential vitamins, we restore the body's innate, ideal responses that promote vitality.
~ Embark on Your Celestial Healing Journey:
Harness the transformative power of Metatron's Cube to clear joint inflammation, restore energetic balance, and align with celestial light. Together, we will pave the way for profound healing and spiritual alignment, empowering you to embody greater health, vitality, and spiritual connection.
Embrace the healing power of sacred geometry. Illuminate your joints with divine harmony and vitality.
~ Energetic Clearing with Metatron's Cube:
Using the sacred geometry of Metatron's Cube, we embark on a journey of profound healing and energetic restoration, focusing on each joint of your body to dissolve inflammation and restore balance to the toroidal fields. Unlock the radiance of celestial light within you, guiding you towards greater clarity, harmony, and spiritual fulfillment.
~ Workshop Breakdown:
1. Archangel Metatron / Metatron’s cube invocation and Intention Setting: Set clear intentions to release these blockages and restore optimal energetic flow.
2. Joint-Specific Clearing:
- Fingers and Toes: Start with the smallest articulations, such as the joints in your fingers and toes. Visualize Metatron's Cube enveloping these joints, its patterns gently sweeping through, dissolving any inflammation. Feel a sense of lightness and flexibility returning to these areas.
- Wrists and Ankles: Move to the wrists and ankles, where mobility and flexibility are crucial. Envision the cube's energy penetrating deeply, clearing away any stagnant energy or discomfort. Sense the joints becoming supple and rejuvenated.
- Elbows and Knees: Proceed to the larger joints of the elbows and knees. Allow Metatron's Cube to work its magic, releasing tension and inflammation stored within these pivotal joints. Feel the joints aligning and balancing energetically.
- Shoulders and Hips: Focus on the shoulders and hips, where major movements originate. Visualize the cube's patterns expanding, reaching deep into these joints, and dissolving any residual inflammation. Experience a newfound sense of freedom and ease in movement.
- Spine: Address the spine, the central axis of your body's energy flow. Envision Metatron's Cube tracing along the vertebrae, clearing energetic blockages and restoring harmony to the spinal joints. Feel the spine lengthening and aligning effortlessly.
3. Restoring Toroidal Fields: As each joint is cleared and balanced, observe the toroidal fields surrounding them. Visualize these energy fields expanding and aligning, facilitating optimal energetic circulation and balance throughout your entire body.
4. Invoking Celestial Light: With the joints cleared and toroidal fields restored, invite celestial light—pure, illuminating, and filled with divine truth—to flow into each joint. Feel this light infusing deep into the cellular level, bringing healing and revitalization to the physical body.
5. Integration and Grounding: Conclude the session by integrating the healing energies and grounding the newfound clarity and balance within your physical body. Take a moment to appreciate the transformation and set intentions for continued well-being.
Benefits of the Workshop
~ Relief from Joint Inflammation: Experience reduced pain, stiffness, and discomfort in the joints as inflammation clears.
~ Enhanced Energetic Flow: Open the toroidal fields of each joint, promoting smoother movement and optimal energetic circulation.
~ Connection to Celestial Realms: Access higher frequencies of celestial light and truth, facilitating spiritual growth and alignment.
~ Empowerment in Truth Channeling: Develop the ability to channel and radiate divine truth and wisdom outwardly into your environment.
~ Targeted Relief: Experience targeted relief from joint pain, stiffness, and inflammation, allowing for greater comfort and mobility.
~ Optimal Energetic Flow: Enhance the flow of energy through cleared toroidal fields, promoting overall vitality and well-being.
~ Spiritual Alignment: Align with celestial energies and truths, fostering spiritual growth and deeper connection to higher consciousness.
~ Empowerment in Movement: Feel empowered with improved joint flexibility, mobility, and overall physical resilience.
About Christel Hughes
Christel Hughes is a Multi-dimensional Visionary, Medium and Multi-Sensory Energetic Intuitive, known as the “Spiritual Trainer to the Stars”, specializing in energetic healing and rapid transformation for Celebrities and individuals throughout the World. We are always in Awe because of Christel’s lightning-fast and laser-focused Intuitive readings that go directly to the core of the issue – she pinpoints it immediately.
Christel’s work has broadened to include connecting with Archangel Metatron and mediating for Metatron’s cube to instantly shift a person’s consciousness… undoing mental, emotional and physical limitations…as well as opening up their Higher channels of communication.
The Academy for the Soul was born through Christel Hughes, as the ‘Online School for Intuitive Arts’. Christel’s purpose is to channel and shine light into the world, and to operate as a conduit of Divine Truth, working with people as they identify and develop their gifts, and step into their purpose-work. The Academy for the Soul helps people discover and develop their Intuitive Gifts, and then share those gifts with the world as an offering.
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