With Healing Practitioner
Gene Ang
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Special Offer from Gene Ang: Mastery Empowerment Course: The Arcturian Divine Union Transmissions
Join Gene Ang and the Latest Arcturian Healing Frequencies
Option 1: The Arcturian Divine Union Transmissions-Balancing our Masculine and Feminine Powers
3 Sessions in Video & Audio Downloads
Gene Ang’s Latest Mastery Empowerment Course
2 Payment Option Available
In this next installment of the Arcturian Mastery Empowerment Courses, we will be taking a deep dive into balancing the masculine and feminine energies within our subtle body system. We will be working with the idea of the divine union within on three levels: 1) the external 2) the internal and 3) the non-dual. Each level will take us into a deeper understanding of balancing the polarities within our structure and consciousness.
The first day we will receive a transmission to balance our past lives in male and female bodies and also the external gender roles we have taken on in this lifetime. Coming to a sense of balance and integration is the purpose of this first day’s transmission. This is in essence a three day retreat meant to harmonize the polar opposites within your system. As we harmonize these energetic polarities, this becomes reflected in the external environment as a harmony within nature and social interactions.
The second day involves transmissions and discussions on how to balance the male and female energies in our energy body. There are various yogic and energy medicine systems which talk about these energy polarities of the body. There is the system of the right and left vertical channels that run alongside the central channel. The right channel holds the solar or masculine energies and the left side holds the lunar or feminine energies. There is also the white kundalini drop of male essence in the head and the red kundalini drop of female essence at the navel. All of these depictions of energies within our system need to also be balanced and worked together in a holistic manner.
The third day we bring the masculine and feminine poles on all seven subtle bodies (physical, etheric, emotional, mental, causal, spiritual, and divine) together in divine union or dynamic balance. Terms such as the hermaphrodite or androgyne are templates for this divine union within our own system. Also when these energies are balanced equally and dynamically in our channels, we are able to enter more deeply into the central channel of energy within our system and experience non-dual states of consciousness and unity with the Godhead or Source.
In addition to an hour long transmission for each session in which we connect with our Higher Self, Our Guides, and the Arcturians to download this energetic information and new patterning, we will have a chance to learn energy and yogic techniques to balance the male and female essences within our system. Finally, an important part of the integration process is the sharing and discussion of the information as it arises for the participants. There will be ample time to answer any questions and also to share your insights.
All participants will receive the recordings of each session to continue the process on their own as well as take part in each session even if they cannot make the live times.
Gene Ang’s Latest Mastery Empowerment Course
2 Payment Option Available
Option 2: Gene Ang’s Master Class Series + Offer 1
2 Payment Option Available
Option 3: Super Quantum Healing Package & Mastery Empowerment Courses
2 Payment Option Available
Option 2: The Arcturian Master Class Series 1 Thru 8 Plus Option 1
Experience earlier Master Class Series 1 thru 8 with Gene Ang and the Arcturian Healing Frequencies
48 hours of Arcturian Healing Frequencies. MP3 audio downloads (2 hours ea), plus Healing Frequency sessions are extracted into MP3s.
Option 2: Gene Ang’s Master Class Series + Offer 1
2 Payment Option Available
Enjoy over 48 hours of Arcturian Healing Frequencies in this Online Healing Retreat Master Class series recorded and encoded with Healing Frequencies. Each series has three 2-hour episodes in MP3 audio downloads, plus, each of the Healing Frequency sessions within the audio programs have been edited into Healing Frequency segments so you can return to these Healing Frequencies and enjoy the specific session you want, without the discussion in between Healing Segments. Review the Master Classes below and Experience the Diversity of How these frequencies can amplify your intentions and manifesting abilities, as well as heal the physical body.
Option 3: Gene Ang’s Super Quantum Healing Method PLUS Get 12 Mastery Empowerment Courses (3 sessions ea) Plus Options 1 and 2
10 Techniques PLUS additional Arcturian Healing Frequencies
Option 3: Super Quantum Healing Package & Mastery Empowerment Courses
2 Payment Option Available
Learn over 10 techniques to make metal soft demonstrating to yourself that there is more to physical reality than meets the eye. Also, the book covers in-depth the application of the techniques to healing and other aspects of transformation in your life. PLUS You’ll get access to Gene’s latest Master Classes below.
Quantum Spoon Bending: a Model for Healing and Transformation 2.5 Hour Online Video
Value $55
Learn to bend spoons using 6 different techniques based on quantum mechanics and torsion field physics. So why hold a spoon bending class? It is not only about bending spoons! The change in material reality demonstrated by the bent utensil is a model for change. The mechanisms used are all known healing techniques. Experience how to use these techniques in your own life for personal growth and transformation.
Preview of class: http://vimeopro.com/davidhallowell/qsb-short
Transpersonal Chakra 2.5 Hour Online Video
Value $75
This evening seminar is an in-depth study and practice utilizing and integrating the 3 chakras above the body and 3 chakras below the body with the entire energy field. The seminar starts by understanding the structure and function of these transpersonal energy centers and how they relate to the energy centers found within the physical body. Next, we will learn an advanced energy practices that utilize these transpersonal chakras: the Vesica Piscis Meditation.
The Vesica Piscis Meditation coordinates the activation of the 3 upper transpersonal chakras with the 3 lower transpersonal chakras. This allows for a balanced development of the energy field both above and below the energy body. This meditation further builds the sacred geometrical form of the vesica piscis into the energy field which acts as an inter-dimensional gateway for meditation and consciousness travel in the inner worlds.
The third part of the seminar is a discussion of the high-frequency light and information called the Arcturian Dimensional Bridge (ADB). This healing energy is taught and transmitted in level 3 of the Arcturian Healing Method. The Arcturian Dimensional Bridge fully brings in the trans-dimensional space of consciousness and energy referred to as the Arcturian dimension into the dimension where the healing is taking place. This allows for rapid transformations in consciousness and energy for participants. In this video, participants will receive a full group healing (45 minutes) using the Arcturian Dimensional Bridge in which they can work on an issue on any level (physical, energetic, emotional, mental, and/or spiritual).
Preview of the class http://youtu.be/ApisIpSdE28
Uncollapsing the Wave 2.5 Hour Online Video
Value $45
Quantum Physics states that all things are arising out of the quantum void. This quantum void or zero point energy contains all possible outcomes and infinite potential. However, as soon as consciousness views a particular outcome then all these infinite possibilities collapse into that particular case. In Quantum Physics terms this is called collapsing the wave function.
Is it possible to go beyond this? Is it possible to go in the reverse direction? Any particular situation like a health condition or problem is similar to having the infinite possibilities of the quantum void collapsed into a particular wave function or condition. Is it possible to uncollapse that particular wave function and revert back to the infinite possibilities again? If so, this would allow for change on an enormous level.
In this video, we go through these possibilities in the context of healing and transformation and look at practical techniques to allow you to uncollapse events and allow for unlimited possibilities in your life and the life of others. We will go through various attitudes and states of consciousness that allow for this to happen and also areas in the energy body that used as a focal point can allow for this infinite change. You will go away with both a theoretical understanding of this phenomenon as well as practical techniques.
Preview of the class http://vimeopro.com/davidhallowell/trailer
PLUS Bonus Transmissions:
Mt. Shasta Superhuman Transmissions mp3s
This is a recording of the classes, discussions, meditations, and activations done during the 5-day Mt. Shasta retreat. The topic of the retreat focused on bringing forth the best in you in a way never before imagined. We utilized a multi-dimensional 7 Planes of Nature Model to explain the current human and what an acceleration of evolution in consciousness would look like now.
These recordings allow you to participate in the information field of the class, learn the material and practices during the retreat, and experience the energy of 5 transmissions done at Mt. Shasta. This package includes over 10 hours of discussion and talks and 4 hours of energy transmissions and meditations.
Highlights of what you receive include:
- 5 energy transmissions (45 minutes each) done using the Arcturian Frequencies and Consciousness done in the Mt. Shasta energy field. Each transmission sequentially develops your subtle bodies to uncover your spiritual abilities and powers
- 1 unique transmission include in the 5 above that is guided by Metatron energy and consciousness.
- An in-depth discussion of spiritual gifts or spiritual powers (siddhis) and how to develop them in your spiritual practice.
- A discussion on which areas of your human energy field develop your spiritual gifts.
- The energy transmissions can be used to actively meditate and develop your subtle bodies and spiritual gifts. Gene guides you in the practice in each transmission.
- A dynamic breathing practice that allows you to quickly build your etheric body and physical vitality.
- A lecture on how to conduct Extraterrestrial Contact at Mt. Shasta and other related sacred sites.
If you want to experience the energy and information of Mt. Shasta, this package is exactly for you. To order click the link below. You will be immediately sent download instructions for all the mp3s.
Plus 12 Mastery Empowerment Courses ( 3 sessions ea)
Gene Ang’s Latest Mastery Empowerment Course
2 Payment Option Available
Option 2: Gene Ang’s Master Class Series + Offer 1
2 Payment Option Available
Option 3: Super Quantum Healing Package & Mastery Empowerment Courses
2 Payment Option Available
About Gene Ang
Gene Ang, Ph.D. has a healing practice based in Westlake Village, California and sees clients utilizing a number of healing modalities including Pranic Healing, Reconnective Healing, the Reconnection, Shamanic Healing, and Vortex Healing.
In addition, he teaches a number of seminars that focus on the integration of science, spirituality, and healing. He travels around the United States facilitating healing sessions and workshops.
He was formally trained as a Neurobiologist at Yale University where he earned his doctorate in basic mechanisms of how the brain develops followed by a post-doctoral fellowship on how ultrasound can affect the developing cerebral cortex.
After his post-doctoral fellowship, Gene decided to step into the role of a facilitator of healing in order to directly interact with helping people.