With International Best-Selling Author, Multidimensional Spiritual Teacher, and Master Healer
Riana Arendse
Watch This Introductory Course
During this show, Spiritual Teacher Riana Arendse will guide you back to a state of being that rests as Awareness. This introduction course energetically prepares your field for the greatest expansion and growth to come for your individual path of evolution and realization. Returning to Being – that will enliven and ignite your remembrance of your already Perfect Nature. This introdction course is a preparatory initiation for the upcoming Live Event
Enjoy this Mastery Empowerment Course
Offer 1: Return to Being – Embodying the Dream
A Masters Gathering
An Online Event Live with Riana Arendse
Offer 1: Return to Being - Embodying the Dream
- A Live 90 minute Transmission Online Event
2 Payment Option Available
Downloads Now Available
A Masters Gathering
An Online Event Live with Riana Arendse
9th September 2023
The introduction video above energetically prepares your field for the greatest expansion and growth to come for your individual path of evolution and realization. “Returning to Being – Embodying The Dream”… that will enliven and ignite your remembrance of your already Perfect Nature. This Introductory Video is a preparatory discussion and initiation for the upcoming Live Event – RETURN TO BEING- Embodying The Dream… with Riana during the month of September 2023. During this live transmission you will be held by the Mighty and Holy Order of Seraphim as you begin to release long held beliefs, personas, roles, densities and restrictions and align yourself with your infinite limitless, spacious Self… making a home within your very Being and begin embodying your Greatest Dream.
This is a 90 minute LIVE online gathering inclusive of a healing transmission with Visionary Spiritual Teacher and Bestselling Author Riana Arendse.
As a way of lovingly guiding you move through your most difficult transitions, old blueprints, resistances, thresholds, challenges and initiations. This is for the visionaries, teachers, leaders, healers, spiritual entrepreneurs, wayshowers, seekers and bringers of Love.
This is your invitation to:
- Discover the biggest barrier to your full self realization and your embodying your highest potential
- During this event you will move through life changing teachings and deeply surrendering internal journeys
- Connect and realize yourself as the Creator that you are
- Learn how to go beyond trying, healing, fixing, searching and into a more expanded way of Being
- How to become a pure conduit and vessel for ALL of your Divine potential, possibilities, dreams and power to express itself Fully through you
- Reconnect with the unconditional love of your Spirit to ease your nervous system so that you may heal Fully and return to Being
- Explore the deepest meaning and surprising purpose of your most difficult circumstances
- We will explore the Dangling Carrot
- Learn the ways in which we keep ourselves in suffering and create secondary suffering and how to transcend this
- Move through a guided process for Integrating your ego for the two different types of beings
- Learn whether it is needed for you to strengthen or soften your Ego
- What Embodying The Dream vs Embodying Reality means
- Move through your most difficult threshold by RETURNING TO BEING and SURRENDERING TO YOUR GREATEST DREAM
“Beloved, our teachings are not meant to add more theory or knowledge for you to digest. You’ve accumulated enough of that. This is merely a space that allows you to access a heightened state of consciousness, and an opportunity for you to enliven, realize and embody your already inherent knowing and wisdom, actualizing all of your potential within your very Being.” – The Seraphim
Offer 2: Access to the Online Event PLUS A single 30-minute private session
Offer 2: Access to the Online Event PLUS A single 30-minute private session
2 Payment Option Available
Offer 3: 2x months access to Riana’s Library Portal
Offer 3: 2x months access to Riana's Library Portal
2 Payment Option Available
2x months access to 40 plus hours (80 plus videos/audio transmissions, healing and teachings:
These are inclusive of:
- 7 existing programs,
- An x8 part Masterclass series (Transform through Feeling – emotional Healing,
- Audio/Video meditations and teachings
- 1 Live monthly mastery members call with Riana
- Access to the upcoming event – Return to Being – a 90 minutes Live Call
***Exclusively available and only accessible within this membership Library Portal:
Note: If you’d like to remain a member after the 2 month period you are welcome to join.
Offer 4: 2x months access to Riana’s Library Portal + 30 Minute Private Session
Is inclusive of everything in package C (2 month Access) PLUS a 30 minute private initiatory session with Riana
Offer 4: 2x months access to Riana's Library Portal + 30 Minute Private Session
2 Payment Option Available
Offer 5: Riana Mastery Empowerment Bundle
4 previous Mastery Empowerment Courses – downloadable programs:
Offer 5: Riana Mastery Empowerment Bundle
2 Payment Option Available
Item 1: The Seraphim Order Program
The complete Seraphim Order Package consists of TWELVE Energy Encoded MP3s, visualizations and meditation activations, that will completely transform your multidimensional Pain Body and allow you to start living your truth as Creator.
You will release all your biggest holds THAT HAVE BEEN STUCK IN YOUR ENERGETIC FIELD, whether you’re aware of them or not.
This series is uniquely tailored to uncover both personal AND inherited energy patterns multidimensionally within all your Pain Bodies.
The Seraphim transmit multidimensional dialects of sacred light information from Source through Riana. Every transmission and process offers frequency recalibrations, DNA activations, deep cellular clearing across multidimensional timelines and the opportunity to experience rapid shifts in all areas of your life.
Here’s what’s included in this Offer:
- Pre-Audio PDF Workbook
- Multidimensional Declaration of Sovereignty — MP3
- Level 1 Seraphim Source Code Initiation — MP3
- Level 2 Seraphim Source Code Initiation — MP3
- Level 3 Seraphim Source Code Initiation — MP3
- Level 4 Seraphim Source Code Initiation — MP3
- Level 5 Seraphim Source Code Initiation — MP3
- Level 6 Seraphim Source Code Initiation — MP3
- Seraphim Angelic Light Language Transmission 10min— MP3
- Access to Riana’s Private VIP Facebook Online Community
- 6 Sacred Attuned Holy Seraphim MANDALA’S
- PDF Copy of Riana’s Book YOU ARE THE CREATOR
- 21 days of Seraphim Remote Healing
- Integrating to Wholeness 4 Part Course
Item 2: The Accelerate your Journey to Inner Union program
Just recently after Riana’s Near-death experience, Riana was faced with severe illnesses. Not only one specific illness but multiple illnesses all at the same time.
Riana’s physical body was being used as a vessel to bring forward 12 highly advanced, futuristic healing technologies, given to her directly by the Arturian Council of Light. As part of Riana’s lineage, not only as in incarnate Seraphim Angel but also as a member of the Arcturian council of light, she was suddenly catapulted into remembering and embodying these highly advanced technologies.
Within a very short amount of time, Riana completely healed from these illnesses, which allowed her to witness first-hand the miracle transformations of these codes which she now embodies.
This Advanced technology literally resets one’s physical vessel and restores it back to factory settings. It changes DNA expression in the highest level of consciousness and focuses on all planes of symptoms (mental, emotional, spiritual, physical) in a way that provides the energetic field and components as the underlying cause seen in the physical.
These codes are magically designed to rapidly shift you into embodying your natural pristine blueprint and download immunity (physical, emotional, and spiritual) from the software of the Source, the unified field of light. These upgrade codes download into the hardware of our cells, into the spiraling of our DNA, and thus we are changed forever at a cellular level.
This highly developed, multidimensional advanced Arcturian Technology is unlike any other in the galaxy – which regenerates the body and field back to its most optimal essence for your specific soul force/blueprint. This merely means that it is the most advanced tools and frequency codes being brought forward now, to ensure the ultimate healing and cleansing of all 7 subtle bodies on a level beyond our comprehension.
Not only does this healing system bring healing but through the transmission which Riana brings it will also heighten spiritual awareness and aids greatly in enlightenment.
The system includes 12 major energies that powerfully interact to reset and enhance your life-force energy and restore you to pristine condition. Each major energy has its own purpose and distinct quality that together provides a unique evolutionary pathway for Regeneration and Healing.
In these 4 prerecorded group calls, Riana shares secrets and insights into what it takes to reach a level of Self Mastery and to come into union with SELF. You will receive additional healing, experience powerful processes, and tools, receive an elevation of your consciousness to a higher octave, activations, and initiations as well.
But as you move through this process, you’ll find yourself overcome by wave after wave of deep spiritual breakthroughs – culminating in a breath-taking state of peace, acceptance, clarity, and absolute empowerment.
The path of Spiritual Awakening, Realization, Embodiment, and Mastery entails that the ideals of the small self (egoic self) are constantly challenged…..which may cause great resistance within one at first. But this is to allow and make way for the Christed Self within you to Awaken, become fully Realized, Embodied, and Mastered.
In this program, you will not just be integrating your higher self and reascending in this moment but every version of you that has ever existed is also integrating its higher self.
In fact beloved, humanity has already reascended, it has already occurred, you have already reascended, you are just making your way to that very moment that you already cocreated.
1. Self-Love Initiation
Riana will take you on a journey to embody a level of consciousness that you have not embodied before. You will be guided through a process of self-realization by bringing awareness to the Divine Truth that you are God embodied in form and an expression of the one Source. Therefore, it is your divine birthright to know yourselves as such. First through proclamation and then embodied through word, thought, and deed. Focus will also be placed upon releasing self-criticism and self-judgment, and you will receive activations to embody more of your Original Source Blueprint and Crystalline Light Body that opens the gateway for embodying Divine Compassion and Divine Love. We will clear out any distortion frequencies and reconnect with the Crystalline Universal Body through the Portal of Cosmic Divine Intelligence.
2. Inner Union and balancing of the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine
The opportunity to release these timeline energies is now possible, not at the singular lifetime experience, but en masse, clearing multiple timeline experiences simultaneously. Your ascension process is the experience of all aspects of you within your God Self evolving and integrating back into Source. Here Riana guides you into bringing both Masculine and Feminine Energies into balance, Harmony, and Inner Union. We will travel into the depths of our Christed heart through the Divine Cosmic Portal to retrieve, clear, integrate and harmonize all aspects of ourselves, allowing us to activate and embody greater aspects of our Crystalline DNA and Blueprint. Disengaging from false archetypes and personas and reconnect significant pathways between the heart and the higher mind.
3. Taking responsibility for your creations, moving from victimhood to conscious creator.
A significant key to unlocking a level of Mastery is through the releasing of and disentanglement of victimhood and shifting into Conscious Creator. Taking responsibility for our creations is an important step in doing so. This will allow one to ascend to greater heights of awareness, transparency, and mastery. In order to do this, we must be in greater awareness of the grand significance of one’s innate Nature and our ability to ascend and inscend. Riana will also do a Soul Star and Earth Star Activation – the soul star is where you make the connection with all that your higher realms have for you! It is where the very soul frequencies that will liberate your innate abilities are stored. In this activation you will feel the cosmic light coming in to open your access to higher consciousness, higher truth, clarity, and wisdom.
4. The Art of Self Mastery Initiation
Your heart is the engine of connection, and Self Mastery is truly about integration, embodiment, and about strengthening your energy field into a stream of wholeness that supports your ability to sustain that frequency. And this is ascension, remaining in a higher frequency bandwidth beyond our physical senses. The Art of Self Awareness is one important key, because it is foundational to our ascension, and that’s our conscious connection with the subtle realm. Here Riana shares important foundational teachings that will bring you into greater awareness, allowing you to easily Master the Self. Riana will also facilitate a full-body reboot, which will allow your system to come into full resonance with the highest potential available for you as you anchor even deeper into what is awakening within you.
What You’ll Gain
- Better Health
- You heal faster because you are connected to the highest most powerful frequency within the universe
- Your relationships realign to your new vibrational state
- Return to your Radiant Glow
- Your purpose work flourishes
- Activation of an ever flowering connection to your greatest gift
- Finally, feel the freedom and liberation from within
- You become the Master within your own life, no longer desperately seeking help from others
- You finally begin to embody what you came here to embody, your full sovereignty
Item 3: Commune in Pure Presence Program
2 Recorded Group Calls and 21 Days within the Sacred Healing Chamber of Divine Love
The Sacred Healing Chambers
The Sacred Healing Chambers are a unique offering from The Mighty Seraphim, the Archangels, Ascended Masters, and The Council of Light.
These chambers provide profound healing and integration of body, mind, and soul. The Sacred Healing Chamber bathes and infuses the recipient, both day and night, with the purist frequencies of Divine Love energy sent directly from the Divine Heart of Creator. This works in a way that being in the chamber of healing, continually attunes your awareness to greater and greater self-realization of your whole sovereign soul.
The 21 days of accelerated healing within this chamber will begin on the day of the first live group call and is inclusive of rapid healing and energetic support which encompasses each of the Seven Rays of Creation. For 21 days, the Mighty Seraphim, Archangels, Ascended Masters, and Divine Beings of Light will create a chamber around you, bathing and infusing you with the light of one of the Rays of Creation (Sapphire Ray, Gold Ray, Pink Ray, Diamond Ray, Emerald Ray, Ruby Ray, and Violet Ray). Each of the Miracle Chambers will last for 72 hours, before the next Miracle Chamber is created for you, bringing you into the highest level of harmony and wellbeing possible for you at this time. This is an amazing and incredible advanced healing opportunity to reset and restore yourself to the deepest level of your Embodiment as Creator, as you abide in this container with Pure Presence and Self Love.
Item 4: A New Miraculous Way of Being
A New Miraculous Way of Being
If you are ready to step out of perpetual cycles of endless healing and open up into the vastness of your true potential… then this is your calling…
The teachings within this program is a pathway to a Miraculous New Way of Being – which entails cultivating radical acceptance of every single moment as perfection and holy, and is designed to return the mind body to wholeness, it also entails identifying with ourselves on another level – much greater than we have come to know; thus allowing ourselves to be reborn anew. A state of being that can only be remembered, cultivated and surrendered to.
Riana lovingly and without filter, reveals the key to true change, healing and transformation. Riana speaks to every aspect of living in the world as your True Self. With loving direction and clarity she points the way to the correction of every limiting belief and perception that would keep us from knowing and realizing our perfect union with Pure Source.
Riana will shares what she considers fundamental insights that will spark a revolution in the way we perceive life, returning back to our christed blueprint and the choice to stop believing the thoughts that perpetuate our suffering. If you are ready to step out of perpetual cycles of endless healing and open up into the vastness of your true potential… then this is your calling…
For so long we’ve been playing within the old paradigm of limitation and minimizing ourselves to a minuscule thought, belief or construct. This program takes you on a journey far beyond what is known and allows you to begin cultivating a new miraculous way of being. A way of being that is not small, constricted or limited in any way. This is the realm of Miracles. Beyond healing, beyond processes, beyond suffering, beyond fixing… beyond all that is known.
If you are someone who:
- No matter how much work you’ve done on yourself—self-help, healing, seeking, studying—you still cannot break free from internal or external bondage
- Struggling to break free from internal struggles, patterns, behaviours or cycles
- Feel stuck, even though you have cultivated immense amount of healing already
- Are still dominated by distrust, resistance, and frustration
- No matter how much you have cultivated in ascending and healing, you still cannot break free from the old collective paradigm, framework, structures, rules, beliefs and strategies
- Still find yourself minimizing who and what you are and still dimming your own light
What People Have To Say About Riana
“Riana’s combined wisdom, loving energy and accurate insights ignited a new and rapid expansion on my journey. She reminded me of my own power and value and for that, I will always be immensely grateful to her. Riana’s teachings is our reunion with mastery.”
“Riana is a beautiful soul, with a deep mission here on earth. She is here to support others’ journeys, as she has walked her own — with grace, love, strength, and mastery. Riana carries a rare connection to the Seraphim Order enabling pure and direct healing transmission to come through her words. She is a gift to humanity. A master teacher with a deep level of compassion, a deep level of knowing and a deep level of truth. She carries a clarity of sight, an all-encompassing love, and an embodied wisdom that is rare. Speaking to her is like speaking directly with the Seraphim. Riana’s voice is soothing and transformative; almost as if the Seraphim angelic realm sings, transmits and heals through her spoken words. A true blessing!”
“This mind altering program really helped me to accelerate my spiritual path. I had felt stuck for years and finally feel the peace I had longed for.”
“Imagine going into a quest with no idea how this would change my life. I kept an open mind and before i knew it i started feeling an immediate improvement in my physical well-being. My tumor had begun to regress, and slowly disappeared. I am in awe of Riana’s work and her teachings. She holds a level of consciousness like no other.”
“A few months ago I was ready to end it. Now I am so happy to be alive. I discovered Riana and her extraordinary Wisdom, Healing ability and Profound presence. Within 2 days of an encounter with her, my life changed drastically. It’s as if all that was troubling me, my depression, anxiety and no way forward dissolved into thin air. Nothing and no one could previously help me, but this amazing encounter and experience was profound enough to make the change and not just that, the change lasted. I am so grateful! ”
“Working with Riana in her mystery school has been an amazing experience for me at all levels. If you are ready for the real deal, you will not regret it.
Riana’s teaching are imbued in light and unity consciousness. She equips you with the best tools so you can be on a spiritual path of integrity and truth.
There is nowhere to hide from truth and her teachings and healings is a road map for genuine truth seekers.”
“I had the pleasure of completing the Seraphim Program and a session with Riana. This course truly assisted my soul in releasing all that no longer serves me, but mostly assisting in realizing who I truly am. Riana is a pure clear channel of the Divine and my soul could truly feel it. I have had certain deeply rooted subconscious beliefs that I was finally able to break free of during the Seraphim sessions. I feel as if I have been born again, looking at life and myself through new eyes. I highly recommend The Seraphim Program, and any chance to work with Riana one on one. Riana is truly a blessing.”
Offer 1: Return to Being - Embodying the Dream
- A Live 90 minute Transmission Online Event
2 Payment Option Available
Offer 2: Access to the Online Event PLUS A single 30-minute private session
2 Payment Option Available
Offer 3: 2x months access to Riana's Library Portal
2 Payment Option Available
Offer 4: 2x months access to Riana's Library Portal + 30 Minute Private Session
2 Payment Option Available
Offer 5: Riana Mastery Empowerment Bundle
2 Payment Option Available
About Riana Arendse
Riana Arendse is an International Best-Selling Author, Multidimensional Spiritual Teacher, and Master Healer. Within the Higher realms, she is involved with and a member of the Angelic Council, the Council of Light, the Arcturian Council of Light, and the Sophia Christ Collective. Riana is also a Renowned Sage for the Highest Order of Angels – The Seraphim and Creator Teacher of The Seraphim Order ™. Riana has been called a teacher of teachers for the next generation of Sovereign Embodiment and Awakening and conducts teachings, transformational talks, workshops, sacred retreats worldwide, all focused in the fields of Spiritual Growth, Mastery, Healing, Enlightenment, The Seraphim Wisdom, System, and Initiations.
Riana is an incarnated Seraphim Angel of the Highest Order of Source, and one of the original birthers/creators of this majestic planet called earth, bringing the knowledge and wisdom of human patterns of existence, creation, and her extensive knowledge of work with Creation, Shadow aspects and Sacred Geometry. Drawing always from her direct experience, in this life and multidimensional lives as an embodiment of the Sophia Christ Consciousness, Riana illuminates the undivided nature of Life or Consciousness with great clarity and compassion. A Contemporary Thought Leader, Riana’s profound yet simple teachings have already helped countless people throughout the world find Inner Peace and Greater Fulfilment in their lives.
Riana is recognized as a Globally Celebrated Teacher and Healer in the field of Transformation of Consciousness, Energy Healing, Spiritual Awakening, and Sovereign Embodiment that she sees as the next step in Human Evolution. In Riana’s experience, through proper alignment with this essence of who we truly are, we can reclaim our life back from the state of confusion, suffering, and disease. Through a fearless and radical investigation into the truth of the moment, Riana can assist you in spontaneously recognizing the true nature of yourself, which many describe as an experience of peace, love, compassion, or innate remembering.
Riana illuminates the undivided nature of Life or Consciousness with great clarity and compassion. Her events provide a direct and open-hearted invitation into the truth of who we are. It is one’s suffering and one’s darkest moments according to Riana that become the greatest catalyst for authentic, awakening, enlightenment, and healing. Shifting from Pain to Perspective. Riana encourages us to strip away everything we know about ourselves, our lives, and Unbecome; in order to fully be aligned with the TRUTH of who we are – Riana’s Teachings remind us that We Are Source experiencing itself through energy and form, only to realize itself once again as Source.
Offer 1: Return to Being - Embodying the Dream
- A Live 90 minute Transmission Online Event
2 Payment Option Available
Offer 2: Access to the Online Event PLUS A single 30-minute private session
2 Payment Option Available
Offer 3: 2x months access to Riana's Library Portal
2 Payment Option Available
Offer 4: 2x months access to Riana's Library Portal + 30 Minute Private Session
2 Payment Option Available
Offer 5: Riana Mastery Empowerment Bundle
2 Payment Option Available