With Psychic Channel of the Ascended Masters & Angelic Realm
Judy Cali
Mastery Empowerment Course:
Navajo Changing Woman, Goddess of Cycles
Now Streaming
Judy's Latest Mastery Empowerment Course
2 Payment Option Available
A Note from Judy Cali
Dear Master Family 🌕
I have been feeling a swirling, open energy that keeps changing form on & off, all around me, for about 3 days.
It moves in all ways & I hear light hearted laughter.
I realize it’s Navajo Changing Woman, Goddess of cycles.
Yesterday I started to see a Female figure, first as a Navajo Woman in colorful clothing dancing in the wind, then She became a cloud, rain drops, a mountain, a Lady moon, a swaying tree dancing, the dirt of Earth, the sun, a cheetah, a light body glowing.
Her energy is light as a feather & freeing.
She is light energy changing into many forms & I marvel at the beauty of Her.
She speaks, “Judy, I am your Sister, Mother, Brother, Child & Elder. I am All things to All People.
I have come forth at this time to guide each of you Masterful Leaders into a more fluidness way of living.
To live your life as a Living Prayer thru mindful & conscious choices.
You are so use to structure, boundaries & limits.
You are exactly the opposite.
You are light energy flowing in all the directions of your CreatorHeart.
You have no beginning & no ending.
You are a formless form ever evolving & restructuring yourself in new & unknown ways, in an instant flowing as the winds of change, dancing & singing in joy.
I am so proud of each of you here to lead.
This has been your hardest & most demanding Life & yet I look around at each of you & I am so deeply touched by your resilience & courage so brilliantly lived.
Only the bravest of the brave could do what you are doing.
You are moving & expanding a whole Universe into its next form of freedom within a unified Heart & assisting Gaia into her Golden Starlight self.
I swoon at the generosity of your spirits.
I come thru the First People, as Judy calls us to celebrate Mother Earths decision to uplift All life from extreme fear to overflowing love & to live from your center as Source.
Thank you for your invitation of the Heart.
I heard your Call & I have come to assist.
May you Remember us each in your hearts as One Heart of All.”
Changing Woman is known as Asdzaa Nadleehe, the most respected Goddess of the Navajo People & of cycles, the seasons, lunar & women’s cycles.
Call on Her for support for your path & process.
She represents, power of life, fertility & changing seasons.
She is guiding you to now bring your Divine Masculine & Divine Feminine into your center as an Androgenous light being so you align with your 5th Dimensional self & beyond in your Sacred Heart & I AM Presence.
In the winter, She is a crone, in the spring, a young woman & in the summer as a child.
She reminds you about nature, cycles of birth & death, gifts the people with abundance & assists you to choose living in Harmony with All creatures, as you self-renew to honor all natural cycles within & around.
Variscite is the stone She has presented herself within.
This stone harnesses personal power by focusing on your strength & turning weaknesses into more strength.
Presents to you how to simplify every situation & stop obsessing over outcomes.
She provides hope & courage in helpful supportive ways to invalids & their caretakers by encouraging their heart chakras to open bringing forth unconditional love & acceptance.
Connects you to your other lives you are now living to now know what’s needed in this Life to Heal.
This Stone vibrates calm & soothing energy to the Mind allowing for you, into more expanded states of thinking
To assist you to think more clearly & increase your Inner awareness permitting a full body healing & for your auric cleanse to restore your depleted Energy reserves & open your door to peace & hope.
Black Galaxy Jasper Stone comes to me as a Black Jaguar.
I see his sleek & strong jet black body, full of muscles.
His eyes are sparkling Gold.
He is climbing down a huge tree & approaching me with a smile & a wink.
He speaks: Dearest Judy, thank you for seeing & hearing me on this auspicious occasion.
I have waited for such a long time to speak.
The Male energy has reached a point of no return.
It is imperative that you search your Heart & feel any harsh energy within you.
Choose now to lay your sword down & dissolve any Warrior energy it’s toxic, full of division, choose loving oneness instead.
It’s a simple choice of our Master Self.
Sacred Heart is your doorway into your 5th, 6th & 7th Dimensional energy & beyond.
I am here to assist each one of you with coming home to your self with & through Love.
Navajo Changing Woman & I agreed to be available to the Leaders together.
Feel our embrace & our Love for each one of you.
We are Family.
This beautiful Stone has flecks of light clusters of possibility, showing light lives on thru all unloving experiences.
This is a highly protective stone that protects your auric shields & strong grounding energies that connects you to your higher Earth vibrations.
This Stone is a Talisman for addictive patterns & assists with reducing over consumption of anything.
Offering emotional support, strength & self-discipline.
Removes harmful toxins from your system & emotional triggers that created the behavior in the first place.
This Stone has strong electro-magnetic qualities & eliminates unloving energy & stabilizes your aura, soothes your nerves & banishes nightmares.
You will also be guided into a deeper altered state which improves your psychic visions, to see things that are concealed.
Heightens your magical & mystical abilities & encourages more serendipitous experiences of going beyond what is known.
Also clears blockages, reprograms your cellular memory & helps you to detach from old entanglements from your past Karma.
You are here by Divine Appointment with Navajo Changing Woman & Black Galaxy Jasper Jaguar that was agreed upon before each of your births.
Judy Will Channel a Message from Navajo Changing Woman, Black Galaxy Jasper Jaguar for this group, or any Surprise Guests who show up with a Sacred Heart Message.
Judy will guide us into an Activation, Initiation & Download to Open to All the Gifts Navajo Changing Woman & Black Galaxy Jasper Jaguar have for us at this time.
All will be in alignment with your Sacred Heart & your I AM Presence only in the Way that Honors you with love, ease, grace & joy in the most benevolent way or something even better.
You are much more important than you may realize.
As an Ascended Master you touch every Heart on the Planet just by breathing. You would only be guided to this Call as your Master Self.
As you take All in that resonates from this Call, All life will receive this Gift as well.
Special Offer Option 2:
Get a 30 Minute Personal Session with the Mastery Empowerment Course
Get a Personal Reading with Judy to channel messages for you, assist you in clearing old beliefs of long ago or past lives, so you can step into your full-beingness in this lifetime.
You’ll also receive a Bonus Prayer and Activation: The Golden Seed of Creation.
30 minute audio with written text.
Special Offer 2: Personal Session with Judy
2 Payment Option Available
Special Offer Option 3 Includes:
Get a 60 Minute Personal Session with the Mastery Empowerment Course
Special Offer 3: 60 Minute Personal Session with Judy + MEC
2 Payment Option Available
About Judy Cali
Judy Cali was born at Queen of Angels Hospital in Los Angeles, California in 1946. Continuing her connection with the Angels, she has been doing Intuitive Healing work with The Ascended Masters, Archangels & Angels since 1949 at 3 years of age.
In 1953, at 7 yrs. of age, Judy realized her Mission is to assist You to Remember, Who You Are as Source, All & Everything, a Golden Being of Light.
She was asked by Ascended Master Hilarion, The Master of the Emerald Ray of Healing & Archangel Gabriel, Archangel of your Clarion Call, to go public as a Healer, with her gifts over 25 years ago.
Honoring their request, her Clarion Call & working with people all over The World has been a JOY!
Intuitively, through her Sacred Heart & I AM Presence, she connects to your I AM Presence & receives a Whole Picture of you through Seeing, Hearing, Feeling & Knowing about your Soul & then she Shares it with you.
Her Readings bring forth what is most important for you to know at this time in your life by Aligning with your Sacred Heart & I AM Presence. Your Guardian Angels, Guides, Family in Spirit & other lives details most relevant to this life, is what may come forth.
Judy is an Ascended Master, Crystal Reiki Master, Spiritual Minister, World Teacher, Life Coach, Workshop Leader & Guest Speaker.
In 2005 she channeled Mikos, Head Librarian of The Library of Porthologos of Inner Earth, for The Wesak Festival at The United Nations Building in New York City.
Also in 2005, she was hired by NBC, as a Psychic, for a documentary on Atlantis & The Bermuda Triangle, filmed in Bimini with David Childress & Lester Holt, the film is still shown sometimes on The Sci Fi Channel.
Additionally In 2005 Judy was approached by an Androgenous Golden Being as a 12 inch Golden Circle of Light, Flaming & Floating, about 4 1/2 feet off of her Bedroom Floor, announcing its The Ambassador of All The New Children & it came to work with her.
So she Agreed & has for more than 19 years.
Continuing, Judy aligned with her 5th Dimensional Self in 2005 & her 12 Chakras within her Body & additional Chakras above her Head & Below her Feet & saw some of her new Chakra Colors such as Salmon, Teal & Majenta.
In January of 2018 Judy Integrated into her Ascended Master Self as Anna, Mother Mary’s Mother.
It took almost 10 months.
In Sept of 2018 Judy Aligned with the Great Golden Sun Heart of Creation & totally Merged into the Heart of the Heart of Creation as a Point of Light.
Judy also Detached from All Forms, Labels, Titles, Assumptions, Beliefs & Ideas of Who She was as Judy & morphed into a Crystal Clear Being & in Oneness.
Also in December of 2018 Judy experienced the dissolving of All her 3rd Dimensional Lives, in an Essence of I AM Oneness.
In 2019, she became aware that she is The Ambassador of All The New Children.
Jesus told her in 1953, at 7 years of age, that she would be Working with Children All over the World, in her later years.
In September 2022 Judy was given her New Sacred Heart Master Mission as an Ambassador of Inner Earth & bringing forth more updated info about The Violet Flame as Life continues to Joyously unfold, She is Now aligning with her 6th+ Dimensional Self.
Amazing 👼🏻
Judy has 2 Lovely Daughters. 👼🏻 Rio, her Oldest is very Gifted with Music, Singing & Composing & 👼🏻 Cherie, her Youngest is a Gifted Animal Communicator for over 35 years.
Judy also has lots of Grand Fur Babies
Judy's Latest Mastery Empowerment Course
2 Payment Option Available
Special Offer: 10 Golden Activations
2 Payment Option Available
Special Offer 2: Personal Session with Judy
2 Payment Option Available
Special Offer 3: 60 Minute Personal Session with Judy + MEC
2 Payment Option Available