Becoming ONENESS with your Holographic Morphing Fields of Who YOU are!
With Diamond Light Code Transmitter
Nora WalksInSpirit
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About NoraWalksInSpirit
Nora WalksInSpirit is born of Algonquin Native Heritage and has been trained as a Algonquin Native Shaman and has been delivering Teachings and Healing Sessions for over 20 years.
Nora currently operates as a “Diamond Light Code Transmitter” to the Multi-Dimensions of Crystal Grid Systems as she Connects and Communicates to Higher levels of Infinite Consciousness.
In her own words: “My teachings and healings are SPOKEN in the Gift of Sacred Languages and Vibrations that form a Bridge from the Mind to the Heart to all Dimensions of Consciousness”
We can create this BRIDGE from one state of Consciousness to a Higher Consciousness, while focusing on the “Clarity” of Enlightenment through STILLNESS.
MASTERS SPEAK - Monthly Teachings
- Upcoming Session
- Becoming ONENESS with your Holographic Morphing Fields of Who YOU are!
MASTERS SPEAK - Monthly Teachings
- Previous Session
- Creations of Holograms of Light Intelligences
Personal Healing Session 1 Hour with Latest MEC