With Light Master and Cosmic Midwife for Cosmic Consciousness
Sabrina Di Nitto

Enjoy a Quantum Conversation with Sabrina


The Divine Heart is a fountain of eternal Love, Bliss and an infinite source of creational energy. At the same time, it is also a Cosmic Heart Portal when you allow yourself to dwell in your I AM. Your Cosmic Heart Portal attunes you to the cosmic realms and divine verses, allowing you to live here on Earth, thriving on divine resonances in tune with your soul.

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Special Offer: Cosmic Heart Portal

Special Offer: Cosmic Heart Portal


2 Payment Option Available

Your Cosmic Heart Portal is a reflection of the cosmic sky and Divine Creation. It allows the release of old biology to deepen resonance with your own Cosmic Heart Portal and anchor it with Divine Love. In this series, you will explore your Heart as a Cosmological Clock, a receiving station for understanding the cosmic map by which you move through the portals in our current cosmos. You will also experience an activation of your Heart as a Cosmic Heart portal and the Blue Sun energy strand.

1. The Cosmological Clock

This cosmic transmission gives you the space to

  • Release blockages relating to love
  • Calibrate your Cosmic Heart Portal and Cosmic Flame, deepening it within your energetic structure
  • Align and activate your Cosmic Heart Portal with the frequencies of Divine Love.
  • Feel a deeper sense of presence within the Cosmic Womb
  • Align with your cosmic nature and interact with cosmic light.
  • Dial into your highest frequencies and tune into your own essence of Oneness
  • Achieve a deeper level of Self Realization and prepare you to transform into a human portal for your cosmic light.

2. The Cosmic Roadmap

This cosmic transmission gives you the space to

  • Explore the original threading of your Heart portal.
  • Align your heart to the higher frequencies of Divine love so you shift to new frequencies of light, love and cosmic amplitude.
  • Integrate the cosmic heart essence blending universal knowledge and inner wisdom

Remember your own greater self and work with your cosmic heart gate and relevant portals in your own life, to allow cosmic light to imbue you and assist you further in your own soul evolution.

3. Activation Cosmic Heart Portal

This cosmic transmission gives you the space to

  • Imbue your Heart Portal in the essences of the blue sun, the blue avatar
  • Transform and integrate your updated Multi D DNA in the base of your cosmic heart.
  • Calibrate to Cosmic Time & Space
  • Align You as a child of the Cosmos

You will thrive on these energies. Allow them to translate into your daily life in your own unique way.

About Sabrina Di Nitto

With her inner senses, Sabrina moves into the cosmic realms between form and formlessness. To guide you to Self-Realization and Light Mastery, Here, where the soul has its origin, she sculpts and weaves with the essences and filaments of worlds beyond thought and form.

She embodies twenty-five years of experience in ascension work, enlightenment, soul embodiment, alchemy, healing, spiritual psychology, and awakened soul codes. Her experience spans cosmology, metaphysics, quantumphysics, ancient Urantia, and Cosmic mysteries.

Sabrina works as a Light Master and Cosmic Midwife for Cosmic consciousness. She practices Divine Human embodiment, Soul Alignment to the resonance of Oneness, the Divine Heart and Divine Light indwelling.

Sabrina Di Nitto and her new paradigm Mystery School The Divine Heart offer programs for the Sacred Architecture of your original soul codes, for Light building of your Cosmic Light vessel, and Cosmic Midwifing ever evolving cosmic consciousness, developing her and your physical and etheric structures for soul embodiment, the Divine Human, and Self-Realization, the I AM.

It is her soul mission to share these with you on your path to becoming a Self-Realized Light Master.

Special Offer: Cosmic Heart Portal


2 Payment Option Available