Mastery Empowerment Course
With Founder of The Melchizedek and Pleiadian Light Network
Anrita Melchizedek
Online Attunements: Angelic Golden Dolphin and Whale Attunements
Option 1: -Angelic Golden Dolphin and whale Attunements (90 minutes) $33 with MP3 & Transcript
The Golden Dolphins and Whales from Sirius B carry the energy signature of Divine unconditional Love, which they emit through their energy field and sonic vibrations, as they anchor and activate their Light through the crystalline grids within the oceans of Mother Earth and within and around the 144 Unity Grid of Divine Love.
These beautiful Beings stepped down their vibration prior to the duality experiment on this Earth plane to embed the keycodes of Divine Love and Unity Consciousness. As of now, in this Golden Age of Light, as we collectively merge timelines, from the karmic timelines into the Christed timelines through the integration of our Beloved I Am Presence and multidimensional Selves, we are offered an opportunity to recode these crystalline frequencies, the OMM-Wave resonance of Divine Unconditional Love for ourselves and for all Humanity through linking to the etheric Golden Dolphin and Whale pods.
In this transmission, Overlighted by the Pleiadian Emissaries of the Light, the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light, and the Andromedan Intergalactic Beings of the Light, we experience a series of seven Angelic Golden Dolphin and Whale attunements.
These attunements are as follows:
Angelic Golden Dolphin and Whale Multidimensional Merging Attunement ~ This attunement activates the occipital lobe found at the base and back of the head. The occipital lobe regulates the flow of information from the higher dimensions and our multidimensional Selves, so we start to experience a greater sense of our multidimensionality and the many parallel realities in which we simultaneously exist.
Angelic Golden Dolphin and Whale Illumination Attunement ~ this attunement links to the pineal gland to activate the third eye and vision center through insight, understanding, compassion, wisdom, and illumination; giving us greater clarity as to where we are in this Now, and what we are still integrating or choosing to experience.
Angelic Golden Dolphin and Whale Sacred Geometry Attunement ~ this attunement connects through our Higher Self of the Light to rebirth the original Patterns of Perfection in the form of sacred geometries within the body and energy field, additionally assisting in activating the dormant DNA.
Angelic Golden Dolphin and Whale Communication Attunement ~ this attunement assists us to connect to the Angelic realms and receive clear communication, guidance, and support from the many Legions of Light from On High.
Angelic Golden Dolphin and Whale Crystalline Matrix Attunement ~ this attunement assists in the Soul contract healings and the activation of the Light Bodies through spinning the sub-atomic particles in the crystalline matrix of Unity Consciousness.
Angelic Golden Dolphin and Whale Divine Love Attunement ~ this attunement activates the Soul matrix through the heart chakra to giving and receiving the highest level of unconditional Love and joy we can receive in this Now.
Angelic Golden Dolphin and Whale Heart’s dreaming Attunement ~ this attunement takes us into a deeper level of our service work, and the passion we experience when we are in the full flow of trust and surrender to Life through our heart’s dreaming.
We will end this transmission with a focus on connecting through the 144 Crystalline Grid of Divine Love, linking with the etheric Golden Dolphin and Whale pods, the many Legions of Light, Light Workers, and star seeded ones as we activate this collective OMM-Wave resonance of Divine Unconditional Love for ourselves and for all Humanity.
Option 2: Get a 2nd Masterclass Transmission for Home Study for $11 When Purchased with Option 1: The Angelic Golden Solar Disc Templates and Solar Rings of Fire with Anrita (90 minutes – in MP3 )
In this beautiful telewebinar transmission, we experience increased levels of Solar Crystalline Consciousness, through the Angelic Golden Solar Disc Template Activations and Solar Rings of Fire.
Coming together as One Heart and Unified Field of Light, we are experiencing the amplified frequencies of Solar Crystalline Consciousness while deepening into every present Continuum or Zero Point. These “future” time-space fields of Light are assisting us to access and anchor the higher dimensional templatings as we merge with our “future” selves, our multidimensional selves and Beloved I Am Presence. Additionally, we are experiencing a deepening sense of the collective I AM Avatar Consciousness, the collective Higher Light of all awakened Souls on this sacred earth as we walk the path of Divine Love. This alignment to Unity Consciousness is further amplified through our own Light Body and DNA activations, ESP gifts, axiatonal alignments, Diamond Light Code integrations, and so on, as we transform and upgrade our 12-Body System through the Overlighting of our Beloved I Am Presence and become more crystalline in nature.
This “Crystalline Matrix” brings a deepening sense of the transformation process we are all experiencing in this Now, and with it, a knowing that the changes we wish to create within our own lives and upon this sacred earth are already here, being tangibly experienced as we Love all that arises and deepen into our magnificence and Light.
As these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love, we are invited to amplify our collective Crystalline Consciousness fields, and gifts of knowing and wisdom, as we experience six Angelic Golden Solar Disc Template activations within the Temple of Higher Perspectives.
Overlighted by Helios and Vesta, Archangel Michael, Archangel Raphael, Archangel Gabriel, and the Order of Melchizedek, we experience the upgraded templating’s of Solar Crystalline Consciousness through these six Golden Solar Disc Templates as well as 12 etheric, electronic Solar Rings of Fire. The etheric, electronic Solar Rings of Fire activate around the Great Central Sun, and through and around each Sun. As we activate the timelines of Unity Consciousness, we connect into the inner Earth Sun, the Golden Sun within our Hearts, the Sun, Central Sun, and Great Central Sun and draw to us the etheric, electronic Solar Rings of Fire, which activate around our body and energy field, with 12 concentric solar rings in total. Each Solar Ring of Fire assists us to deal with the increased flux of solar flares through our 12-Body System, by anchoring photonic energy into our chakras and around our bodies of Light. And through the Solar Rings of Fire, we can more easily integrate the planes of polarities and unresolved issues as well as recalibrate the central nervous system and sensory system and other ascension-like symptoms.
From within the Temple of Higher Perspectives, as Initiates of Light, we experience the following Solar Rings of Fire and Golden Solar Disc Templates anchor and activate through the 12-Body System:
Earth Star Chakra ~ Activation of the first Angelic Golden Solar Disc Template related to the Crystalline Sun DNA Activation. Anchoring of the first etheric, electronic Solar Ring of Fire around the body, stabilizing the ascension symptoms of physical or energetic displacement or disorientation.
Base Chakra ~ Awakening our spiritual and ESP gifts aligned to our Lightwork. Anchoring of the second etheric, electronic Solar Ring of Fire, and stabilizing the ascension symptoms of lack of focus or direction and/or inertia and lethargy.
Sacral Chakra ~ Clearing of self-limiting beliefs that restrict the natural flow of abundance, divine inspiration, and creativity. Anchoring of the third etheric, electronic Solar Ring of Fire, stabilizing the ascension symptoms of disillusionment and/or perceived separation.
Sacral Chakra ~ Clearing of self-limiting beliefs that restrict the natural flow of abundance, divine inspiration, and creativity. Anchoring of the third etheric, electronic Solar Ring of Fire, stabilizing the ascension symptoms of disillusionment and/or perceived separation.
Solar Plexus Chakra ~ Activating Wisdom and Knowing in Conscious Relationships. Anchoring of the fourth etheric, electronic Solar Ring of Fire, assisting in releasing a sense of depression and lack of clarity.
Heart Chakra ~ Activating the Petals of the Christed Heart. Anchoring of the fifth etheric, electronic Solar Ring of Fire, soothing and recalibrating heart palpitations, pain, and loss.
Throat Chakra ~ Activating a deeper expression of our Godself, and Light Language Activation. Anchoring of the sixth etheric, electronic Solar Ring of Fire, and relieving pain and aches throughout the body as well as neck, shoulder, and back pain.
Third Eye ~ Pineal Gland activation. Anchoring of the seventh etheric, electronic Solar Ring of Fire, which assists in the releasing, clearing, and understanding negative mental images and bad dreams.
Crown Chakra ~ Activation of the second Angelic Golden Solar Disc Template related to the deepening connection to Soul and Star Families and abounding synchronicities. Anchoring of the eighth etheric, electronic Solar Ring of Fire, soothing and recalibrating the ascension symptoms of sinusitis, headaches, and blurred vision.
Lunar Chakra ~ Activation of the third Angelic Golden Solar Disc Template linking us to the energy of the Moon, as we experience a magnetic field re-alignment to the Galactic Center and a new ebb and flow and balance of equilibrium through the Divine Feminine imprintings. Anchoring of the ninth etheric, electronic Solar Ring of Fire, assisting in overcoming a sense of overwhelm, grief, isolation, anger, and other oscillating emotions.
Solar Chakra ~ Activation of the fourth Angelic Golden Solar Disc Template linking us to the energy of the Sun, and deeper into wisdom and Knowing of our Service Work and Magnetic Influence through the Divine Masculine imprintings. Anchoring of the tenth etheric, electronic Solar Ring of Fire, releasing judgment of self and others as we deepen into One Unity Consciousness.
Galactic Chakra ~ Activation of the fifth Angelic Golden Solar Disc Template taking us beyond “space and time” into future timelines and multidimensional realities of One Unity Consciousness through Axiatonal Alignment. Anchoring of the eleventh etheric, electronic Solar Ring of Fire, assisting in recalibrating the symptoms of anxiety, and disharmony through the central nervous system and sensory system.
Universal Chakra ~ Activation of the sixth Angelic Golden Solar Disc Template assisting us to experience Self Mastery through the Diamond Light Codes and the Creation of the Solar Crystalline Light Body/I Am Avatar Body. Anchoring of the twelfth etheric, electronic Solar Ring of Fire, assisting with temporary memory loss.
Come join us in this beautiful transmission of invocations, affirmations, visualizations, and frequency activations as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love, deepening into Solar Crystalline Consciousness as the I Am Avatar Race. And so it is.
Option 1: Angelic Golden Dolphin and Whale Attunements
Option 2: The Angelic Golden Solar Disc Templates and Solar Rings of Fire plus Option 1
Option 3: Included in Anrita's Special Offer On
What People Have To Say About Anrita
Hello Anrita
In joyous celebration of your glory and greatness I write to thank you for sharing your light with the universe. Your home on the web is one of ecstatic inspiration as you are an impressive individual whose life and work touch the purest depths of one’s soul. I found everything to be illuminating and insightful. You have my respect and admiration. By giving of yourself in such an uplifting way you benefit yourself and others. Know that you are a transformational force. Thank you for blessing the universe with the beauty of your true self. I wish you a journey of awakening that serves the highest good.
Namaste Anrita,
This initiation was astoundingly beautiful and impactful! I feel so honored to arrive at this sacred place, to come full circle, after such a long journey of invaluable life lessons and soul work. The love flowing in my heart for me, you, and others is palpable. Thank you so much for all your courage and dedication, you are so uplifting and inspiring!
Love and blessings,
Hi Anrita-
Your work has made such a huge difference on my journey over the past year. I don’t think I’ve cried as much with anyone else’s work — deep tears of revelations, releasing of layers that carry much for humanity well beyond any particular lifetimes, remembrances of Who and What I truly Am… way way way beyond words. Goodness, though there are times, like now, where it just all seems so beyond tiring I just want to be done, somehow I feel it IS the homestretch. Your Presence is one of the things that has helped me keep going! So Grateful for that.
Infinite Blessings,
About Anrita Melchizedek
Anrita Melchizedek is founder of The Melchizedek and Pleiadian Light Network, an ascension network of Light offering numerous programs of Light in the form of ebooks, Mp3’s, CD’s and audio DVD’s, as well as vibrational energy products. In her personal capacity, Anrita is an author, channel, star ambassador and workshop facilitator. She further has the gift of healing, and focuses this energy through the ascension workshops and lectures that she facilitates primarily on a global level. Anrita is a master teacher and also offers many training programs via tele/webinar as well as individual consultations, including DNA activations, Light Body/Merkaba activations, Soul purpose activations and channeled readings by the Elders, ancient, celestial Beings and High Council Members to the Order of Melchizedek. Anrita’s teaching style is uplifting and inspirational, and above all, offers keys to Self Mastery