With Author and Global Master Teacher
Dr. Richard London
Watch This Introductory Course
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(Scroll down to See Dr. London’s Special Offer for You )
Dr. Richard London guides you through the World of Life, and gives you the tools to “Live Life Vibrantly” A life filled with Balance,Fun,Gratitude,Harmony,Joy, Love,Wealth and Wellness. Imagine a Safe and Secure Life for YOU in the 21st.Century. You’ll feel the vibration of your field lift as well, as Dr. London is simultaneously removing negative imprints while he shares in this course.
If you enjoyed this free course, you’re invited to work remotely with Dr. London to discover:
Create Your Infinite Worth with Dr. Richard London, check out these options
Offer 1: You are Infinite Worth – Audio Course 2.5 hours
2.5 Hour Audio Course
Join Dr. Richard London in this audio course to go deeply within and remove negative imprints to truly understand that you are Infinite Worth. You will learn how to rid yourself of the stuff that makes you feel unloved, unvalued, and unwanted to place of complete acceptance in every area of your Life.
Learn the steps and Tool in Life End Struggle and Pain in life * Feel and Be Happy * Create Balance *Create Wealth *Create Wellness * Learn to be and live in Divine Love and More……..
In each experience with Dr. London, you will be assisted in removing density as you make your stories Light as a Feather.
Offer 2: Personal Sessions with Dr. Richard London
Plus Option 1
Personal Sessions with Dr. Richard London: : Your Choice of a 1 hour Session: Becoming the Authentic Version of Yourself or Saving Your Sanity
Becoming Your Authentic Self Personal Session: A life filled with balance,clarity, focus,purposeful life and FREEDOM.Moving from the world of anxiety,stress, and worry to having wonderful self-esteem and being the person you always dreamed of.
- Evaluating your Personal Guidance System,PGS
- Rewriting your negative UnHealthy Agreements
- Removal of Negative Imprinted Memory
- All 9 Chambers of your Hear are functioning at 100%.
- Tools to move out of Mind Chatter to the world of Creativity
- All Life Doors to balance, gratitude,happiness,Joy,Love,Wealth and Wellness are opened 100%.
or Select this Session:
Saving Your Sanity Personal Session: Dr Richard will assist you in moving past obstacles and assist you:
- Saving your Sanity
- How to move forward in crisis step by step.
- Recession proofing your Life & Business
- How to succeed in difficult times
- What the future looks like in details
- Everything you need to know to have balance, wealth, wellness in times of crisis
Click here to Purchase Personal Session with Online Class $97
Offer 3: Everything in Option 1 & 2
Plus Create Heaven on Earth Doctorate of Life Audios
Everything in Option 1 & 2 PLUS:
2 Audio Courses to Become a “Wellnessaire” in the Doctorate of Life for Abundance, Harmony & Peace
Doctorate of Life – COURSE ONE:
Creating Your Own Personal Heaven on Earth
Learn a step-by-step process, in a logical manner, to truly create Heaven on Earth. You will be guided to create your own business plan that will create revenue streams, take inventory and create a big picture in your life.
You’ll learn about the 7 phases of intention, the 10 Natural Universal Laws such as the Law of Attraction. Imagine using the power of 10 Natural Universal Laws in your life.
This is a transformational event where you will create books, Divine Purposes, and/or companies while you are learning this powerful, practical information based on spiritual teachings.
It’s a creative process in a High-Vibrational event that will transform your life into what you desire. This is NOT motivation, rather, this is actual CHANGE in YOUR LIFE with 21st Century transformational tools that work. In this 3-Part Audio Course with Dr. London, you’ll learn:
How to create enough energy out of your body to activate the creative process in your life.
How to use the power of language to create your dreams
Learn how to create wellness in your Life, Creating a lifestyle – a wealth and wellness lifestyle
How to create a Divine Union Relationship that creates wealth and abundance
Get a Doctorate in Life in this 3-Part Transformational course and use these tools in your own life, the lives of your family, and your loved ones and friends.
Great wisdom works for everyone, everytime.
You’ll learn to use the words wealth and abundance instead of “money” to energize your money flow!
Doctorate of Life – COURSE TWO:
A Great Recipe for Life
Creating Miracles and Manifesting Your Dreams
In this 2-Part, Audio Course, You will Learn Divine Tools on How to:
• Eliminate Fear, Sabotage, Fault and Judgment in your life to Create a Defined Lifestyle
• Create a Life Vision that directs the Universe to manifest it for you.
• Use the power of Words, with their high frequency vibrations, to create a Great Recipe for Life.
• Maintain a High –level of Trust, Faith and Hope to Create miracles in your life
• Create a Heart-Centered Great Recipe for Life!
This wisdom and these Divine Tools are available to you now, so you can transform your life into one you’ve always desired, free from struggle, free from the need for money. Once you no longer “need” money, you change the frequency and abundance flows in many forms.
In this dynamic 2-part course with Dr. Richard London, you’ll learn how to identify the most important ingredients in your own version of a defined lifestyle and create definitions. These definitions vibrate at a high level and the Universe literally re-arranges itself to give you that lifestyle.
Dr. Richard shares all of the ingredients you divinely deserve. A culmination of all Divine Tools that exist on Earth, many are practical and logical, but have not been revealed until recently, within in the last two years. Humans are now ready for these tools and are now capable of allowing these tools to work with you.
These Divine Tools come from the Akashic Record, and the Ethereal plane. Richard London is able to receive these tools, and then to assit you to allow yourself in receiving these tools to receive the light, and create the life you desire. Remove the struggle, remove the need for money with these Divine Tools.
These tools can be used to create a foundation, a Great Recipe of Life in your Home, your business, your divine purpose. The Recipe of life includes all your dreams, desires and all those things in your treasure chest.
“The Master Recipe is your Divine Life, the way you want it, filled with your Divine purpose, happy children, happy relationships and beautiful things, “ says Dr. Richard. “There is nothing wrong with being abundant in the world today, nothing whatsoever, as long as you use these abundances in balance. And these tools give you balance.”
“Imagine having a Great Recipe for Life where your life is easy, and I mean really, really easy, “ he says. “Nothing is a struggle, creating wealth is not a struggle, creating more love in your life is not a struggle, creating more harmony in your life is easy. “
Use these Divine Tools to build a high-vibrational foundation, for your home, for your business, for relationships, for your dreams and desires. Creating miracles starts with trusting yourself and others, then moving into the Theta state, where faith grows and miracles happen.
MISSION STATEMENT From Dr. Richard London:
I, Dr. Richard London, in appreciation and gratitude for all professionals worldwide achieving the exciting new revolutionary Life Path A “WELLNESSAIRE”; by using the 7 faces of intention Creativity, Kindness, Love, Beauty, Expansion, Abundance, and Peacefulness.
All professionals who experience the “Doctorate of Life Wellnessaire Program” will live a life daily filled with Wellness,Wealth,Peace,Love and Spirituality.
And So it Is, ~ Dr. London
About Dr. Richard London
Dr. Richard London, the father of wisdom, world renowned author of “Laughing with God, The Ultimate Guide to Enlightenment”, Global Master Teacher of the famous book and video, The Secret, El Secreto. Taught the Law of Attraction over 40 years prior to the release of The Secret in November,2006.
World leader in bringing Business Intelligence, New Technologies and new profound Wisdom to Humanity and the World and the forthcoming author of book, “Faith is Power” BY DR. RICHARD LONDON Consultant tells us what our future really looks like. “There is So much uncertainty in our world today, and people know that the tools of the past are no longer working for them.”
He is the Leading Visionary Manifestation Business Intelligence Coach in the World. Dr. London provides the tools that work in this, the 21st century. He has served as the C.E.O., Chief Education Officer, C.V.O., C.M.O., and V.M.B.C of several companies as well as being a business consultant for over 25 years. His clients include famous Media/Entertainment Personalities, Industry Leaders, and Corporate Leaders, Leaders of Countries, and major organizations worldwide. He is the founder of 14 world charities.
As C.E.O of Prodigymind Companies, http://www.prodigymind.com he directed the building of 200+ web-based companies that educate professionals, http://www.rolemodeluniversity.com, http://www.divineuncoupling.com, http://www.divinelove.com , http://www.faithispowerlove.com are examples of sites devoted to transformational language and wisdom that creates a Wellness Lifestyle.
Dr. Richard London is the creator of a new authentic media experience called Divine Media Entertainment; it uses transformational language and wisdom to enable mankind to Create Success and Wealth with No Limits and Great Language – Great Life: Communicate to Wealth, Words that Create Miracles in your Life. These are all systems and slogans that move you forward into Wellness in all areas of your life/ His Doctorate of Business “Life Wellness System”.