Watch a Retreat Preview with Laurie Reyon



Mount Shasta, CA

2022 Retreat Livestream
Now Available for Viewing


Our Mt. Shasta Conference is now over, but you can still join in the Energies by accessing the Replays of the LIVESTREAM.  Scroll down to learn more about the events during this conference.

Join Us for a Life Changing Experience

Lemurian Prophecy and Prayer

We have heard the Call to return. 

The Sacred Earth known as Mother MU calls us. We ask to be the hands and feet of Spirit and bring the voices of truth into the world. The Ancient Lemurian truths will speak through us for all to hear. We are the oracles of prophecy, and we are servants of the Light. We are Conscious Creators. We are called to connect to Ancient Lemuria to re-birth the template of Unity.

Together with the Whales, Dolphins, and the Celestial and Ancient Beings of Light, we have come to open our light bodies and DNA with the Lemurian Codes of Creation. Madam Pele guides us. We have answered the call of our Souls.

And So it is.

Part of Our mission is to connect to the Spirit of Mother Earth and her Elemental Beings from the ancient City of Telos.
We are asked to open to receive more of the original Codes of Creation in our physical bodies from the Telosians who live under Mount Shasta and the etheric wisdom we can glean from the ancient Whales & Dolphins.

We will join our love, our intention and consciousness to benefit our personal and collective vibrations and bring this forth into our communities.

We have answered the call to serve, and we offer ourselves to the good of the many as we seek to restore “right relationship” with mankind and the Earth. Together, we open to raise our vibrations and claim our gifts as “Children of Creator Source.”

Connect with ancient Lemurian Wisdom and meet the Lemurians that live in Mount Shasta, the 5th Dimensional City of Telos.

Do you feel a calling when you hear the word Lemurian? Are you starting to remember? 

Perhaps this is part of your own history and your Soul is calling you to remember and connect to the Lemurian ways. 

Are the Ascension Energies Calling You? Come meet some of your Family!

Come join with other Lemurians as we connect our love and power to make a difference as way showers for others who are also seeking to remember 5th Dimensional Living.

Is it your Soul’s Destiny to help Birth the New Earth?


  • Join us and share with your Lemurian-Telosian Family!

  • Our professional and powerful speakers will guide you in the in the teachings of Telos and reconnect you to your Ancient Family.

  • Work with the Ascended Ancient Whales and Dolphins to experience Core Level Healing and Create your Luminous Living Light Body.

  • Connect to your Star Family and embrace your own Divinity.

  • Prepare to REMEMBER and RENEW your Soul’s Vows and re-align with your Soul’s Mission.

  • We will hold a Sacred Ceremony as we connect to Holy Mount Shasta. Master Cat Puddah – Seth will lead us in opening a portal gateway to enter Telos.

  • Experience a Global Water Blessing at the head waters in Mount Shasta

  • Join us in this Sacred Gathering as we Co-Create the NEW EARTH!

  • Remember HOW to live as we did in Lemuria and connect to the Telosians.


Join us in this Sacred Gathering as we

Co-Create the NEW EARTH!

Expand Your Consciousness LIVESTREAM (now available for viewing on demand)


KUMU LEINAALA from the Big Island of Hawaii
Hawaiian Royalty – Experience her Wisdom. . Learn the power and history of the Lemurian Language. Connect to the Healing of “Huna Mana” – Sacred Piko of Hawaii
LAURIE REYON & MASTER CAT PUDDAH – SETH Inter Species Communication – Voice for the Ancient Whales and Dolphins,
Experience Core Level Healing – Create your Luminous Living Light Body. Experience a personal DNA Calibration from the Dolphins.
Meet Master Cat Puddah – Seth
MEG BENEDICTECreator of Quantum Access and New Earth Central
Channel for Archangel Metatron – Quantum Healer, Ascension Activator,
Healer and Alchemist
SAN RALemurian Priestess - Cosmic Channel - Star Lord
Master and Cosmic Guardian.
Guide for Earth and Humanity on their evolutionary paths

The Stargate is an interdimensional doorway – a Sacred Geometric structure that emits a powerful conscious energy, an energy that can move participants into a deep meditative space within moments. Access Guidance from the Higher Realms.
LAUREN GALEYCreator of New Earth One Network
Acoustic Health and the Lemurian Heart Temple. Spiritual Journalist, New Earth Business Intuitive Founder & Media
DR. TODD OVOKAITYSgraduate of Johns Hopkins Medical School


3 Day Event is now Over but  you can still join in the vibration by watching the Livestream Replays

$197  Now only $144 

Connect with your Lemurian Family in this Virtual Event!