Watch a Retreat Preview with Laurie Reyon
Mount Shasta, CA
2022 Retreat Livestream
Now Available for Viewing
Our Mt. Shasta Conference is now over, but you can still join in the Energies by accessing the Replays of the LIVESTREAM. Scroll down to learn more about the events during this conference.
Join Us for a Life Changing Experience
Lemurian Prophecy and Prayer
We have heard the Call to return.
The Sacred Earth known as Mother MU calls us. We ask to be the hands and feet of Spirit and bring the voices of truth into the world. The Ancient Lemurian truths will speak through us for all to hear. We are the oracles of prophecy, and we are servants of the Light. We are Conscious Creators. We are called to connect to Ancient Lemuria to re-birth the template of Unity.
Together with the Whales, Dolphins, and the Celestial and Ancient Beings of Light, we have come to open our light bodies and DNA with the Lemurian Codes of Creation. Madam Pele guides us. We have answered the call of our Souls.
And So it is.
Part of Our mission is to connect to the Spirit of Mother Earth and her Elemental Beings from the ancient City of Telos.
We are asked to open to receive more of the original Codes of Creation in our physical bodies from the Telosians who live under Mount Shasta and the etheric wisdom we can glean from the ancient Whales & Dolphins.
We will join our love, our intention and consciousness to benefit our personal and collective vibrations and bring this forth into our communities.
We have answered the call to serve, and we offer ourselves to the good of the many as we seek to restore “right relationship” with mankind and the Earth. Together, we open to raise our vibrations and claim our gifts as “Children of Creator Source.”
Connect with ancient Lemurian Wisdom and meet the Lemurians that live in Mount Shasta, the 5th Dimensional City of Telos.
Do you feel a calling when you hear the word Lemurian? Are you starting to remember?
Perhaps this is part of your own history and your Soul is calling you to remember and connect to the Lemurian ways.
Are the Ascension Energies Calling You? Come meet some of your Family!
Come join with other Lemurians as we connect our love and power to make a difference as way showers for others who are also seeking to remember 5th Dimensional Living.
Is it your Soul’s Destiny to help Birth the New Earth?
Join us and share with your Lemurian-Telosian Family!
Our professional and powerful speakers will guide you in the in the teachings of Telos and reconnect you to your Ancient Family.
Work with the Ascended Ancient Whales and Dolphins to experience Core Level Healing and Create your Luminous Living Light Body.
Connect to your Star Family and embrace your own Divinity.
- Prepare to REMEMBER and RENEW your Soul’s Vows and re-align with your Soul’s Mission.
We will hold a Sacred Ceremony as we connect to Holy Mount Shasta. Master Cat Puddah – Seth will lead us in opening a portal gateway to enter Telos.
Experience a Global Water Blessing at the head waters in Mount Shasta
Join us in this Sacred Gathering as we Co-Create the NEW EARTH!
Remember HOW to live as we did in Lemuria and connect to the Telosians.
Join us in this Sacred Gathering as we
Co-Create the NEW EARTH!
Expand Your Consciousness LIVESTREAM (now available for viewing on demand)
About Priestess Kumu Leina’ala
Kahuna Nui ‘O Pari Tu Ka Wahine Ke Aloha Uhane Nui
Founder of Ka Leo Na Kahuna Lapa’au ‘o Hawai’i ~ Hale ‘O, a non-profit organization 501(C)(3) since 1975, Organized by Kahuna for Education, Health is Our Wealth, Spiritual Wellness
Ke Kumu ‘Ola Leina’ala Brown-Dombrigues is a native Indigenous Hawaiian Lomilomi Lapa’au healer and teacher, trained by her ohana (family) since birth and by Elders and Kahuna Lapa’au since her birth in Kauai Waimea, Oahu Waimanalo-Kaaawa, Hawai’i Big Island to Volcano, trained by Our Beloved Aunty Margaret K. Machado from 1986-1995. Kumu’ola Leina’ala continued to take her Haumana (Students) to honor Aunty Margaret for a blessing of the Sacred Papa ‘Ili ‘Ili Style of Hawaiian LomiLomi Lapa’au through the years until 2005.
Ke Kumu completed training under Aunty Margaret Machado in 1986. Now over 40 years later, with the training of her Ohana from Kaua’i, Oahu to Hawai’i, she has been treating patients who have been referred to her by doctors, Hui Malama Ola Na ‘Oiwi, Hui Ho’ola ‘O Nanahulu ‘O Hawai’i, other Native Hawaiian and Non-Hawaiian peoples and individuals in Hawai’i and from around the world and continues to teach and work with her patients and clients in Hawaiian LomiLomi Lapa’au, LMT under the State of Hawai’i since 1991. She has been trained since the age of 2-3 years old in Kauai with Tutu Lady Kaluna, and Tutu Emma Kaahuhailikaukoalaa of Oahu, whose Ohana came from Maui, Big Island of Hawai’i.
Today, a Hawaiian LomiLomi Lapa’au since 1991, Kumu ‘Ola Leina’ala has been working with Medical Patients and Clients. Hawaiian LomiLomi Lapa’au is a form of Medical LomiLomi Massage Therapy. It is done with Prayers while working and with the Heartbeat of Hawai’i. Ho’oponopono upon the Sunset is the Key to All of the Success for the Practitioner and the Patient for the healing begins from Within.
Ke Kumu is a licensed LMT therapist and is licensed and certified in the state of Hawai’i to teach. Her runs a clinic within Volcano and Kau – Ho’ola ‘O Lomilomi Lapa’au Clinic ‘O Hawai’i. She is certified by the state of Hawaii and has been teaching Lomilomi Lapa’au Healing for approximately 20 years. However, she has been sharing her native Hawaiian Indigenous healing from a young age. She blends Hawaiian Kahuna Lapa’au ancient wisdoms with clinical medical therapy, which provides mind, body, spirit, and the very divine celestial Hawaiian healing, bridging the old Ka Wa Kahiko Ancients with the Western to create the Highest Vibrational Healings with the “The Oli Ola which are Vibrational Chants of the Five Elements that are here upon the Honua (Mother Earth).which has come from the Celestial Heavens.
Kahuna Nui ‘O Pari Tu – Ke Kumu Ola Leina’ala has provided retreats since 1991, which include detoxification, prevention, and wellness program – Ho’omaemae i Ka Hi’uwai’ola ‘O Hawai’i (Hawaiian Seawater Cleanse). Kumu also teaches the following technique on a limited basis: Ho’oponopono, La’au Lapa’au, Kahu Pule, Ho’omananai’ola, Mai’ola, La’au Kahea and much more.
For information about us, please read our beginnings – Visit Us.
A Divine Invitation with Kumu Leinaala
Rise O Souls into the Infinite Possibilities of your Awakened Self
Stand in the Glory of your True Nature
Redefine your life under the auspices of the Great Divine Plan
Know you are forever changed and in your change you will forever be free!
We, the Hosts of Light and Divine Sponsors of the Temple of Sacred Alchemy
Call you into a Sacred Adventure in Time at an ancient Lemurian site
Experience 2022 as it shines its light upon our world.
Freedom, Illumination and Peace are the keynotes
As you embody the LOVE of your Divine Nature
Awaken, Enliven and be the fullness of who you are in the
Joyous Wonder of Life and the spectacular array of divine qualities
That you embody in Higher Realms and which now
are ready to descend and be a part of your Earth reality
Dance in the Joy of Life, be the Freedom that sets others free
Know the story of your divinity as you birthed your Earth experience
Shine the LIGHT that you came to share with a world that is awakening.
We are ready to greet you in the Sacred Lands. Will you join us?
Meet Master Cat Puddah – Seth
About Laurie Reyon & Master Cat Puddah – Seth
Laurie Reyon is an internationally known Inter-Species Communicator and Soul Healer. Reyon’s gift allows her to speak to the animals and the Angels and translate their messages to humanity. She recognizes the Cetaceans as the ancients Beings and Master Healers on this planet. Reyon works in sacred partnership with Master Cat Puddah, and the Whales and Dolphins.
Reyon is a collaborating author of the bestselling book: “Whales and Dolphins Forever” (Available on Reyon is a film maker and in June of 2015 released their amazing new and transformational film “Ascension Guidance – Living in Your Sacred Heart.” This is the first film ever created by a human and a Master Cat that shares her wisdom with the world about consciousness and the next step in our evolution.
Her work includes boat trips and retreats to interact with wild and free dolphins and whales, where she translates the messages of the Cetaceans for everyone. She also facilitates retreats and workshops in many locations where people can swim with the dolphins and whales and experience the Whale energy healing, she calls “Whale and Dolphin Energy Light Medicine.”
Reyon is an Animal Communicator and teacher, a certified Akashic Records Consultant, a Life Path Intuitive and a Telepathic teacher.
Laurie Reyon is certified to teach the Munay-Ki, Shamanic Rites of Passage and Initiation. The Munay-Ki are the nine great rites of the Peruvian Shaman which clear and create your Luminous Light Energy Body.
Reyon has been named “Standing Whale Mother” by the Native Americans and she brings the wisdom and healing energies of the whales and the dolphins to the people, guided by Spirit and the energy of Master Cat Puddah-Seth. Reyon has recently received information from the Whales and Dolphins on how to use their energy to activate and calibrate the HUMAN DNA and assist the humans in preparing for Ascension by activating their Light Bodies. She is the creator of the Whale and Dolphin Energy Light Medicine School, training professional certified Whale and Dolphin Healing facilitators.
In 1994 she suffered an accident with complications and ultimately experienced a radiant Near-Death Experience during which she actually died for six minutes. She subsequently lived in Baja Mexico where she began interacting with the local dolphins and whales, being taught their wisdom and writing their stories and prayers.
Reyon is a steward for many authentic, monotomic, healing Andara Crystals from Mount Shasta.
Currently, Reyon and Master Cat Puddah work as an Ascension team. They operate the Omni-Dimensional Mystery School in Oceanside, CA.
Master Cat Puddah is a Being of Ascended Master energy. This Soul has incarnated into the body of a cat five separate times during Laurie Reyon’s life and continues to work in sacred partnership through their telepathic connection. Each time Master Puddah has brought Reyon many gifts; including wisdom, great healing, remembrance of her star lineage and the gift of telepathy. Master Puddah was instrumental in teaching Reyon to speak telepathically to the dolphins and assisting her in becoming a “voice” for the Dolphins. At present, “Master Puddah” is incarnated as a female cat whose greatest joy in life is to assist others in raising their vibration through her teachings and healing energy. Master Cat Puddah is an aspect of the Soul of Seth.
Master Puddah Quote: “I bring Awareness or Remembrance of Love from the Creator and One Source. I give birth to a Higher Love whenever that intent is given or allowed for in my presence.”
As an Inter Species Communicator we will facilitate a Core Level Healing experience with the planetary Elders. We will share wisdom from the Great White Whales that are Cosmic Creators. They will offer you an amazing session targeted to assist you in creating your Luminous Living Light Body.
The Whales have shared that is their intention to assist humanity in expanding their consciousness and awareness of our multi-dimensionality. We have the opportunity to access true mastery as we remember our true history and Divine Life Missions.
As we awaken to the truth of who we really are, we can recognize the Great Whales as our Elders. During our session they will offer you an opportunity to further unlock the mechanisms with us and open our “Crystalline Seals.”
We will also experience a Dolphin DNA Recalibration Session from the Ascended Dolphins. They are Master Epigeneticists and can activate dormant parts of your DNA that keep you bound to the human story of duality or polarity. They can also assist you in clearing old toxic energy that affects your emotional body and bring forth memories and gifts from your own spiritual Mastery.
Master Cat Puddah, who is an aspect of the ancient Soul of Seth will assist you during these healing sessions. She shares that she is a catalyst for change and works in harmony with the Whales and the Dolphins. She says “I bring Awareness or Remembrance of Love from the Creator and One Source. I give birth to a Higher Love whenever that intent is given or allowed for in my presence.”
Healer and Alchemist
About Meg Benedicte
is a Quantum Healer, Spiritual Teacher, New Earth Wayshower and creator of the Quantum Access® Modality. Working closely with AA Metatron, Meg teaches Ascension Training and Protocols at her Quantum Access® Academy. Meg is an avid explorer of the Ancient Mystery School Tradition and offers Quantum Access® to clients, students and global audiences to enhance living Soul purpose and embodiment.
Meet Meg at and Academy at
Step into the Quantum Vortex with AA Metatron and connect with the Sirian-Lemurian lineage that pulses alive in Mount Shasta. Being touched by galactic consciousness is life-altering. Every year while Sirius rises on the horizon with our Sun, a portal gateway opens and streams Sirian indigo light communication.
The ancient Sirian civilization of Lemuria spanned the western Pacific coast of America, from Mt. Shasta all the way down to Hawaii, and over to Australia and India. The Sirians that walked the land appeared as standing blue dolphin-like beings. The Sirians that swim took on aquatic form to protect the seas. The Sirian Lemurians were telepathic, highly intelligent, psychic and claircognizant.
Tapping into ancient Mystery School knowledge, Meg Benedicte channels Arch Angel Metatron’s technology that quickly shifts consciousness, unlocks karma and removes energetic patterns to accelerate your personal evolution and Soul embodiment. Meg will lead a ‘Live’ group activation in the Quantum Vortex and connect with the ancient Sirian-Lemurian ancestors assisting the birth of a New Earth.
Guide for Earth and Humanity on their evolutionary paths
About SanRa
SanRa is a Lemurian High Priestess and is part of the Lemurian Priestess Circle of 13. She offers channeled groups and individual sessions with this Lemurian Priestess Circle, and channels Ascended Masters and other Beings of Light.
She is a member of the Grand Teton Guiding Council, a cosmic council which guides earth and humanity on their evolutionary paths. SanRa has recently stepped into her role as Lady of Betelgeuse, and is taking her initiations as a Star Lord Master and Cosmic Guardian. She is a Certified Hypnotherapist, is certified in past life regression, Reiki, Johrei, and has developed healing techniques of her own.
SanRa has been doing spiritual healing work with clients for 30 years. She works with Star Beings, Ascended Masters, Angels and Councils of Light throughout the cosmos. She is dedicated to helping us move forward on our spiritual paths and re-establishing paradise on earth in our new Golden Age.
For more info:
Lemuria was an idyllic society, paradise on earth. How did we accomplish that? I say “we” because we were all there, and we have cellular memory of that time and a beautiful, spiritual way of life. How can we bring alive that Lemurian wisdom on earth now? We do not have to re-create the exact Lemuria from our “past”; we simply need to allow the Lemurian experience we hold within to emerge and flow out of us with ease and grace. The Lemurian Priestess Circle of 13, of which SanRa is a member, will bring forth amazing information to help us do just that. We will begin with a beautiful sharing of Lemurian songs by SanRa Mecanta Lash Tei and then move into the channeling of the Lemurian Priestess Circle of 13. You will experience their immense loving heart and their luminous wisdom to help you further awaken your Lemurian Self in your everyday life. This will have a magnificent, far-reaching effect on the awakening of the Lemurian Spirit of humanity to re-birth our new Golden Age.
About Julieanne and Prageet of The Stargate Experience
are internationally known channels who work with their guide Alcazar and the Stargate to guide channeled energy experiences that enable participants to enter into meditative, expanded states of consciousness effortlessly.
The Stargate’s unique sacred-geometric structure acts as an anchor for a higher dimensional, conscious energetic, which responds to individuals and groups in creating multi-dimensional experiences for those who meditate with it. In its high-energy field, participants are empowered to tangibly feel and connect with numerous benevolent guides and beings who are invited to join us.
On a Quantum level the Stargate works to re-activate an awareness of your own Quantum Self, your superconsciousness, as well as your multi-dimensional DNA. It is within your DNA that the mysteries of your greater Self are held. It holds the key to who you are, who you have been, your part and purpose in the Universal scheme and your ability to communicate directly with Spirit.
Stargate frequencies, without any effort on the part of those participating, can dissolve limiting Karma and assist in re-aligning energetics, in some cases creating physical healing, in other cases, mental and emotional healing. It can create past-life remembering and re-activation of psychic abilities.
The Stargate Experience
Energy Meditations to Access Your Superconsciousness
You are invited to discover what The Stargate Experience is all about…
This is an opportunity to feel the presence of your guides, to be immersed in a high-vibrational energy field… A field that is so tangible, so transformative, that you cannot avoid being touched by it.
Your heart opens – your vibration raises – your limitations have the potential of simply dissolving through this energy field.
The basis of the Stargate Experience is not a work – it is a relaxation – it is a letting go and relaxing into a powerful, transformational energy field.
The Stargate is an interdimensional doorway – a geometric structure that emits a powerful conscious energy, an energy that can move participants into a deep meditative space within moments.
This sacred geometric structure creates a high vibrational energy field which allows participants to actually feel the guides and the beings from the higher dimensions that are invited to join us.
As we are touched by the energy of the Ascended Masters, the Angelic Realm, and many benevolent beings from around our universe, our vibration starts to resonate with theirs and incredible awakenings are possible – with ease and grace!
The multidimensional energies that are radiated touch each person at a very deep level. Many people find themselves experiencing:
- Spontaneous physical healing
- Sudden clarity and major insights
- Deep relaxation and stress evaporating
- The dissolving of karmic influences and unresolved issues
- Healing abilities being activated
- Recalling past life experiences
- Spontaneous activation of inner vision and psychic abilities
One of the most difficult things about the Stargate work is the realization that there is nothing to do… It is a relaxing and an allowing.
It is being in the presence of Ascended Masters, and Star Families, and the Angelic Realm, and in their presence your energy and your Being start to move back towards a perfect alignment – creating healing and balance on the physical, mental, emotional levels and the development of innate skills that you already have – and so much more.
Come, join us and discover one of the most rapid transformational experiences on the planet!
Prageet – Bio
Prageet is an English, internationally known channel who has assisted people with spiritual growth for over thirty years.
With his guide, Alcazar, Prageet designed and built the Stargate, an interdimensional Doorway, which assists groups and individuals in the process of understanding and knowing Self – the process of awakening.
Prageet’s whole life has been dedicated to understanding how we as humans operate, how the unconscious mind and the emotions influence us, and how to move easily out of those patterns that we feel are limiting us.
In 1988 Prageet started to channel his guide Alcazar, who has a vast experience and understanding of the human condition, and a simple, clear way of talking that shares insights into the difficulties we experience in life. He is a hilarious master of love, wit, and wisdom, and he reconnects us to the truth we already know in our hearts.
In 1989, Alcazar channeled the design of the Stargate to Prageet, and since then has been continuously assisting him in developing new skills and techniques to accelerate people’s growth.
Many years of experience have demonstrated that the Stargate is a very powerful tool to assist people in overcoming their limitations and realizing their highest potential. Combined with Prageet and Alcazar’s insightfulness and sensitivity, The Stargate Experience becomes a unique, joyful, transformational experience.
About Prageet and Julieanne
Prageet, an internationally known channel, has for over 30 years worked with his guide Alcazar and their creation, the Stargate – an interdimensional doorway facilitating healing on all levels, DNA reactivation, and the awareness of one’s Quantum Self.
Julieanne joined the Stargate project in 2012, and became a partner in the Stargate Experience after discovering a profound connection with the Stargate’s guide Alcazar, who has assisted her in accessing and teaching a source energy of self-healing and self-love known as The Essence of Life.
Together Prageet and Julieanne have shared The Stargate Experience with many thousands of people in different countries around the world.
The Stargate Experience is currently based in Mount Shasta, California.
As many of you know, the Lemurian energies are exceedingly strong in this area of your Mount Shasta.
In this conference, we will be using the Stargate, which is an interdimensional doorway – and we will be inviting you to feel the presence of the Telosians from the Inner Earth city beneath the mountain, and also the presence of Adama, the Pleiadian who has been guiding humanity’s process since the times of Lemuria.
The Stargate Experience will guide you into a meditative state, which happens effortlessly. Your vibration then elevates and as it does so, you become more perceptive to the many guides and benevolent beings who are available to assist in your awakening.
Every Stargate Experience is unique – and we expect this particular gathering to draw forth the beauty and pristine nature of the Lemurian energies.
About Lauren Galey
About Dr. Todd Ovokaitys
Dr. Todd Ovokaitys was first in his class in high school and won the coveted Bucky pioneer award. He was also at the top of his class at Northwestern University with the highest possible grade point average. After two years was one of 26 people in the country accepted into an accelerated undergraduate and medical training program at Johns Hopkins University and Medical School. He then completed specialty training in Internal Medicine and subspecialty training in Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine at Georgetown University hospital. He was assessed by a faculty committee as the best of all the residents across the board.
He was inspired to move to California to understand energy medicine and shortly after the journey had a vision of communicating with the pure consciousness of DNA. This has resulted in co-inventing a laser based interdimensional platform which has numerous US and international patents granted in the areas of nutraceuticals, agriculture including cannabis, and especially stem cell biology. He also pursues and provides training in the area of psycho emotional medicine, getting at the core root of any condition, physical or psychiatric, that can offer lasting relief. These discoveries have the potential to be a part of what may revolutionize and personalize the practice of medicine. He is also the composer, a soloist for, and at times co-conductor of the Lemurian choirs that create patterns of tones and information that can accelerate expansion of consciousness.
Dr. Todd has composed and produced for the first time since ancient days a series of Lemurian Choirs. The first in Maui at the date of the end of the Mayan calendar, 12-21-12, had over 900 choristers. This complex of rich interdimensional tones, resonances and harmonics are designed to awaken the deepest layers of DNA where our memories of mastery and latent abilities reside. The impact of a single 3 day choir event can propel an increase in the Hawkins calibrated scale of consciousness that in his writings would otherwise take lifetimes to achieve. Since 2012 as series of choirs have been produced at power points of the world such as Mount Shasta, Mont Blanc in the French Alps and Glastonbury that have opened a series of time capsules of wisdom and knowledge for accelerated planetary enlightenment, with the next to be the Maya Choir in the Mayan Riviera on 11-11-22. The intention of this session will be to share a series of tonal vibrational patterns that will increase your vibration, enhance your awareness, rejuvenate your body and build the energy of the day.
While the focus of this presentation will be on the use and experience of tonal resonance and harmonics, Dr. Todd also works with advanced interdimensional light frequency technology. He will share a brief overview of their work with a profound type of stem cell that resides dormant in everyone that can be activated for profound age reversal effects. Thus far they have seen a usual 3 years biological age reversal at the DNA level per treatment. With 4 treatments, 12 year biological age reversal has been seen, the most in medical history. This has also been applied to make the world’s first new form of aspirin in a century that is stable at room temperature, which shows a sustained energetic state that has previously not been possible to achieve. Imbued in nutritional chemistry and subjected to controlled clinical trials, extraordinary biological benefits and regeneration have been seen. Applied to agricultural nutrients, multiples of yield increases have been seen and nutrient densities in the sap have increased 300% or more. Use of this tech can produce much higher yields of high vibrational nutrient dense food that supports greater health and wellness, life extension and even enhanced awareness.
3 Day Event is now Over but you can still join in the vibration by watching the Livestream Replays
$197 Now only $144
Connect with your Lemurian Family in this Virtual Event!