Do you Want to Remember Where You are from
before coming to Earth?
Do You Want to Communicate with Your Star Family?
Are You ready to explore your own COSMOLOGY?
This is the JOURNEY of Your Soul in Every Lifetime
With Hosts Laurie Reyon and Lauren Galey
2 DAYS – October 26 and 27th
Virtual Summit
Amazing Speakers and Channels will
Inter-Galactic Wisdom!
9:00 am - 5:00 pm PT Both Days
Replay Included
Travel through the DIMENSIONS with SETH
Meet Star Masters and Family in Nine Dimensions
Experience the PLEIADIAN Creation Story
Identify Your Star Family and begin to Communicate!
Hear Powerful Channels from Off World Star Emissaries
Including: Pleiadian, Sirian, Arcturian, Orion, Lyran & Angelic
- Explore different Realms, Dimensions and Off World Civilizations
- Discover communication with your Star Family
- Practice Tools to use immediately in your daily life to shift your vibration to your True Reality and live outside of Duality
Summit Webinar Hosted by: New Earth One and
the Omni – Dimensional Mystery School
Facilitated by Lauren Galey, Laurie Reyon &
Master Cat Puddah – (Seth)
Watch for the Announcement of
Speaker Bios (More To Be Announced)
About Laurie Reyon & Master Cat Puddah – Seth
BIO Laurie Reyon
Reyon is an internationally known Inter-Species Communicator and Soul Healer. Reyon’s gift allows her to speak to the animals and the Angels and translate their messages to humanity. She recognizes the Cetaceans as the ancients Beings and Master Healers on this planet. Reyon works in sacred partnership with Master Cat Puddah, and the Whales and Dolphins.
Reyon is a collaborating author of the bestselling book: "Whales and Dolphins Forever" (Available on Reyon is a film-maker and in June of 2015 released their amazing new and transformational film “Ascension Guidance – Living in Your Sacred Heart.” This is the first film ever created by a human and a Master Cat that shares her wisdom with the world about consciousness and the next step in our evolution.
Her work includes boat trips and retreats to interact with wild and free dolphins and whales, where she translates the messages of the Cetaceans for everyone. She also facilitates retreats and workshops in many locations where people can swim with the dolphins and whales and experience the Whale energy healing, she calls “Whale and Dolphin Medicine.”
Reyon is an Animal Communicator and teacher, a certified Akashic Records Consultant, a Life Path Intuitive and a Telepathic teacher. She is the creator of the Whale and Dolphin Energy Light Medicine School. Study includes two Modules of learning how to work with the White Whales to facilitate Light Body Activations and the Ascended Dolphins to calibrate the human DNA. The School has graduates now in 13 countries and four languages. The 2023 class is now enrolling and will begin October 8th.
Reyon has been named “Standing Whale Mother” by the Native Americans and she brings the wisdom and healing energies of the whales and the dolphins to the people, guided by Spirit and the energy of Master Cat Puddah. Reyon has recently received information from the Whales and Dolphins on how to use their energy to activate and calibrate the HUMAN DNA and assist the humans in preparing for Ascension.
Currently, Reyon and Master Cat Puddah work as an Ascension team. They operate the Omni-Dimensional Mystery School in Oceanside, CA.
BIO Master Cat Puddah – Seth
Master Cat Puddah, who is an aspect of the ancient Soul of Seth. MC Puddah assists Reyon in their healing sessions with the Whales and Dolphins. She is a sacred partner in the creation of classes, retreats, boat trips, healings and client sessions.
She shares that she is a catalyst for change and works in harmony with the Whales and the Dolphins. She says “I bring Awareness or Remembrance of Love from the Creator and One Source. I give birth to a Higher Love whenever that intent is given or allowed for in my presence.
About Lauren Galey
Lauren is founder and host of Quantum Conversations at, and a lightworker on a mission to assist all who ask on stepping into their New Earth Missions and Creations. Her past experience and expertise include the following: Radio Journalist at ICRT – Taipei Taiwan, anchor of morning show and reporter on world and local stories. Television News Reporter, Anchor and Producer at KUAM Island News on the US Territory of Guam. Voiceover talent and agent for multi-national voiceover talent Audio and video producer, Certified in Recording Arts & Technology by the Globe Institute of Recording and Production
Lauren’s podcast Quantum Conversations is a daily production broadcast to a global audience, reaching over 2.2 million listeners tuning in via YouTube channel, Soundcloud and her online platform. You’re invited to “look over her shoulder” and learn some tips that can accelerate your New Earth Creations.
Lauren Galey is on a mission to empower New Earth Leaders. She is the New Earth Mentor’s Mentor, assisting those who are ready to step into their planetary roles, their Divine Role, and get their product or service out to the world. We live in a digital age, and Lauren has been successfully operating her online businesses for over 15 years. As a former radio and television journalist & anchor, Lauren was trained in mainstream media and now uses the many tools of media production in support of New Earth Media. She is a Sound Healing Audio Producer, creator of Plant Music Remedy music of the plants, and hosts the popular global podcast Quantum Conversations & QCTV.
About Mahalia Michaels
Mermaid Mahalia is a daughter and conductor of the Lyran High Council Family of Angels who interface with her from 1000 light years away. She was ordained by the altruistic LOVE and advanced healing technology of Whale & Dolphin Multidimensional Consciousness and initiated to Galactic Frequencies by The Great Central Sun Diamond. Mahalia transmits their unified potency as a Solar Light Language for the application of ‘sound healing remedy’ in cases of severe trauma recovery. Her psycho-acoustic Light Sound dialect is a conductive, transformative cosmic energy She refers to as ‘Allumina’ which transmits as a radiant ‘Essence’ through the Musical Mothership to the Liquid Diamond Heart of our Music based DNA potential.
Her audible and inaudible transmissions produce cymatic octaves and overtones that bathe old incoherent patterns held deep in the multiverse of the body temple. Once dense vibrations such as unresolved trauma’s and their emotions are reflected back to the purest light, the bodies innate intelligence will find pathways to restore health, well-being and harmonic resonance.
Mahalia is the Scientist, Teacher, Maestro and emissary of the Brain Bliss Technology and Academy offering extraordinary experiential and educational products and services rooted in advanced neuroscience that accelerates and optimizes the human instrument to our birthright of bliss. Author of The Medical Musician, a psychedelic guide to translating interspecies communication, her combination of Stellar Xray vision and Sonic Shamanism have given countless clients miraculous, life changing results. Having recovered her 3D body from multiple concussions and PTSD, Mahalia leads from personal experience of our Superhuman power to regenerate via the Divine Music within and all around us.
About Viviane Chauvet
Viviane Chauvet is an Advanced Arcturian Hybrid Avatar, published author, international public speaker, creator of the Arcturian Energy Matrix Healing® and the Arcturian Healing Arts 3-month program, advocate for planetary ascension, an emissary for the Federation of Light, and owner of Infinite Healing from The Stars LLC. Viviane is the producer and co-host of The Infinite Star Connections podcast. She was the hybrid consultant on j3FILMS’ documentary “Extraordinary: The Seeding” and featured in a multi-award-winning documentary “Extraordinary: The Revelations.” Viviane’s collaborative #1 Bestselling book series “Wisdom of the Silver Sisters – Guiding Grace” and “Golden Wisdom of Love, Legends & Legacies” are available on Amazon. In 2007, she went through a significant awakening and received her holographic and quantum healing training with the Arcturian Council. She furthered her studies and became certified in Crystalline Soul Healing®, Unity Field Healing®, QHHT, and ThetaHealing®. She is an emissary and multidimensional conduit for Star Delegations, including the Lyrans, Sirians, Andromedans, and other interstellar groups. She is also an Ambassador for the and has a channel on the Conscious Awakening Network (CAN).
About Julieanne and Prageet of The Stargate Experience
are internationally known channels who work with their guide Alcazar and the Stargate to guide channeled energy experiences that enable participants to enter into meditative, expanded states of consciousness effortlessly.
The Stargate's unique sacred-geometric structure acts as an anchor for a higher dimensional, conscious energetic, which responds to individuals and groups in creating multi-dimensional experiences for those who meditate with it. In its high-energy field, participants are empowered to tangibly feel and connect with numerous benevolent guides and beings who are invited to join us.
On a Quantum level the Stargate works to re-activate an awareness of your own Quantum Self, your superconsciousness, as well as your multi-dimensional DNA. It is within your DNA that the mysteries of your greater Self are held. It holds the key to who you are, who you have been, your part and purpose in the Universal scheme and your ability to communicate directly with Spirit.
Stargate frequencies, without any effort on the part of those participating, can dissolve limiting Karma and assist in re-aligning energetics, in some cases creating physical healing, in other cases, mental and emotional healing. It can create past-life remembering and re-activation of psychic abilities.
The Stargate Experience
Energy Meditations to Access Your Superconsciousness
You are invited to discover what The Stargate Experience is all about...
This is an opportunity to feel the presence of your guides, to be immersed in a high-vibrational energy field... A field that is so tangible, so transformative, that you cannot avoid being touched by it.
Your heart opens - your vibration raises - your limitations have the potential of simply dissolving through this energy field.
The basis of the Stargate Experience is not a work - it is a relaxation - it is a letting go and relaxing into a powerful, transformational energy field.
The Stargate is an interdimensional doorway - a geometric structure that emits a powerful conscious energy, an energy that can move participants into a deep meditative space within moments.
This sacred geometric structure creates a high vibrational energy field which allows participants to actually feel the guides and the beings from the higher dimensions that are invited to join us.
As we are touched by the energy of the Ascended Masters, the Angelic Realm, and many benevolent beings from around our universe, our vibration starts to resonate with theirs and incredible awakenings are possible - with ease and grace!
The multidimensional energies that are radiated touch each person at a very deep level. Many people find themselves experiencing:
- Spontaneous physical healing
- Sudden clarity and major insights
- Deep relaxation and stress evaporating
- The dissolving of karmic influences and unresolved issues
- Healing abilities being activated
- Recalling past life experiences
- Spontaneous activation of inner vision and psychic abilities
One of the most difficult things about the Stargate work is the realization that there is nothing to do… It is a relaxing and an allowing.
It is being in the presence of Ascended Masters, and Star Families, and the Angelic Realm, and in their presence your energy and your Being start to move back towards a perfect alignment - creating healing and balance on the physical, mental, emotional levels and the development of innate skills that you already have - and so much more.
Come, join us and discover one of the most rapid transformational experiences on the planet!
Prageet - Bio
Prageet is an English, internationally known channel who has assisted people with spiritual growth for over thirty years.
With his guide, Alcazar, Prageet designed and built the Stargate, an interdimensional Doorway, which assists groups and individuals in the process of understanding and knowing Self – the process of awakening.
Prageet’s whole life has been dedicated to understanding how we as humans operate, how the unconscious mind and the emotions influence us, and how to move easily out of those patterns that we feel are limiting us.
In 1988 Prageet started to channel his guide Alcazar, who has a vast experience and understanding of the human condition, and a simple, clear way of talking that shares insights into the difficulties we experience in life. He is a hilarious master of love, wit, and wisdom, and he reconnects us to the truth we already know in our hearts.
In 1989, Alcazar channeled the design of the Stargate to Prageet, and since then has been continuously assisting him in developing new skills and techniques to accelerate people’s growth.
Many years of experience have demonstrated that the Stargate is a very powerful tool to assist people in overcoming their limitations and realizing their highest potential. Combined with Prageet and Alcazar’s insightfulness and sensitivity, The Stargate Experience becomes a unique, joyful, transformational experience.
About Prageet and Julieanne
Prageet, an internationally known channel, has for over 30 years worked with his guide Alcazar and their creation, the Stargate – an interdimensional doorway facilitating healing on all levels, DNA reactivation, and the awareness of one's Quantum Self.
Julieanne joined the Stargate project in 2012, and became a partner in the Stargate Experience after discovering a profound connection with the Stargate’s guide Alcazar, who has assisted her in accessing and teaching a source energy of self-healing and self-love known as The Essence of Life.
Together Prageet and Julieanne have shared The Stargate Experience with many thousands of people in different countries around the world.
The Stargate Experience is currently based in Mount Shasta, California.
As many of you know, the Lemurian energies are exceedingly strong in this area of your Mount Shasta.
In this conference, we will be using the Stargate, which is an interdimensional doorway – and we will be inviting you to feel the presence of the Telosians from the Inner Earth city beneath the mountain, and also the presence of Adama, the Pleiadian who has been guiding humanity’s process since the times of Lemuria.
The Stargate Experience will guide you into a meditative state, which happens effortlessly. Your vibration then elevates and as it does so, you become more perceptive to the many guides and benevolent beings who are available to assist in your awakening.
Every Stargate Experience is unique – and we expect this particular gathering to draw forth the beauty and pristine nature of the Lemurian energies.
As we expand our consciousness we come into Self-Awareness
and we begin to access Mastery in our lives.
Manifestation is much easier as we use Solution Energy
in our daily lives.
We become Conscious Creators and we move into
Intentional Evolution!
This is the time when Your Soul is longing for you to remember Who You Really Are. Re-establish Communication with your Star Family.
When you have the knowledge of your true self within you activated,
you can easily release core issues and heal yourself
as you no longer wish to live in duality.
The TEACHINGS of SETH are about living and creating from your heart and knowing that you are the Creator of your own experience.
Hear from many Amazing and Powerful Speakers with Galactic knowledge and Wisdom.
Watch for MORE SPEAKERS that will share their Wisdom and Channeling.
Experience Your Own Cosmology and Akashic Records
2 Days: Saturday & Sunday, October 26 & 27, 2024
9:00 am - 5:00 pm Pacific Time – Both Days
Replay is included.