Jewels Arnes

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Transform and reprogram your cells to hold Life Force Energy and Divine Intelligence allowing you to raise your frequency and support Health and Vitality!

Using specific frequency codes that are transmitted to the genes, this package is taking Immune Boosters to a Molecular Level!

Using intentional Molecular Creation and coding of the DNA with cutting edge technology held in the intelligence of ORMUS Gold and Scalar Energy programs, you can reprogram your cells to avoid penetration of the COV19 virus!

The Time is NOW! There is a purpose beyond Fear and Suffering that is held in the virus and we can use this time to not only become more vital than ever, but ascend to our next level of personal evolution! You are becoming Superhuman!

What will you BE when the RESET button is hit? Elevate your Cells to Exist Beyond Degeneration, Viruses, and Disease…. Reprogram your cells to BECOME the NEW Human and AGE in Reverse!

All These Options at Your Finger Tips

Offer 1: Immune Booster Cellular Upgrade

Immune Booster Cellular Upgrade Package
Transform and reprogram your cells to hold Life Force Energy and Divine Intelligence allowing you to raise your frequency and support Health and Vitality! Using specific frequency codes that are transmitted to the genes, this package is taking Immune Boosters to a Molecular Level! Using intentional Molecular Creation and coding of the DNA with cutting edge technology held in the intelligence of ORMUS Gold and Scalar Energy programs, you can reprogram your cells to avoid penetration of the COV19 virus! The Time is NOW! There is a purpose beyond Fear and Suffering that is held in the virus and we can use this time to not only become more vital than ever, but ascend to our next level of personal evolution! You are becoming Superhuman! What will you BE when the RESET button is hit? Elevate your Cells to Exist Beyond Degeneration, Viruses, and Disease…. Reprogram your cells to BECOME the NEW Human and AGE in Reverse!

Immune Booster Cellular Upgrade Package:
Value $600 – Special Offer Price: $197
Plus $5.95 shipping domestic $27 shipping international

This package includes:
* IMMUNITY Scalar energy transmission will run until the Virus has subsided. The scalar energies will boost your immunity with higher levels of frequency to support your cells, oxygen flow and overall health. This is done through 2 programs working with the cells and body specifically for the COV19 on 3 different sequences supporting and amplifying the health of the cells creating a barrier of protection from penetration. This program will run until the virus subsides.

* IMMUNITY Cellular Upgrade Video Transmission: This video transmission is done through audio and visual allowing your subconscious and conscious mind to connect to the DNA and reprogram gene-codes to amplify over all health and vitality as well as raise the frequency of the body above the vibration of fear allow the virus frequency to move through the body without penetrating the cell.

* IBCU (Immune Booster Cellular Upgrade)  Elixir to support you in elevating your frequency which holds the cells in a vibration higher than the coronavirus. The Gold and ORMUS in this Elixir penetrates and activates the DNA raising the frequency of the cells above the frequency of the virus to minimize penetration of the cell.

* Healing Blue Light Activation to raise your cellular structure by energetically circulating the oxygen that feeds your cells at a higher frequency. We call in the blue light to heal, protect and raise our vibration above the frequency where the coronavirus exists.

* IBCU Hand Sanitizing ORMUS Gold Lotion: This ORMUS Lotion penetrates and activates the DNA raising the frequency of the cells above the frequency of the virus to minimize penetration of the cell. Peppermint and Cinnamon are used as natural antiseptic agents to kill germs as you soften and youthen your hands.

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Immune Booster Cellular Upgrade
$197 USD

+ SHIPPING $5 domestic and $27 international

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Immune Booster Cellular Upgrade
$197 USD

+ SHIPPING $5 domestic and $27 international