With Composer, Instrumentalist, Vocalist and Producer
Lis Addison

Watch This Introductory Course


Vocal Vibration and Movement for Light Workers

Liberate the Voice to share your sacred gifts


The Interview centers  around my Kinetic Voice (KiVo) Program. KiVo, which blends vocals, rhythm and dance, is designed to heal and empower the individual to better serve the world we live in. I created KiVo to assist others in feeling the sacred power of vocal vibration on a somatic level and harness that power to activate the Light We Are.

In the many KiVo circles I’ve convened throughout the world, I have observed the power of song and dance to improve the well-being of participants. I have seen stress dissipate, self-worth improve, productivity increase, creativity flower, pain dissolve and communities strengthen.

The Kinetic Voice practice focuses on music and dance as tools for healing, not performance! We operate from the understanding that music and dance are sacred gifts available to ALL and that they can be joybringers that reinforce our humaness. In the KiVo Circle everyone’s voice matters.

Singing, rhythm and movement, strengthen memory and encode knowledge through repetition. Spiritual Teachings, behavior and conduct were traditionally taught through rhythm, rhyme and melody. Until recently, this is how our young ones were taught. We will harken back to that time while feeling the rhythm of nature that surrounds and supports us.

Sound Healing Special Offers

Special Offer 1 Includes:

Kinetic Voice(KiVo)

4 Tuesdays starting August 9  (Aug 9, 16, 23, 30)

4 pm PT / 5 pm MT / 6 pm CT / 7 pm ET / 11 pm GMT

Special Offer 1: Kinetic Voice 4-class pass


2 Payment Option Available

Kinetic Voice or KiVo is a fun vocal and movement workout that elegantly incorporates mudras, dance, and shaking medicine with sound healing to cleanse the body, mind, spirit, and emotions. No experience is necessary. Taught by KiVo creator Lis Addison who is a composer, dancer, and sound healer. We will be dancing to Lis’s music and that of other global artists.

Special Offer 2 Includes:

Indigo Dragonfly Course

Chakra Chants and Movements designed to clear the body/mind and instill confidence



Chakra chants & dance designed to calm & clear the body, mind and spirit, activate the light body and instill confidence.

January 2022!

Special Offer 2: Indigo Dragonfly Course


2 Payment Option Available

In this program, you will learn specific vocalizations and signature steps that you can use for self and others as tools that release stress, calm the mind, liberate the wise voice within, encourage active listening and heighten your intuitive and healing abilities. You will receive secrets to creating your own mantras. This training offers a new way to experience the Chakras and new ways to help remove old traumas, old thoughts and outmoded behavior patterns. It is designed for your growth and empowerment and is specially crafted for Light Workers.

In this Kinetic Voice Program you will learn:

• Addison’s unique Chakra Chants designed to spin, clear and activate the Chakras

• Five Signature Steps for each Chant (Vocable-non verbal chants with open vowel sounds)

• Vocal, Listening and Breathing Exercises

• Tools that help Release Tension, Toxins & Trauma

• Secrets to Creating Your Own Mantras & and Connecting to the Realms of Nature

• Healing Practices & Tips for Increasing Your Intuition


• Let go of old thoughts and patterns • gain confidence • be empowered to voice your vision • speak up for yourself and others less fortunate • own your worth • remove emotional blocks • reduce stress • honor self • activate your light body • learn healing techniques • add tools in your toolbox to use with clients & students • experience the Chakras in a new way to because of the rhythmical movement and vocals • gain an effective way to clear, calm, comb unwanted energy and gain confidence • learn movement isolations to strengthen core • learn vocal techniques to strengthen voice

Time Commitment: 2 hours per week for 7 weeks, plus homework and practice

Lesson 1
Introduction to Addison’s Technique Kinetic Voice (KiVo)

Creating the circle, participant agreements, administration, website overview, and using the password-protected page. Discussion on the physiological benefits of singing, using and working with vocal vibration, developing Neuroplasticity. Introduction to the Chakra System, understanding purpose of the practice.

Introduction to the Root Chakra – what is it, where is it in YOUR body, and what qualities it represents, earth element, sciatic nerve, magnetizing to Earth. Rhythm 6/4 time

Introduce the technical aspects of the Root Vocable, practice signature steps, and assign homework.

Lesson 2
Breathwork, Aah Chant, Review Root Chakra, class discussion, sharing your nature-inspired mantra.

Introduction to the Sacral Chakra – what is it, where is it in YOUR body, and what qualities it represents, water element, particles & waves, sexuality and creativity, feeling the pulse to produce the chant. Rhythm 6/8 time

Introduce the technical aspects of the Sacral Vocable, practice signature steps, and assign homework.

Lesson 3
Breathwork, Aah Chant, Review Sacral Vocable, class discussion.

Introduction of Solar Plexus Chakra – what is it, where is it in YOUR body and what qualities it represents, fire element, power, the place of the will, self-worth, becoming accustomed to USING your sacred voice. Rhythm 5/8 time

Introduce the technical aspects of the Solar Plexus Vocable, practice signature steps, and assign homework.

Lesson 4
Breathwork, Aah Chant, Review Solar Plexus Vocable, class discussion.
Introduction of the Heart Chakra – what is it, where is it in YOUR body, and what qualities it represents, air element, radiate the Divine Light, from all things to all things, unending expression of Love with the voice and body, love, compassion, healing. Rhythm 4/4 time

Introduce the technical aspects of the Heart Vocable, practice signature steps, and assign homework.

Lesson 5
Breathwork, Aah Chant, Review Heart Vocable class discussion.

Introduction of the Throat Chakra – what is it, where is it in YOUR body, and what qualities it represents, Wallace & Gromit! Pump out the sound, your voice as an instrument of the Divine, biodiversity, voicing what you’ve been afraid to voice. Rhythm 4/4 time

Introduce the technical aspects of the Throat Vocable, practice signature steps, and assign homework.

Lesson 6
Breathwork, Aah Chant, Review Throat Vocable, class discussion.

Introduction of the Third Eye – what is it, where is it, what is it, where is it in YOUR body and what qualities it represents, seat of intuition, the Three Claires, Dragonfly Medicine, seeing that which is unseen, paying learning spiritual discernment. Rhythm 4/4 time

Introduce the technical aspects of the Third Eye Vocable, practice signature steps, and assign homework.

Lesson 7
Breathwork, Aah Chant, Review Third Eye Vocable, class discussion.

Introduction of the Crown – what is it, where is it in YOUR body and what qualities it represents, connection to the Divine, Source of Light, traveling to the spirit realm and back, bringing the Light into the being and the earth, receiving and radiating that Light which is Love. Rhythm 4/4 time

Introduce the technical aspects of the Crown Chakra Vocable, practice signature steps and review course.

90 minutes each lesson

About Lis Addison

Lis Addison is a skilled mover of energy working in a number of disciplines. She is a Composer, Instrumentalist, Vocalist and Producer, a Healing Artist working in the Akashic Records and the Realms of Nature, and a Dancer. Addison has spent her life studying the music, dance and spiritual traditions of the world and has dedicated her life to sharing the healing effects of music and dance while we are lucky enough to live in bodies. Her signature practice Kinetic Voice (KiVo) uses vocal vibration and dance movement to help clear stuck energy and empower Light Workers to do the sacred work we came to do.

Special Offer 1: Kinetic Voice 4-Class Pass


2 Payment Option Available

Special Offer 2: Indigo Dragonfly Course


2 Payment Option Available

Global Healing Sound Bath

Featuring Libby Cattalini:

Certified Sound Therapist

Libby is a Certified Sound Therapist Globe & IVT) and Shamanic Practitioner (FSS Asia). Since 1995 she has been a student of nature – including Usui Reiki, naturopathy, massage and body detoxification. She is six out of seven children and grew up in the natural wonder of Western Australia. Singapore has been her home for the past 6 years. She offers private sound and Shamanic nature healing sessions and facilitates Nature Sound Bath Meditations, Full Moon & Cacao Ceremonies under the stars in the evenings at Wildlings Forest School. When she is not running sessions you will find her with the trees or in the water.