Mastery Empowerment Course
With Founder of The Melchizedek and Pleiadian Light Network
Anrita Melchizedek
Offer 1 includes:
Inner Tree of Life Higher Self Embodiment Activation
90-minute Masterclass with Anrita Melchizedek
Audio Download Now Available
Offer 1: 90-minute Masterclass with Anrita Melchizedek
2 Payment Option Available
Beloved hearts, the month of September propels us into the next level of our Soul’s Forward Evolution and for many, brings to us the next initiatory gateway of collective Higher Self Embodiment, amplified through the master number of 22, representing the energy of the Priesthood as well as that of Crystalline/Christ Consciousness.
Master numbers amplify the frequency of Zero Point, the Infinite, Eternal Now moment, and the Lion’s Gate, a Master Number Day, was a perfect Now moment of both higher and lower dimensional timelines played out and presented simultaneously, with the choice to step up as the Light of God We Are or continue to play out the karmic timelines and old earth illusions.
We could say the last nine months have been the preparation for this next collective shift in consciousness beloved hearts. June, July and August were very intense for many, with lower timelines, densities, karmic patterns and all the old, surfacing to be released as our perfect Divine Blueprint/Soul Blueprint comes back online and activates from deep within and as we rebirth and expand into Christ Consciousness.
In fact, beloved hearts, we have perfectly played out 4-D collectively, particularly the Heaven and Hell archetype, all in preparation for this Now moment. As the heart chakra continues to expand through the purity and innocence of our Soul Light and Inner Sun, lower chakras are activated and cleared through lower dimensional timelines and the back of the body, the upper chakras activate for higher dimensional timeline activations. The Pineal Gland continues to activate as the third eye becomes the primary sight, the New Earth envisioning and remembering. Ancient memories unveil in the merging of our multidimensional and Higher Selves. And as we awaken and remember, we shift from the innocent child into the loving parents.
We are now collectively vibrating to the frequencies of New Earth and organic Christed timelines and to a choir of celestial voices from deep within, having merged and integrated many of our Higher Selves, multidimensional Selves and future Selves. This pathway of Soul embodiment expands with greater levels of grace and ease as the Higher Self (Selves) deepen into the body and our consciousness expands beyond our body and into, and as the Unified Field of Divine Love. This is where we become our Ascended Aspects until that perfect Now moment of Physical Ascension, and the ability to take out body with us vibrationally into New Earth.
So collectively, this is a Spiritual Ascension, where our Higher Selves embody, and we become our Christed Aspects upon this sacred earth. Although there are many timelines, both individually and collectively, we are offering an opportunity in this Now to collectively amplify our Light frequency, primarily between September 16th and September 25th, both 22 Master Days, with September 25th being the final 22 Master Day of this sacred year of 2022. In addition to this, beloved hearts, we are presented with the Equinox Gateway on September 22nd and 23rd, amplifying all that we experience and taking us ever deeper into Solar Christ Consciousness.
To assist us in deepening into Soul Embodiment, we are offered the Inner Tree of Life Higher Self Embodiment Activation. This frequency activation uses the energy of sacred geometry, primarily the Golden Sun, representing Christ Consciousness, the Flower of Life, representing the Patterns of Perfection and the Inner Tree of Life as it embeds within and around the body, as our embodied Higher Selves.
The Inner Tree of Life Higher Self Embodiment Activation is a very powerful tool for Quantum Light activations as we bring our physical body online with New Earth. Whilst New Earth may have felt surreal, it now becomes more real in this passageway, and through this gateway.
Join us beloved hearts, as we deepen into experiencing the many facets of our multidimensional nature and reality through our Higher Selves and the collective Higher Light of all Awakening and Awakened Souls.
In this powerful transmission, we start with the Golden Sun Flower of Life Zero Point Activation through the Loving Heart and as the Golden Sun and Flower of Life activate around the body and energy field, we visualize, grid and activate the 11 Sephirot (Spheres) of the Kabbalah as the Golden Suns and Christed Light within the Flower of Life.
As we grid the Inner Tree of Life from sphere to sphere in the Golden Suns of Christ Consciousness and join the paths in Golden Triangles of Light, we end with 11 Spheres and 22 Paths. With this, beloved hearts, we create a multidimensional map and Divine Blueprint for Higher Self embodiment, and our ability to live our Ascended Selves as the Light of God We Are.
Join us in this celestial passageway as together we become our Higher Selves and Ascended Aspects upon this sacred earth.
Offer 2 Includes:
New Earth Invocations and Affirmations for Awakened Souls
The Trinity Lords Shield of Light and The Inner Tree of Life
Purchase the main Masterclass and receive these beautiful invocations for $11
Offer 2: New Earth Invocations
2 Payment Option Available
In this beautiful transmission, as we experience the pathway of Divine Love as well as deepen our connection to our Beloved I Am Presence and the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God, we are offered the gift of the Trinity Lords Shield of Light, a beautiful 12-pointed star with two infinity symbols embedded upon the star, one horizontal and one vertical. This Shield of Light initially activates through our inner Tree Life along the spinal column, imprinted through our chakras and the Overlighting of Lord Michael, Lord Melchizedek, Lord Metatron, and the Archangelic Leagues of Light. Once fully actualized, it forms a spherical shield 54 feet in diameter around us, surrounding the diamond sphere, the Golden Fruit of Life and Metatron’s cube, which links us ninth dimensionally in the Cosmic Heart of God.
From here, the Trinity Lords of Light and the related Archangels take us through the Inner Tree of Life, our spinal column upon which the Tree of Life activates, as well as the balancing of our Divine Masculine and Feminine Spirits through the flow of the kundalini energy in the creation of our etheric, electronic Bodies of Light.
A beautiful transmission for deepening levels of Soul Embodiment.
Offer 3: Purchase Anrita’s Special Offer and receive these two Masterclasses as part of your package.
These Mystery School teachings, offered as twelve beautiful transmissions, each 90-120 minutes in length, take you ever deeper into the remembrance of yourselves as Initiates of Light in service to Mother Earth and all her Life.
As timeless teachings, they are presented in the form of invocations, affirmations and guided visualizations with energetically encoded frequencies, Overlighted by the Order of Melchizedek as well as many of the Illumined Beings of Light from On High such as the Archangels, Mighty Elohim and Christed Extra-terrestrials.
Each Mp3 download comes with and without background music, and in some cases, transcribes are further provided.
Offer 1: 90-minute Masterclass with Anrita Melchizedek
Offer 2: New Earth Invocations
2 Payment Option Available
Offer 3: Included in Anrita's Special Offer On
What People Have To Say About Anrita
Hello Anrita
In joyous celebration of your glory and greatness I write to thank you for sharing your light with the universe. Your home on the web is one of ecstatic inspiration as you are an impressive individual whose life and work touch the purest depths of one’s soul. I found everything to be illuminating and insightful. You have my respect and admiration. By giving of yourself in such an uplifting way you benefit yourself and others. Know that you are a transformational force. Thank you for blessing the universe with the beauty of your true self. I wish you a journey of awakening that serves the highest good.
Namaste Anrita,
This initiation was astoundingly beautiful and impactful! I feel so honored to arrive at this sacred place, to come full circle, after such a long journey of invaluable life lessons and soul work. The love flowing in my heart for me, you, and others is palpable. Thank you so much for all your courage and dedication, you are so uplifting and inspiring!
Love and blessings,
Hi Anrita-
Your work has made such a huge difference on my journey over the past year. I don’t think I’ve cried as much with anyone else’s work — deep tears of revelations, releasing of layers that carry much for humanity well beyond any particular lifetimes, remembrances of Who and What I truly Am… way way way beyond words. Goodness, though there are times, like now, where it just all seems so beyond tiring I just want to be done, somehow I feel it IS the homestretch. Your Presence is one of the things that has helped me keep going! So Grateful for that.
Infinite Blessings,
About Anrita Melchizedek
Anrita Melchizedek is founder of The Melchizedek and Pleiadian Light Network, an ascension network of Light offering numerous programs of Light in the form of ebooks, Mp3’s, CD’s and audio DVD’s, as well as vibrational energy products. In her personal capacity, Anrita is an author, channel, star ambassador and workshop facilitator. She further has the gift of healing, and focuses this energy through the ascension workshops and lectures that she facilitates primarily on a global level. Anrita is a master teacher and also offers many training programs via tele/webinar as well as individual consultations, including DNA activations, Light Body/Merkaba activations, Soul purpose activations and channeled readings by the Elders, ancient, celestial Beings and High Council Members to the Order of Melchizedek. Anrita’s teaching style is uplifting and inspirational, and above all, offers keys to Self Mastery
Offer 1: 90-minute Masterclass with Anrita Melchizedek
Offer 2: New Earth Invocations
2 Payment Option Available