With Light Language Healer
Lisa Transcendence Brown
Watch This Introductory Course
Living Higher Consciousness HUmaNITY 2222 SOURCE Codes
This is an important time (vibration) for HUmanity and a HUGE OpportUNITY for BEing an integral part of creating and implementing a whole new SYSTEM that supports and benefits The People and ALL AS ONE. It presents infinite opportunities for NEW SOLUTIONS where an entirely NEW SYSTEM is born/emerges through a Massive Collective Consciousness Shift. All NEW Ways replace the old, outdated, distorted and out of balance/unconscious ones.
Uniting to work/live/co-exist together requires that each do their part, as all is CommUNITY/UNITY-BASED and supports ALL AS LOVE. A NEW EARTH HUMANITY lives within each one of us where compassion, care, deep sacred connection and respect govern and prevail. A NEW 12D VERSION OF EARTH already exists, where Full Consciousness and Living from our deeply connected hearts is how we access COSMIC REMEMBRANCE for shifting our Entire Planet over to a PEACEful and JOYful Society/Civilization of HUMANITARIANS all living/creating/working together FOR the BENEFIT of ALL….
NEW EARTH is OUR UNITED HUMANITY where all are included, where everyone benefits, everyone contributes and everyone receives. The “catch”? Everyone has to move beyond the old ways and open up to embrace all new ways, BEing the Difference/Change and dramatically shift entire lifestyles, priorities and behavior to REFLECT a much Higher State of Consciousness than before. This Global Reset brings all to ZERO POINT and occurs in continual phases/transitions and changes/shifts. We are DEEP in the middle of a massive PLANETARY & COSMIC ALIGNMENT of/for ALL. This occurs on a Quantum/Multi-Dimensional/Vibrational/Energetic/Cellular level that is understood when observing all through our Higher Consciousness Heart-Mind. This is a process of taking all into account and doing what is HUMANE, JUST and HONORS all as important and Sacred while INTENTIONALLY and CONSCIOUSLY DISSOLVING THE OLD and replacing it with that which is highest aligned on every level for all.
NEW Earth IS ASCENDED EARTH: We are in a collective rebirth/reset/re-do where everyone plays a part and has very important roles to fulfill as a part of Service to HUmanity NOW. NEW Earth Codes and Templates are ENCODED in everyone’s DNA and each’s Physical LightBody/Energetic Field is BEYOND IMPORTANT in achieving a Multi-Dimensional NEW Earth Vibratory Rate for experiencing all new realities here.
WE invite you to open your heart-mind fully and join us for this beautiful Mastery Empowerment Session to further accelerate Conscious(ness) Expansion and shifting through New Realizations, Full Presence/Observation and Awareness of how powerful WE ALL actually are when Uniting and Working together as Light. ☼
If you enjoyed this free course with Lisa, you are invited to this Special Offer of Multiple Mastery Empowerment Courses
Mastery Empowerment Courses of advanced learning at Your Finger Tips
Offer 1: Multiple Courses with Lisa.
MULTI-DIMENSIONAL EARTH (NOW): Re-associating Perceptions is Imperative (KEYCode)
Everyone has access to our Multi-Dimensional Earth… which determines Old Earth or NEW Earth experiences here. Not all will Consciously CHOOSE to do this journey Consciously and fully, forgo a more intense awakening experience here.
Shifting our PERCEPTIONS and VIEWS are KEY to shifting our ENTIRE REALITY with greater ease. Conscious Participation is done through our immense shifts in PERCEPTIONS and then how we OBSERVE/SEE EVERY THING changes according to this.
WE cannot access the new, by still trying to apply the “old” parameters, rules, value systems. On a human level, NEW EARTH IS ALL NEW everything and it’s our own individual experiences relative to many things that affect this. Yet as our highest aspects and versions, it’s a RETURNING and a REMEMBRANCE, so it’s not only not new, we’ve been waiting for this, worked for this, dedicated ourselves through service for this…. so that as all “arrives”, it’s exciting and PURE JOY. The “how’s” and “why’s” are different than our human aspect understands. This is a Quantum Existence, not a linear one.
Join us as we discuss an alternative “new way” to identify/see/associate, as well as various tools for SHIFTING our entire perception of all that we once believed. ALL are IN a massive awakening, transformation and Soul Consciousness Expansion progress right now. Each phase is different and relative to physical density and Light. Our DNA holds the CODES for all. This sharing is an activation of each’s higher consciousness DNA Strands and Codes through presence, openness and readiness to receive and utilize/implement as Pure Love Consciousness here.
Actualizing Your NEW Earth REALities Here
This amazing and phenomenal event with Lisa Transcendence Brown is now available for download in digital video or audio. This was a total of 10-hours with Lisa, and it will continue to work with you in your dream space and sleep space as you collapse old timelines and rewire yourself for New Earth. If you are ready to advance your understanding of how to BE and DO in Higher States of Consciousness…we invite you to experience this course for New Earth. You’ll be adding your energy to our group vibration and receiving ours in return from the Quantum Field!
NEW Earth is born/birthed from within you and you bring it forth to create all new realities here. It’s a completely different reality (infinite ones), than you once “thought” you were here to do/be/live/experience….. NEW Earth is awakened within you, through your own higher dimensional levels of consciousness, through your wide open heart, through your wide open mind and through an intricate process of DNA RE-WRITES that occur as you do the “opposite” of the 3D ways…..
NEW EARTH IS a QUANTUM EXISTENCE…. is your/our Ascended Earth – Experienced in a multitude of ways, all non-linear…..
NEW EARTH COMES FORTH as you, as your Higher Selves/Soul, awaken/emerge from within you, through your Kundalini/LightBody/Energy Body activating and working through every cell of your physical body to recode, re-calibrate, re-structure your whole body, systems, structures and how you function/where you function from…. an immense purification process to clear linearity, density, programming and “imprints” encoded and housed/held in place by your deeply embedded ego-matrix constructs…. Re-alignment and re-structuring of your “REALities” is an immense process that occurs by way of the activation of PHOTONIC LIGHT… This PHOTONIC LIGHT is pure Source Consciousness, it’s living, breathing DNA/RNA, it’s the Light of your Soul/OverSoul and every “level” of Consciousness that you “truly are”, farrrrrrrr and wayyyyyyy beyond your human ego aspect here.
LIGHT ENCODED INTELLIGENCE is in your Multi-Dimensional/MUCH Higher Consciousness DNA, which is activated vibrationally, through frequencies, tones and ENERGY, as well as through your experiences, which serve a multitude of purposes here. These “experiences” are a vibrational response to what you hold, unconscious/karmic timelines/realities that “need” to be cleared, your akash (on every level and there are many), as well as all of your brilliance, purity, gifts and abilities that lay dormant until you activate and utilize these, in conjunction with your own higher consciousness wisdom/guidance that opens up portals of immense possibilities, potentials and opportunities for you to utilize your FREE WILL (CHOICE) TO EMBRACE the NEW fully…. and leave the old mindsets/perceptions/limits/beliefs completely…. as you are here to completely RE-CREATE your REALities, in order to activate, anchor and experience your DREAMS in your physical (HEAVEN ON EARTH), TO ACTUALIZE THEM…. by way of BEing your highest consciousness you and coming to live, exist, work, function in/from UNITY, Pure Joy, Pure Love, Simplicity, Kindness, Consideration, Openness, Sharing, Supporting, while no longer supporting the old, which is how all is allowed to “continue”, because your ego aspect kept it going from a place of fear, judgment… a distrust that occurs from a place of separation held within.
TRANSCENDING ALL SEPARATION means re-connecting from your own Deep Soul Level inside and learning everything all over again. NEW EARTH is a whole new Value System, a whole new Everything…. it is experienced by your Quantum You, which emerges as your human aspect fully surrenders to your Soul/Higher Self you…..
NEW EARTH is Ascended Earth, where you begin to LIVE as a Multi-Dimensional here. It’s your ability to see, recognize and decide what’s appropriate, whats aligned, what’s in-tune harmonically through Purity and what is not, and your Response-Ability & Cap-Ability to tune, shift, and completely bring all realities in to a much higher state of consciousness yourself.
NEW EARTH is a Multi-Dimensional Earth, that is always available to all who are truly ready for this experience…. and is the GIFT we gave ourselves, yet we have to “earn it”, as it’s not handed to us on a Silver Platter… and all “entitlement” energy has to go. Once/AS we “learn”/allow ourselves to surrender, reconnect, play like an innocent child and REMEMBER the purity, ease, simplicity, PURE PEACE and JOY… then it’s time to start to step up to fulfill much higher purposes/missions/roles for all of HUmaNITY here. This innocence, magic and wide-open purity opens up “portals” to all “new” realities for us all…. and is a process of realigning our entire lives here.
WALKING IN A DREAM becomes our “new” for awhile. As we acclimate, integrate and LIVE HIGHEST CONSCIOUSNESS with our every breath, our entire reality BECOMES a DREAM… that supports us, our service to HUmaNITY and all multi-dimensional realities too. (Just not like any one of us “thought”, which is why all judgments and limited perceptions have to go).
Gaia has a new template now in place. A 12D Divine Template that re-distributes all on a Quantum Level, allocates all VIBRATIONALLY and non-linearly…. which is nothing like the old ways of 3D Consciousness, which is the “opposite” of how our realities work here. 3D was separation, ego and unconscious linear programs/mentalities and heavy density (emotions/mentally/physically), all suppressed and held in place by each, due to limited ability to see and understand, because our hearts have to open enough for “any of this” to become visible. First in the dream (sleep or waking day-dream) states, then more and more in the waking state as each fully opens up to ALLOW, the process of DNA/TEMPLATE rewrites/reconfigurations is a SOUL DECISION, not a human one. The amount of density that must clear, the amount of illusions and distortions that must become visible is immense. And the complete RE-EDUCATION that we all go through to awaken, bring forth and understand our highest states of consciousness is EXPERIENTIAL and through LIGHT CODES…. that can be “received” in a multitude of ways. First, WE must be completely open to this, or WE are the resistance…..
Join us for this Mastery Empowerment MasterClass to touch on a wide range of topics that are all part of the EQUATION, and to discuss the “hows” for opening up more, listening more, allowing more, choosing more, embracing more and shifting more…. AS YOUR HIGHER/HIGHEST SELVES, as your own Soul Self, your Multi-Dimensional Quantum YOU that exists BEYOND all of the previous mindsets, limits and beliefs “once” held. We discuss how everything is a matrix program, how each’s individual matrix system works, how to identify/understand an accelerate these processes and phases with greater ease, grace and as LOVE.
These courses/programs/series are all taught through the application and transmission of Simplified Quantum Light Codes, which correlates to Sacred Geometrics, Equations and Energetics all activated just through your presence, openness, readiness and participation in this inner-active event. Your willingness to hear and see and apply/implement “new” higher consciousness practices to your own life is HOW you actualize your own highest vibrational NEW Earth REALities here. Quantum Teachings are completely non-linear and bring all the “pieces and parts” forth, from a non-linear space and are delivered in a way that you can take/find your own understandings and see how all correlates to your own journey/experience here. ♥
Here are some of the Discussion Points we will mention/work into and some to discuss at length, so that you can see how vast all of this is, yet how “easy” when you truly understand and listen through your PURE HEART SPACE as your Higher Consciousness you:
The importance of:
- Conscious Choice, Conscious Creation, Conscious Sacred Connection
- Re-Prioritizing and focusing your conscious energy
- Discerning and shifting vibrationally, clearing the emotional programming on a cellular level
- Expanding your consciousness constantly
- Observing your partially open heart vs. your wide open heart
- Your Physical Body, how it plays a part, as well as how it goes through immense DNA re-writes (LightBody phases of NOW Evolution)
- How your Physical Reality is a vibrational response to all existences, not just the physical one
- From Linear to non-Linear (Quantum)
- Photonic Light/DNA Upgrades, Integration and Application
- Sleep/Waking States
- Multi-Dimensionality as a Conscious Experience or an Unconscious one
- Consciously Clearing Karma/Karmic Timelines (various levels are handled differently) as is Jumping/Consciously Collapsing Timelines too
- Light Quotients and Density
- Processing Speeds dictate how “fast” or “slow” all occurs (Quantum is Instant). Density slows this process down.
- Your relationships, how you support yourself, creating/building all new
- Physical Body, Gamma LightBody, Crystalline LightBody, Plasma LightBody, Avatar Consciousness LightBody and Photonic DNA/Light Intelligence
- How Cellular, Grids and Templates, Matrixes and Fields are a part of “all of this”
- Your Body/Field of Consciousness, Synchronization and Harmonization (Separation/Divisive or Unified Field)
- WayShowers, Gatekeepers, Gridkeepers, Stabilizers, Frequency-Code Holders, Guardians, Ancients. Emmisaries, Light Councils and more
- Re-aligning YOUR Life with greater ease
- How Acceptance is KEY, while other “acceptance” is no longer possible….
- Decoding your own Matrix programs and re-coding/re-programming as your higher/highest version/aspects of your self
- Embracing without EGO, while understanding your EGO and purposes of this…
- Stepping into your POWER as Higher Consciousness LOVE
- BEing a LIGHT in every way, without depleting and trying to “save” or “fix” or “need” anymore
- BEing the EXAMPLE, Showing the Way and allowing all to CHOOSE, from a deep sacred RESPECT AND LOVE for all as ONE here
- Sharing, supporting and receiving as a vibrational non-linear response….. means you coming from a very different place/space than before
- NEW Earth Relationships (Pure, Sovereign and no more “hiding”, lack, taking, imposing, projecting, ego games)
- Building and creating a whole new FOUNDATION for your REALities and emanating/working from this place/space….
- From Linear to Quantum to Quantum Linear…. your physical Lightbody will dictate, as well as your processing/production capabilities on a multi-dimensional level
- Releasing all JUDGMENTS and E-MOTIONS (mentalities/distortions), so that you can see clearly and choose/act from a different place/space inside
- Applying Diamond Light Code Consciousness to how you view, perceive, see and act
- Observing as your higher/highest selves to see/understand/choose vs. creating a judgment/opinion and getting caught up in duality games
- The processes of going offline and disconnecting from the old matrixes and grids and coming online with the Crystalline Matrix/Grids and networking systems of NEW Earth NOW/HERE.
- The reason we pull away, go inside and clear our fields of all external stimuli
- Becoming a fully conscious transmitter, receiver and generator … through your evolving DNA and re-generating LightBodies
- The importance of Full Conscious Surrender (your ego resists this at all costs and your body’s consciousness must be understood)
- Your awakening physical body transitioning over to 5D+ from 3D/4D Density/Consciousness
- Your Heart, Brain, Skull, Spine, Blood, Oxygen, Organs, Flesh, Eyes, Hearing, Throat, Glands, Muscles, Bones, Teeth…. and how all “plays a part” in all of “this” (Multi-Dimensional DNA Evolution occurring and accelerating constantly now)
- Understanding “Challenges” and breaking down the old linear everything as well as activating alternate realities, which are a part of multi-dimensionality
- NEW COMMUNICATION: Energetic, Light Codes, Telepathy and beyond words (Words are only used when teaching, synchronizing and accomplishing with greater ease. Words are different here…. Every word is vibrational and transmits a reality, so we take great care in every word breathed…. the same goes for thoughts, emotions… all energy that is formed for purposes of delivery and how all is received and all through Purity… which transmits clarity and very different signals than the vibration of human words. Every word and phrase has Encodements embedded, as does each’s body/field/energy, which is “read” through the Unified Field of Full Consciousness, where words don’t matter/are not necessary, unless there’s a specific purpose/point. Everything is signals, codes and data…. that is “read” and not visible to our human aspect, yet to use as Light BEings, this is how we function… which is very different than “the old” and a part of all of our Evolution here as Light BEings in form.
- Our return to an organic, living Consciousness life where all is connected, affected and unified as ONE. A pure existence not tainted by human ego distortions anymore, where all are an integral part and contribute to the much bigger picture for us all here…. WE Each “do” this from within us, which is how all shifts on a collective level and WE BEcome the “New” (Individually and together)…. as LOVE… fully connected again as Souls and StarBEings, LightBEings in form here.
- Pure Source Consciousness Embodiment = Beyond human mindsets and words…
- Abundance comes as you learn to truly understand, share, support, inspire and Master the Physical through your own highest states of consciousness here (Remembered States)
- How NEW Earth is full and infinite abundance. There is not one ounce of “lack” here, because of how we live/exist….
- How you do have to “let go”. You can’t have both. You do have to choose NEW EARTH or the ride/transition is beyond uncomfortable.
- Photonic DNA Evolution will challenge everything you once believed, challenge every part of your human aspect and re-work all for you too….
- This is a magical, surprising and brilliant, rewarding and pure heart expanding experience, once you embrace fully (and go all-in) too!
From linear to non-linear to Quantum, from your head to your heart to your higher mind consciousness and to CREATING, Constructing and Building your own NEW EARTH REALITIES through your own inner vision/guidance/seeing…. can be as “easy” as you are truly ready to embrace, BE and DO…. from that magical and magnificent and brilliant space inside that’s already “done” all of these realities…. the “doing” is the “tricky” part, because it’s nothing like the old…… ♥
Activating and providing a NEW ENERGETIC TEMPLATE (and blueprint) for each to work from, integrate and implement is important for us all. Part of what I do is assist with the activation, the explanations and bring all into new awareness… for easier transitions into NEW EARTH REALITIES… which supports us all as LOVE! ♥
This entire program is Light Encoded and a Key Code Activator through Avatar Consciousness Codes transmitted and received.
Creating Reality with Pure Love Unity Consciousness
NEW Earth is REALities that you CREATE from inside of you, through your own Connected Consciousness, that you BIRTH and bring into this world, that you nurture, grow, shape and release to be free to touch the lives of all others as LOVE. It’s your every-moment EXPERIENCE that you bring into highest alignment, through your own presence, your own vibration, your own transmission, your own observations, realizations and your own UNITY LOVE CONSCIOUSNESS that you hold and SHARE with all that you come into contact with too. It’s your Quantum Energy transmitting across all SPACE-TIME for you, through the Light Encodements that you’ve activated and emanate out from your ENTIRE BEING, to activate all higher dimensional realities to start to come forth to materialize in your physical reality here.HOW TO DO THIS will encompass many things, every thing…. and we will discuss learning to let go of “trying so hard” and learning to open up, listen, receive, see and allow all to come forth in response to the VIBRATION that you are “putting out”, through your work, through your connections, through your beliefs/thoughts and HOW to bypass some of the “hang-ups” that the intellectual human mind can create, which disrupt the field of PURE FLOW.
Learn how to:
- SHIFT easier
- CALL FORTH those realities that you desire
- What you have to do next in order to make all happen, which is also a part of higher consciousness existence
- It’s what you DO that matters (and where you come from), once you’ve integrated enough Light, in order to focus your own conscious energy to JUMP to a higher dimensional timeline faster for you to EXPERIENCE here.
- Learn the ENERGIES of Alchemy, Mastery and NEW Earth Existence that you must apply to your every-moment-life
- Learn how to transform, transform and Unify all back into LOVE fully from within
Intentionally Shift into New Earth Realities
NEW Earth Existence Program: Module 2
“Opening Our Hearts and Minds to Unify as One, Recognizing Resistance, Letting Go/Surrendering to Self and What Happens as We Do” MP3 Digital Recording of this Group Module Download (3 hours and 36 minutes) MP3 Digital Download: Quantum Light Activation “You Are Love, Pure & Simple: Letting Go of All That Is Not You” (12 minutes)
All Light Encoded Higher-Consciousness Activation Work, listen to this recorded replay brought forth from Lisa Transcendence Brown, co-host (and fellow angel), Melissa Adams, and program participants for Module 2 recording from Lisa’s NEW Earth Existence 13-Week In-Depth Full Program Series.
As the vibrations on Earth rise substantially to open the hearts and minds of all, everyone and everything is going through a HUGE transformation process and evolving beyond anything once even considered as possible before. The entire process will literally blow your mind, which is the point. Opening your heart ignites your soul, and triggers any human separation and lack of pure love to emerge/cleanse your cells so that your true you, your pure you, the light of your own soul can fully emerge, come through and integrate inside of your body for you to walk on NEW Earth NOW. This is a whole new existence, one where you see old programs, yet do not believe them anymore. They no longer control you, dictate your world and how you live your life anymore. Pure freedom, pure peace, pure deep profound and sacred love. The Divinity of your essence radiates from your entire being as you hold light and leave the old mentality realities behind. This is a vast process that can be simple when you fully open your heart and mind, relinquish the fight between your head and heart and surrender to your own higher self aspects and honor them from inside of you. They are no longer “out there”. You become these aspects, which is confusing as you merge multiple dimensional aspects of your selves. Lucid Dreamy, sleepy, foggy is a huge part of this process too. Decoding the matrix, transcending all human’ness and lack. Standing in your power, from inside, claiming the brilliance and magnificence that you already are, releasing the old belief systems that used to run rampant and silently in your subconscious, listening to them, dissolving any resistance and struggle and merging all back to love inside. Self acceptance, self empowerment, self love… embracing who you truly are and realizing who you are not, where you compromised, didn’t honor you… all of this is a part of the Awakening to Remembering process that all go through. You can completely transcend all and Live a vibrant and thriving life of pure love, pure bliss, pure magic… You do have to choose it and want it enough. We discuss all of this so that you have the tools of knowledge and higher consciousness wisdom to guide you into experiencing all of this with greater ease and happiness too!
In this module, we discussed:
- Opening Our Hearts and Minds to Unify as One
- Recognizing Resistance, Letting Go/ Surrendering to Self, and what happens as we do
- Upgrading as a Constant Process: Flowing with the self, mind, and physical world as it presents and the navigational tools to accomplish this
- Seeing Opportunities as Gifts: Opportunities as the Universe’s way to get us to take our gifts and put them out there to assist, stepping into the energy of fear and working with the energy that blocks us from opportunities. The power of saying “I AM ready.”
- Awareness and Consciousness: Seeing with your whole body, being conscious of what is going on with us in every moment. Using the “outside world” as a tool to see. Setting up markers for the different dimensions/aspects of self that are present.
- Responsibility, taking our power back, and giving others the gift of responsibility for their own realities.
- Unity Consciousness: Differences between conscious and unconscious
- Awareness and our Hologram: BEing aware of the energy you are transmitting and how it affects your hologram/holographic reality, coming from the highest state of consciousness in every moment, recognizing energy and how it affects flow, understanding the energy of everything. You are the gridwork for New Earth!
QUANTUM LIGHT ACTIVATION: You Are Love, Pure & Simple: Letting Go of All That Is Not You (12 minutes)
Choosing from the heart means raising up in vibration and letting everything go. The need to hold on causes suffering by drawing a reality to you that you do not want based on old, unconscious programming. Our consciousness dictates the reality we get. When we come from love, light, and peace, we get a reality of love, light, and peace. In this activation, Lisa guides you to let go of the old beliefs and remember your mastery fully in order to live beyond the veils. We are here to shine, and we do so by intentionally shifting out of our heads and into our hearts. Remember that you have a choice, and you can choose to live from your heart as love, pure and simple.
Video-on-Demand with downloadable video and audio recording
In this 4.5 hour Quantum Discussion, Lisa will provide you with clear tools to utilize and implement in order to further open your own inner channels to higher dimensional/higher vibrational knowledge and realities for you to anchor in your physical reality here.
An entire Light Encoded exchange, together we will simplify the process of accessing alternate dimensions and timelines and processes for HOW to understand, use this information, open portals that grow from energetic ones emanating from your heart to ones you actually walk through in order to actually EXPERIENCE your NEW Earth realities faster. We will discuss the perceived perpetual blocks and how to bypass and dissolve these with greater ease. Lisa will provide you with KEY CODES that collapse old matrix programming the moment you speak them.
We will discuss many of the process for how Multi-Dimensionality works, as there are intricacies that are SOOOO simple, they blow our human minds.
Understanding how our physical bodies fit into this whole thing, how our physical reality correlates and is a RESPONSE, and how to expand our consciousness BEYOND the physical in order to SEE what was not visible before gives us POWER we didn’t not have before.
We will have open discussion throughout, to answer YOUR QUESTIONS, so that you can shift easier, get more clarity and understand easier in order to get started immediately!
What you will receive:
- A brand new Quantum Crystalline Light Body Activation written by Lisa just for this!
- Simple tools to implement for greater ease!
- How to open portals/channels to your infinite Universal Higher Selves
- How to shift from weak victim-mode, non-believing or hesitancy to NEW POWER in doing this
- What to do with the information once you have it
- How different phases and processes work
- Replace 1 way communication with 2-way communication
- How to read your own matrix programs and some simple decoding tools you can use too
- How to stop trying so hard and do all of this with great ease!
- So very much more!
So, bring yourself, your readiness and we shall rock it out as love! ♥ How exciting! More for everyone! WE LOVE this! So much fun! ♥ See you there!
Ascension Activations of Light
NEW Earth is REALities that you CREATE from inside of you, through your own Connected Consciousness, that you BIRTH and bring into this world, that you nurture, grow, shape and release to be free to touch the lives of all others as LOVE. It’s your every-moment EXPERIENCE that you bring into highest alignment, through your own presence, your own vibration, your own transmission, your own observations, realizations and your own UNITY LOVE CONSCIOUSNESS that you hold and SHARE with all that you come into contact with too. It’s your Quantum Energy transmitting across all SPACE-TIME for you, through the Light Encodements that you’ve activated and emanate out from your ENTIRE BEING, to activate all higher dimensional realities to start to come forth to materialize in your physical reality here.
Online Healing Retreat Description:
Ascension Activations of Light with Lisa Transcendence Brown.
Every reality moves at the frequency and speed that we transmit from within. The frequency of the heart transmits “faster” than that of the slow-thinking-limited-human-mind”. As one UNIFIES their heart and their mind at the same frequency, the ability to span multiple dimensions and actually intentionally AFFECT and eventually MASTER REALITIES is something we all have the capability of. In this Healing Retreat, we will discuss HOW to understand, how to bypass the “separation of time”, which is a human creation held within. We will activate your own knowledge and that which you already hold. We will also be providing a MULTI-DIMENSIONAL ACTIVATION that you can listen to and sleep to integrate and absorb. T his entire program is light encoded and transmits at such a high frequency you may feel “high” as you raise instantly, which may cause you to need to sleep. This is normal when one is activated in light. Allow for sleep and drink more water to assist with the energy that will be activated to move through your body as well. This IS a LIGHTBODY ACTIVATION as well. Join us and get ready to expand! ♥
Please join me in this sacred event Online Healing Retreat Ascension Activations. All have come here to “Remember” on their journey of Reawakening to that which has been veiled within the human mind. Simultaneously, the human sheds all and completely transforms energetically, to integrate into a BEing that goes BEyond human. A process of emergence, activation, integration, re-evolving, back into that which has been forgotten. A journey of light expansion from within; a cosmic connection that is reached through the heart. This even answers those unanswered questions that do not exist in the physical. We translate higher realm world energies here, from within.
Bonus: Light Encoded Mp3 Frequency Activation: “Intentional Quantum Realities” This is meant for you to relax/sleep to in order to absorb and integrate these higher light frequencies that are activated with this. Focused on activating what you already know, this will take you on a journey within, into expansion and REMEMBERING yourself as a Multi-Dimensional Higher-Self-Light-Being again.
New Earth Existence Program
NEW Earth Existence Program: Module 2
“Opening Our Hearts and Minds to Unify as One, Recognizing Resistance, Letting Go/Surrendering to Self and What Happens as We Do” MP3 Digital Recording of this Group Module Download (3 hours and 36 minutes) MP3 Digital Download: Quantum Light Activation “You Are Love, Pure & Simple: Letting Go of All That Is Not You” (12 minutes)
All Light Encoded Higher-Consciousness Activation Work, listen to this recorded replay brought forth from Lisa Transcendence Brown, co-host (and fellow angel), Melissa Adams, and program participants for Module 2 recording from Lisa’s NEW Earth Existence 13-Week In-Depth Full Program Series.
As the vibrations on Earth rise substantially to open the hearts and minds of all, everyone and everything is going through a HUGE transformation process and evolving beyond anything once even considered as possible before. The entire process will literally blow your mind, which is the point. Opening your heart ignites your soul, and triggers any human separation and lack of pure love to emerge/cleanse your cells so that your true you, your pure you, the light of your own soul can fully emerge, come through and integrate inside of your body for you to walk on NEW Earth NOW. This is a whole new existence, one where you see old programs, yet do not believe them anymore. They no longer control you, dictate your world and how you live your life anymore. Pure freedom, pure peace, pure deep profound and sacred love. The Divinity of your essence radiates from your entire being as you hold light and leave the old mentality realities behind. This is a vast process that can be simple when you fully open your heart and mind, relinquish the fight between your head and heart and surrender to your own higher self aspects and honor them from inside of you. They are no longer “out there”. You become these aspects, which is confusing as you merge multiple dimensional aspects of your selves. Lucid Dreamy, sleepy, foggy is a huge part of this process too. Decoding the matrix, transcending all human’ness and lack. Standing in your power, from inside, claiming the brilliance and magnificence that you already are, releasing the old belief systems that used to run rampant and silently in your subconscious, listening to them, dissolving any resistance and struggle and merging all back to love inside. Self acceptance, self empowerment, self love… embracing who you truly are and realizing who you are not, where you compromised, didn’t honor you… all of this is a part of the Awakening to Remembering process that all go through. You can completely transcend all and Live a vibrant and thriving life of pure love, pure bliss, pure magic… You do have to choose it and want it enough. We discuss all of this so that you have the tools of knowledge and higher consciousness wisdom to guide you into experiencing all of this with greater ease and happiness too!
In this module, we discussed:
- Opening Our Hearts and Minds to Unify as One
- Recognizing Resistance, Letting Go/ Surrendering to Self, and what happens as we do
- Upgrading as a Constant Process: Flowing with the self, mind, and physical world as it presents and the navigational tools to accomplish this
- Seeing Opportunities as Gifts: Opportunities as the Universe’s way to get us to take our gifts and put them out there to assist, stepping into the energy of fear and working with the energy that blocks us from opportunities. The power of saying “I AM ready.”
- Awareness and Consciousness: Seeing with your whole body, being conscious of what is going on with us in every moment. Using the “outside world” as a tool to see. Setting up markers for the different dimensions/aspects of self that are present.
- Responsibility, taking our power back, and giving others the gift of responsibility for their own realities.
- Unity Consciousness: Differences between conscious and unconscious
- Awareness and our Hologram: BEing aware of the energy you are transmitting and how it affects your hologram/holographic reality, coming from the highest state of consciousness in every moment, recognizing energy and how it affects flow, understanding the energy of everything. You are the gridwork for New Earth!
QUANTUM LIGHT ACTIVATION: You Are Love, Pure & Simple: Letting Go of All That Is Not You (12 minutes)
Choosing from the heart means raising up in vibration and letting everything go. The need to hold on causes suffering by drawing a reality to you that you do not want based on old, unconscious programming. Our consciousness dictates the reality we get. When we come from love, light, and peace, we get a reality of love, light, and peace. In this activation, Lisa guides you to let go of the old beliefs and remember your mastery fully in order to live beyond the veils. We are here to shine, and we do so by intentionally shifting out of our heads and into our hearts. Remember that you have a choice, and you can choose to live from your heart as love, pure and simple.
This is a 3-hour session where we discuss, answer great questions, assist, guide and activate in light! The 2nd half of this will provide a recorded journey for you to experience perfectly just for you! We shall take you through a holographic journey into other dimensions to assist you with opening up and seeing from the inside for the purpose of bringing vibrational NEW Earth further into the dimension you live in. All from within. Join us in this recorded program to activate and listen at your convenience. The ability to relax and/or sleep during the 2nd half is necessary for the journey activation part.
Quantum Light Activations and 3-Hour Online Course!
Quantum Light Activations are simple and activate all in frequency by bypassing the human mind and going straight to the heart, soul, cellular memory and other dimensional aspects of you. You absorb these while you rest or sleep and utilize the phrases, words, and tones to re-program through your consciousness. Simultaneously, these go straight to your unconscious programs for you. Soft, subtle and quiet is how they permeate your being. Some are short, for we don’t need all of the words anymore. Frequencies travel through the tones and sounds and activator words. Some are longer for a visual journey to take you through seeing from within.
These activations bring forth that which you seek to know and understand. Hidden deep inside of you are keys and codes of the entire universe and beyond. Each time you make that choice to embrace, release, commit… you open up a portal to walk through it. It’s beyond the beliefs of fear, the stories and the untruths that we “thought” were real. Now it’s time for all to choose their realities and honor what is true from within.
This dedication alone will catapult you on your own Awakening and Ascension Journey here. Expanding your consciousness allows you access into multiple dimensions. We simplify the process and go straight to the activation of your light. We unify the terms, the words, the separated belief systems to bring them together to as one.
You hold an immense amount of power, are an unlimited being full of love and span across multiple dimensions, realities, parallels and timelines. In order to BE this unlimited being, you unify all of these existences, beliefs, realities, identities, parallels and timelines into this one here.
Meant to be absorbed, these are a higher frequency than the human aspect and may cause you to sleep. Please honor sleep where called, to allow for integration of these higher light frequencies within.
~ Aloha Nui Loa for your presence and embracing YOU, which is necessary part as part of being in-service and assists us in fulfilling our purposes/missions here. ♥
9 Quantum Light Activations in MP3 Format
This is a compilation of Quantum Light Frequency Activations recorded to assist you in REMEMBERING again. Each activation will speak to a space inside of you, assisting you in reclaiming that which you have forgotten in order to bring your magnificent and abundant you forth here. Some subtle, some profound, some never understood, new awarenesses are activated for you to see, experience and utilize in re-creating your NEW Earth realities here. These will make ALL that has been hidden within more visible, including old programs and beliefs. This will give you the ability to re-program yourself and release that which is no longer true. You must see it first if you desire to fully transcend it from within. As you do, you will achieve a greater connection as SOURCE. All emerges as energy, allowing you to BECOME who you truly are again. Come to experience more peace as you release and unify inside. You can activate more light each time you listen!
Quantum Light Activation 1:
Holding a Frequency for The Embodiment of Light-Reforming Matter From the Inside
This is to activate your own inner vision to see how matter is truly formed. It takes you through how a hologram is created and reshapes as you/we hold more light! You will SEE HOW all shapeshifts as a projection inside of you. (Recording length 31:10)
Quantum Light Activation 2:
I’m Not Here to Forgive, I’m Here to Let Go & BE Free & BE Love Again
I am sorry, please forgive me and I “need to forgive” are part of the dualistic human mindset (program) of “someone did something wrong”. This activates you by giving you the keys to unlocking those prison doors to freedom again from within. (Recording length 12:30)
Quantum Light Activation 3:
Making The Invisible Visible To See & Release Through Love
In order to transcend it, we have to recognize it so that we can release the resistance and it with greater ease. Higher Inner Vision is a natural way of being, yet practicing is required when we don’t know how to activate or utilize it. Vision gives us choice and choice is an opportUNITY to change our entire reality from within. (Recorded length 6:12)
Quantum Light Activation 4:
Releasing All Contracts & ReWriting All New
Soul contracts are a huge part of this journey and utilizing these is KEY. Activate the awareness and ability to see through soul contracts and change them if you desire! You have these abilities and power(s) inside. (Recording length 6:20)
Quantum Light Activation 5:
Clearing Timelines In Your Sleep
Sleep is the most magnificent way to “work” here. We can bypass so much human experience stuff now! We get to clear and jump timelines without our mind needing to be involved at all. WE use the sleep state for us! This will activate these “knowledge codes” so that you can consciously be clearing and jumping at-will! (Recording length 13:56)
Quantum Light Activation 6:
BEing In-Service: Reprogramming Lack & Self-Judgment- Becoming Angels & Guides Again
Every one of us as Light Workers/Weavers, Light Activators, Light Holders, and Light BEings held lack and self-judgment (all energies) within our human structure and cellular memory. WE came here to transcend this so that we could be in-service to humanity here. With this activation, YOU re-program and activate your higher light frequencies for embodiment here! (Recording length 7:15)
Quantum Light Activation 7:
Activating 5th Dimension & Higher Realm Frequencies From Within with Exercises
This entire journey is expanding, recognizing, seeing, choosing and practicing what we have forgotten and was hidden deep within our own programming inside. This activates your higher light and provides a couple of exercises for you to implement into your moments to practice for REMEMBERING again! (Recording length 9:35)
Quantum Light Activation 8:
I Activate My Abundance Frequency Within Me
Everything is a frequency. Everything is inside. You activate it yourself by transmitting higher light. This practice will assist you in bringing forth your abundant you. You expand into abundance again and it comes forth in response to you! You become a programmer! (Recording length 11:12)
Quantum Light Activation 9:
You Are LOVE Pure & Simple-Letting Go of All That Is Not You
As you REMEMBER this fully, your entire reality will change. Love, fun, magic and playing returns. You radiate out, no longer seeking this from anyone else. Loving you is the biggest gift you will ever give yourself. As YOU emerge and you affect everyone and everything by just sharing your Divine Essence with everyone else. (Recording length 12:01)
Digital PDF Book:
Awakening To Remembering: A Journey of Consciousness
You will want to read this to receive the higher frequencies of light and gain simplified understandings of the overall Ascension Process here. It is meant as an overview and to introduce one and shift the old human perceptions into how all truly came to be, what things really are and open a portal, a gateway into you connecting with your own soul and higher self aspect for embodiment in the physical here. (33 pages)
Digital PDF Book:
Navigating Dimensions: Reminders for Remembering
Awakening & Ascension Guide Book
This is a comprehensive simplified guide book to assist you in REMEMBERING your way BACK to the 5th Dimension from inside of you. It will assist you in reclaiming your power and transcending old programmed beliefs of fear, lack, blame, shame, guilt, not good enough, judgment and more. It explains how to understand, transmit, transmute and transform old programs so that you can re-program your own reality AS SOURCE and CREATOR again. Come to understand the purpose of confusion, anger, tears, fear, loss of identities and memories, sleep, lucid dreaming and more. This book speaks directly to your higher self, multi-dimensional aspects and your soul. This is a must have for every awakening being here. (358 pages)
A 3-Hour Part Live/Part Recorded Special Event Audio Session
In this very special session, we start live to discuss, answer questions, assist, guide and activate in light! The 2nd half of this will provide a recorded journey for you to experience perfectly just for you! We shall take you through a holographic journey into other dimensions to assist you with opening up and seeing from the inside for the purpose of bringing vibrational NEW Earth further into the dimension you live in. All from within. Join us live or via replay to activate and listen at your convenience. The ability to relax and/or sleep during the 2nd half is necessary for the journey activation part. Live participants are limited to 100 max.
NEW EARTH FOCUS GROUP – In-VISIONing, Inspiring and Initiative!
Group Teaching Discussion & Energy-Shifting Session
TWO COURSES IN ONE!! Receive an immediate Download – 15 hour Immersion & Expansion Course (in audio or video version)
Please watch the 12 hour immersion course first.
This is a program to inspire you, break down and through old limiting programming and provide various new ways of “seeing”, so you have “new tools” for working in Universal and Divine Flow. Our time together (either live or via replay), is to show you how simple all is, yet you have to be ready to “do” that which comes forth, as we access multi-dimensional information that requires implementation, incorporation and application to ignite beautiful and exciting flow. Anchoring NEW Earth within and in our reality too, is a MASTERY PRACTICE through alchemy and Divine Sacred Connection, where infinite magic and magnificence exists. All is inside. Let’s awaken this and bring it forth together! Groups are amazing when the energy is excitement, readiness and embracing creativity, exploration and simplicity too!
Are you ready to play with us? We are always ready! Join us!
Uniting our Energy to activate more NEW Earth REALities! Beyond inspiring and exciting too!
Session 1: Initial Activation
4.5 hours
This group session we will work with the activation of our inner-vision/access and welcoming in “new” awareness, seeing, understandings for shifting ourselves into higher vibrational timelines, by shifting out of the old and opening up to everything that is presented for us to break down those fixed and limiting inner-barriers, judgments, dis-beliefs, programs, conditioning, excuses, and that we held through our own unconscious mentalities and perceptions of before.
Lisa will do/provide an activation to assist us with shifting and expanding our consciousness/energy into an open space of excitement and readiness for all “new”. This discussion will identify some of the limits we’ve all imposed, held onto, believed and ways to transcend/shift easier, by shifting our focus and learning how to navigate through fully connected heart-consciousness, inviting unity, peace and softness in (Divine Feminine) and combining it with our own inner-drive/power (Divine Masculine) to accomplish in Divine Productive Flow.
It’s time to further embrace those gifts/abilities/skills and all you have access to, in order to create “more” organically to grow, flourish and inspire through Unity Love for all!
Lisa will provide some simple exercises that will initiate all for Day 2!
Session 2: Visionary Expansion
8 hours
Once all have integrated Day 1, we will come back together ready to further explore and seed/birth anew together, from a new baseline. We will share new visions, share the excitement, share the knowing and ways to start implementing/incorporating this “new awareness” into a more aligned reality that activates more ease, grace and flow. Part of the human ego is it won’t make a decision that it can’t control or see what it’s getting out of all and it short changes all. The “reversal” of this is to open up flow and allow all to come forth naturally and organically. We will discuss ways to do this and open up for participants to also share some ways that worked for them along the way, in order to start to see how simple all of this is. Our programming/conditions, energy and mentalities were the the block. Our Creator heart is the opposite of that.
Wide open hearts and minds are necessary for embracing our magic fully here. This program to support/assist. BE open and ready to shift, share, receive, expand and embrace that which is highest aligned for you in this current moment too! ♥
Lisa will share simplified Mastery Tools to assist each with aligning easier and calling forth more new. We will conclude with you having access to new inspiration and ideas, as well as various simple ways to get started on accomplishing that which has already occurred in a higher dimensional timeline and just waits to be activated to arrive/materialize as a vibrational response to you!
BONUS – Recorded Group Call as Follow Up Integration Experience (3 Hours)
Lisa and Lauren join together for another inner-active follow-up expansion group video session with the live/replay participants of the NEW EARTH FOCUS GROUP. In the first two sessions, we discussed and explored many topics relative to this journey as VISIONARIES, which is just a part of all here. For this one, we come together again, to take all further, to contribute to additional expansion and assisting with furthering the topic and each’s continued conscious focus too. We are excited to join together for this 2-3 hour sharing and inspiration group gathering expansion session. Please be sure to have participated with the first session (either live or replay) prior to joining us for this one, so we are not “repeating” things already covered, which will allow us to progress into more expanded topics to assist with holding a much vaster awareness for how important maintaining and sustaining our highest states of consciousness are for fully embracing, creating, anchoring and living our most magical realities here (individually and together when we unite for this). ♥
>Hold your New Earth Vision and you will birth New Earth from within you, by living in this place of Soul Alignment. Enjoy all the upgrades in your life as we truly live from this place – this year sets us up big for the 2020 acceleration Lisa spoke of in this course.
>As you enjoy this recorded program, remember, you are a PART of the Group Energy Field we created! We support each of you on your journey. Happy New Earth Creations!
This empowering course opens your Heart to Your Soul and teaches you how to hold that space and LIVE from there. It is our greatest hope and aspiration that you step into your Greatness and Envision New Earth with us for it is ours to create from within ourselves!! It is why we are each here and it is simple when we feel into our bodies, purify our heart and share our Love and Light with Others. Our Highest Consciousness is ready to be expressed in the World!
Offer 2: Quantum Jumping and Quantum Alchemy
Item 1: Quantum Timeline Jumping
Downloadable Course Audio MP3: 3 hours & 47 minutes.
Value: $333
Multi-Dimensional embodiment is challenging to our human aspect. Realities constantly changing & shifting, speeding up, slowing down, flip-flopping all over the place until we get the hang of traveling through Stargates and timeline jumping.
Catapulting = Quantum. All over the place = Quantum. Super mega fast = Quantum. Huge reality adjustments = Quantum. Bizarre = Quantum. Rapid Release = Quantum. Challenging = Quantum. Magical = Quantum. Everything = Quantum, we just don’t realize it in the beginning.
When we first start to awaken, it’s as a human, where our soul/spirit has awoken inside of our body (but we don’t fully understand this yet) and opening up to a higher (self) existence begins too. As we embrace our Spirit/Soul journey of higher consciousness expansion, we awaken as multi-dimensionals too. Embodiment is an evolution and continual transition phases from carbon-based human to Universal/Cosmic higher selves spanning galaxies and beyond, while transcending all things human-ego-aspect within ourselves. Our fixed-reality-linear programmed human aspect does not do well with Quantum, for realities are not fixed. Time/lines/realities collapse and realities start to shift. Inside and outside, as both are the same. As we anchor light inside of us our template that held time completely changes. The higher we vibrate overall, the less time exists until it completely collapses into an ENERGETIC FIELD/SPACE where we function from Zero Point, across dimensions & timelines as a Quantum Light Being, instead of linearly like before. We find ourselves in a vibrational existence that is no longer bound by human separation of time. Every reality that collapses is unifying for us, so that we can move into a higher vibrational conscious reality faster, yet our human aspect is not always aware of this. A collapse of timelines (realities) opens portals to other/alternate realities, new opportunities and moves us further into that which is more aligned with our Soul’s purposes and Galactic missions here. As humans, we don’t have access to how all of this works. Understanding how to maneuver, navigate, identify and shift easily, minimizes those abrupt awakenings/landings, those realities that have to shock us awake, keep the physical from going haywire while we just try to hold on, as we have to choose to quickly let go to not be drug down with it…..
Earth went Super Quantum and so did we. Being unaware of this will keep one in a confused and chaotic state. This is a process of understanding, applying new tools to a Quantum Existence and our ability to jump from realities/timelines easier, without the harshness of unconscious collapse because we didn’t want to listen, see, know and do.
This Light Encoded information is to assist with understanding processes and how to maneuver with greater ease. Navigating the “Universal Obstacle Course” as well as the “ping-pong effect” (my words) of Quantum Realities is Mastery within itself. We discuss how to recognize old timelines to intentionally collapse in order to move into new ones faster for you too!
This is a recorded interactive almost 4 hour workshop/program with group participant discussion, available via MP3 download.
This is a starter course to assist with expansion into your next phase of your own Quantum Evolutionary Embodiment Journey here.
Discussion Points/Topics:
- How to understand, identify and flow with timeline shifts as they occur
- Intentional collapse vs. unconscious chaotic ones
- Choosing vibrational timelines and parallels
- Releasing old timelines with greater ease
- How to activate portals to open, both energetically and physically
- Quantum Hopping & “The Ping Pong Effect”
- Expanding into infinite dimensions and then contracting back down “into human” again to expand back again
- Moving from linear to non-linear realities
- Sooooo very much more!
*All courses are light encoded and activate your multi-dimensional consciousness for further expansion. Your human aspect will often not be aware of anything, unless you are completely tuned in and have learned how to read your own encodements. Just be patient, and apply the tools/information on a regular basis. Often gradual, this is in no way linear at all. Just by attending, you have received/been activated!
Special Note: Registration for this course is accomplished by you separately through Lisa’s Mastery School, once you’ve purchased from Quantum Conversations and received your receipt/access instructions. Just follow the instruction to complete and get started! Some Course Testimonials & Reviews
Item 2: Understanding Quantum Energetics & Alchemy
Included in this Recorded Program/Course:
- 1 Hour Video: Part/Day 1 Video Recording of Introduction with Live Participants
- 4 Hour & 11 Minute Video: Recorded Interactive Group Video Discussion Course
- 1 Hour & 42 Minute Video (Part 2 ), where we concluded and talked further to include more!
- 52-Page PDF for you to download and utilize as a workbook/workable application for continued expansion too
- MP3 Audio format for download
Course Content:
Physical REALities are a combination of all things ENERGY. This is an alchemical process. Physical matter takes form as a vibrational response, and as a result, of our own consciousness / unconsciousness. This course is focused on simplified understandings on how to access these natural gifts and further becoming a pure alchemist again. Quantum is how we catapult, collapse timelines intentionally and continually creating all new realities in alignment with our highest soul’s purposes here.
As humans we look at the outside world and can’t believe that WE CREATED THAT. Well WE did, everyone of us, and the “answers” are held within our cellular memory and human and higher consciousness DNA. As WE realize (real-eyes) this, we take our power back, we see what is ours, what is others, what is collective, what is true, what is not true, we start to see in illusions, holograms, feeling the vibrations of discord (unconscious programs) and when there is much to be cleared on a cellular level, it can become overwhelming, which is a sign to show us where we need to place our attention. When our physical reality is out of alignment, then there’s something inside of us that needs attention, some where we need to re-focus, shift and tune to a higher vibrational reality/plane of existence to transcend and resolve all back into love from within.
Love is not what we thought it was. It’s the opposite and requires an entire mentality shift. Realities are energetic first, vibrational first, represent mindsets, beliefs, limited or expanded, love or lack, empowered from within or dis-empowered due to an old cellular memory program.
Come explore with us, ask questions, get answers for how to see and understand, how to shift perceptions, how to recognize and shape physical matter into a whole new reality from within.
This is a process of understanding, applying new tools to a Quantum Existence and our ability to jump from realities/timelines easier, without the harshness of unconscious collapse because we didn’t want to listen, see, know.
Come to understand the processes and how to maneuver with greater ease, how to identify what’s going on to intentionally collapse old timelines to move into new ones faster for you too!
This recorded interactive 4 hour 11 minute workshop/program with participant discussion, available via MP3 download upon completion.
We welcome reviews to assist others to be submitted for each course. This is a starter course to assist with expansion into your next phase of your own Quantum Evolutionary Embodiment Journey here.
Discussion Points/Topics:
- Detecting energetic patterns & programs
- Reading/Seeing/Understanding the Energy of Unconscious/Subconscious programs
- Transforming, Shifting, Tuning all as Love
- Intentionally Affecting Energetically
- Programming as a Master again
- How Matter Takes Physical Form
- Using Innate Sensory Gifts & Powers (hear, see, feel, know)
- Universal Life Force Energy & Higher Mind Intelligence
- Sooooo very much more!
*All courses are light encoded and activate your multi-dimensional consciousness for further expansion and application of Mastery Tools and Natural Abilities/Gifts here.
**In order to gain access the Understanding Quantum Energetics & Alchemy Program/Course included in your Special Offer Purchase, you will need to complete separate Course Registration through Lisa’s Mastery School. This will be provided to you upon reciept of purchase.
Offer 3: Both Offers 1 and 2 for $297
Purchase the whole bundle. All the courses and Quantum Jumping and Quantum Alchemy
What People Have To Say About Lisa
Awesome! I have been listening to Lisa’s information for over a year. I wonder if this course would give me any more additional information. The answer was YES!! If you have never listened to Lisa or are a long time follower of her work, this course is going to Quantum push you to the next level! Buy it!!!
Intense! This course was so intense I could barely keep up with the info, but the cool thing was I didn’t need to. The realizations I had after the course keep flowing and I didn’t have to do anything other than be present as much as possible every day as I went about my day.
An Excellent, Must-Take Course! Lisa does an amazing job explaining how quantum timeline jumping and collapse works. Her words are direct and to the point, cutting through the fog and bringing clarity. You feel every word and every thought coming directly from her heart. I highly recommend this course to everyone, no matter where on your journey you may be.
About Lisa Transcendance Brown
Lisa Transcendence Brown, B.Msc., is a globally recognized Author, Transformational & Evolutionary Code-Speaker, Quantum Catalyst, Teacher, Coach, WayShower/Guide, New Earth Physical Ascension & Empowerment Guide assisting others in Awakening To Remembering fully and Living Mastery from within. As an embodied Ascended Master & Ancient Key-Code-Holder for NEW Earth, dedicated and fully in-service, she brings forth highest consciousness wisdom and knowledge to empower all ready to embrace their own Quantum Existence now.
As a highly respected evolutionary, visionary, sage, oracle, and re-educator through Highest Consciousness Quantum Existence, Lisa is regarded as an expert on our Plasma Crystalline LightBody DNA Evolution, Multi-Dimensional Consciousness/Energy Mastery and Living Our Super Quantum NEW Earth Existence NOW. She shares from her own experiences and works through the Unified Field as Love with a focus on transformation and expansion beyond one’s current physical reality. All of her works are Light Encoded to activate and raise the vibrational frequency of those who receive and to assist with the Evolution of HUmanity through Global Consciousness re-education too. She teaches (and Simplifies) Quantum Logistics and Quantum Dynamics of our Photonic DNA Evolution as it’s occurring on a Multi-Dimensional Level now, yet not in a linear fashion, but instead, a Light Encoded Quantum one.
She holds a Bachelors of Metaphysical Science (B.Msc.) from the University of Metaphysical Sciences and is the author of two world-renowned books: “Awakening to Remembering: A Journey of Consciousness” and “Navigating Dimensions: Reminders for Remembering, Awakening & Ascension Guide Book”, with several more on the way!